Category Archives: Uncategorized

Creators Club Poster 2017 Volunteers?

Hey guys, JR here. As with last year, I'm now looking for someone to do this years Creators Club Poster.

For those of you who aren’t in the know, the Creators Club poster is a community project where one of the members of the community (previously myself, MadJack, Atomic Punk and Hammerknight) have come up with a theme for everyone to follow ( previously we've had stuff like Superheroes, Men In Black, Chibi’s and Westerns, with last years theme being Magic), and then people create a self-portrait of themselves fitting to that theme. All of the self-portraits are then sent to the organiser, who then puts them all together in one big poster that showcases the community that year. It’s not a challenge, it’s just a bit of fun, you don’t have to be a Power User to participate, you just have to use the site and follow the submission rules for the poster.

Now, obviously, we're trying to get new people to do these each year, so if you would like to volunteer and you have an idea for a theme, email it to me at the usual address (it's in my About section at the bottom of the post). I'm only accepting theme ideas from people who email, not from the comments, so if you have an idea make sure you email it.

I'm accepting theme ideas from today until the Jan 17th, so that's 2 weeks, and submissions for the poster should open on Feb 1st provided myself and the organiser have everything arranged.

R.I.P Carrie Fisher

May the force be with her always.

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2016 Heromachine Hall Of Fame Poll

Well folks it is time for you to vote for entries into the HeroMachine Hall Of Fame. All of the entries on this poll was nominated by a member of this community and now it is time for YOU the Heromachine community to decide which FIVE ( 5 ) of these will be entered into the our hall of fame.

Here is how this works, below you will find a poll with 28 entries on it. You can vote for as many of the entries you like from 1 to all 28 of them however choose wisely for you will only be able to vote ONCE! This poll will close on December 31st at 11:59 PM Eastern (USA) time, at which time the Five entries with the most votes will have earned a spot into the hall of fame. In the event of a tie I will cast the deciding vote(s).

[polldaddy poll="9619751"]

HMHOF Nominations are closed

The period for Heromachine Hall Of Fame Nominations is up and I am no longer accepting any more. I will have the poll up sometime tonight or tomorrow, Hall Of Fame

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story Non-Spoiler Review


Hey everybody! As promised, here is my review for Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. After several conversations post-movie, on the drive home, at home, etc., I feel like I’ve had time to bring my thoughts together to into a review for all of you. I’m going to be keeping this absolutely spoiler-free as well, so read on without fear! I mean, if you want to go into this film completely blind, then maybe skip this for now (I understand, I try not to watch reviews for movies I want to see in theaters, especially if I’m going to review them). For those of you carrying on, let’s get right to it.

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No Trailers of the Week, but…

Hey everyone! As the title suggests, there's no trailer discussion this week. I only had three come down the pipeline anyway and that wasn't really enough to make Vol. 3. I am, however, out of town right now and will be seeing Rogue One: A Star Wars Story in about two hours. So instead expect a review for that either tonight or tomorrow, depending on when we get home. Hope everyone is having a great weekend!

Ending 12 Days Of Anime!

Hey Machiners, I am writing to let you all know that I have decided to end the 12 day of anime series. There are a couple reasons I decided on this. First I have some real bad weather rolling in for the weekend here and already I am in a great deal of pain because of it. The Bulging disc in my back combined with my normal weather related back issues is causing me no ends of trouble and I am having trouble thinking creatively in my current condition and my foot that I had surgery on hurts a bit tonight also!

Additionally I can see that the interest in these posts are just not there. No real interaction with Any of my Anime Talk posts in the last couple months, which is discouraging and makes me think that the small community of anime fans we used to have here have moved on to other things.  I may still post a few anime related articles over the next several days, but I will not be continuing the 12 day commitment.

CDC 300 – Results

Tied for 2nd place: JR19759 and hawk007.


And taking 1st place with a trip to the HMHofF is Kellkin.


Congratulations and thanks to all who entered.

Open Nomination: HMHOF!

Well Jr's Hero Of The Year Post today reminded me that it is also time for our annual HeroMachine Hall Of Fame nominations! So here is what I want you to do. In the comments below I would like you to nominate a pieces of Heromachine, and HEROMACHINE ONLY artwork from any creator anywhere on the internet so long as 1) The individual has not been banned from this site, 2) The Heromachine artist knows about the nomination and does not object to his/her artwork being used here. & 3) as noted above the artwork is created 100% inside heromachine with no editing other then basic cropping.

I would prefer you nominate other peoples artwork but you are not forbidden from nominating yourself if you are so inclined. Also there are no limitation on the number of nomination you can make but I do ask you try and keep them to a minimum so I don't need to create a 100 entry poll!

A Bit of Fun: 9 Great Cover Songs

I wanted to do something different, so today I wanna talk about cover songs. Cover songs come in all shapes and flavors, often crossing, blurring, and outright stepping over lines of genre and style. Like any other type of song, they also run the gamut from excellent to atrocious. We’re going to do the former this time around, and save the latter for another time. I’ve actually been really lucky to hear so many good covers, but I want to talk here about the best of the best, the ones that really stand out. To make this list, they had to be at least on par or better than the originals. I’m also limiting to one per band, as some artists do enough covers that they could make a list to themselves. So without further ado, let’s get to it!

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