Category Archives: Uncategorized

Dunkirk Spoiler Free Review

Hey again, everyone! Well, July’s been pretty busy for movies and it isn’t slowing down yet. Today we are looking at the latest effort from director Christopher Nolan, Dunkirk, based on the evacuation of soldiers from Dunkirk, France during the Second World War. As always, no spoilers ahead.

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R.I.P Flo Steinberg

Yesterday, comic book publisher Flo Steinberg died of complications following a aneurysm of the brain and lung cancer. She was 78.

Now, a lot of people won't know who Flo Steinberg is and that is a shame. Not only was she the publisher of one of the first independant comics (Big Apple Comix) since the introduction of the Comics Code Authority and one of the leading women in the industry, her importance goes much deeper than that. She was a member of Marvel's famous Bullpen during the company's renascence during the 1960's. In fact, when she first started at the company, she was one of only two full time employees of the company alongside Stan Lee, too whom she served as secretary. She oversaw the creation of the actual Bullpen (comprising of legendary artists and writers such as Steve Ditko, Don Heck and, of course, Jack Kirby) and was also in charge of the responses to the Merry Marvel Marching Society fan club fan-mail, meaning she had the most interaction with fans out of anyone in the Marvel offices during the company's greatest period. Despite leaving Marvel in 1968 over a pay dispute, she returned to the Bullpen during the 1990's and was still working as a part-time proof-reader for Marvel up until earlier this year. She was so popular with the staff during her original stint with the company that she was nicknamed Fabulous Flo, in that most Marvel of fashions.

So, whilst she may be one of the more overlooked figures in the comics boom of the 1960's, we can at least remember her and her work at the time of her passing. Rest In Peace Flo Steinberg and our thoughts and prayers go out to your family at this painful time.

Make Captain America Great Again

Warning: The Following Is Meant For Parody And Should Not Be Taken Seriously. If You Are Offended By Anything You See Written In This Article Please Feel Free To Keep It To Yourself.

Marvel in somewhat of a crisis. Overall comic book prices are at an all time high and, in February, Marvel's sales hit an all time low, with only 1 of their titles breaking the 100k sales mark (that book being a Star Wars title, so not even a Marvel universe book, and was the start of a new series featuring Darth Maul, a popular character) and their flagship title (The Amazing Spider-Man) hitting only the 60k sales mark. To put that in comparison, when DC hit their record sales low, Batman was still hitting between 100-120k sales. And considering that Marvel have spent the best part of a decade alienating old fans and scaring away new fans, hitting a nadir last year with the reveal that Steven Rogers, the legendary Captain America, was actually a Nazi agent of Hydra. So, what can they do? Well, it's obvious they need a bold new strategy. Something that can Make Captain America Great Again. Well, I'm sure they could do worse than taking a leaf from the current Commander-In-Chief, The President Of The United States, Mr. Donald Trump. Because if anyone knows how to make anything "Great Again", it should be the man who made it his campaign slogan, right? So what advice would the POTUS give to Marvel? Well, I've had some ideas.

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Character Design Challenge #329 – Bite Me! – Results first things first. Photobucket is a nightmare. It is so riddled with ads that it has become almost impossible to traverse. It is ridiculously slow and incredibly frustrating. For future challenges please use a host site other than Photobucket to post your entries. Deviant Art or the HeroMachine forums for instance.

So now to the results....

Honourable mentions go to Владимир Самолин, Xinmodic and Barbario. Love the close up of Barbario's piece.


Runners up this week are Lady Amaranth and JR19759.

And the win this week goes out to... Continue reading

Character Design Challenge #328 – Masterworks – Chagall – Results

The win this week goes to HerrD.

Well done you!

Happy Canada Day!

Happy Canada Day 150 to all the Canadian Machiners out there!

Character Design Challenge #326 – RPG Character Classes: Round 5 – Rangers

Time for Round 5! Your CDC is to create a member of the Ranger Class. This is the group that features the hunters, the sniper ranger and the bow and blade ranger.

Once again, a brief written description of the world of your RPG is an entry requirement.

Rules for posts, contests, and challenges: Original characters only, no copyrighted characters, no characters based on copyrighted characters, no characters based on RPG’s or other games. The characters must be your own design and not based on any character that might be copyrighted in any way. Please keep all submissions PG13. I have the right to delete any post that I believe crosses this line without warning. Only post characters that have been created solely using Hero Machine, and that you know for certain have never been entered in a contest before. If you aren’t certain, don’t enter it, because I’m not going to go back through all of the contests and check.

All entries must be in JPG or PNG form (BMPs are too big), posted to a publicly accessible website (like the HeroMachine :,ImageShackPhotoBucket, or whatever);

  • Entries must be made as a comment or comments to this post, containing a link directly to the image and the character name;
  • Please name your filesas [your name]-[character name].[file extension] before you upload it. So DiCicatriz, for instance, would save his “Bayou Belle” character image as DiCicatriz-BayouBelle.png.

Please make the link go directly to the image (like this) and not to a hosting jump page (like this).

This contest will close on Sunday, June 25th at 9:00am Eastern.



R.I.P. Batman!

Actor Adam West died today at the age of 88, This iconic version of Batman was a childhood memory I will always treasure and my  condolences  go out to his family and friends!

Character Design Challenge #323 – RPG Character Classes: Round 1 – Fighters – Results

First things first! a HUGE thanks to all the creators that entered this week! Great job everyone. I have gone over this for hours now, and I know that no matter how this goes, there will be those who would have chosen differently. First to the honourable mentions.

Meniukas, FelipeSCard, and DemiGod all had stunning entries, but neglected to include the brief written description as outlined in the brief.

3rd place goes to Xinmodic for this brilliant and creative character.

Runner up this week goes to JR19759. Great job!

And the winner is...

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Character Design Challenge #321 – The Doctor Will See You Now

Your challenge this week is to use HeroMachine to create one of the animal/human hybrids known as the Beast Folk from The Island of Doctor Moreau. I have included a list below for reference.

  • Edward Prendick– The narrator and protagonist.
  • Moreau– A vivisectionist who has fled upon his experiments being exposed and has moved to a remote island in the Pacific to pursue his research of perfecting his Beast Folk.
  • Montgomery– Dr. Moreau's assistant and Prendick's rescuer. A medical doctor who enjoyed a measure of happiness in England. An alcoholic who feels some sympathy for the Beast Folk.
  • Beast Folk– Animals which Moreau has experimented upon, giving them human traits via vivisection for which the surgery is extremely painful. They include:

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