Hey guys, JR here and, yes, I know we've had a list already this week, but I wanted to do another one that isn't based on a poll.
So, Overwatch. In case you weren't aware, this is a video game. A team based, multiplayer first person shooter, to be precise, where the players choose a "hero" with unique movement, attributes and skills, from four defined classes (Offence, Defence, Tank and Support). It's become quite popular. The lowest professional critical score it has been given is an 8/10 by Polygon and commercially the game had 7 million players within a week of launch and is currently sitting at somewhere around 20 million players as of this week. So it's good. Well, I mean I freaking the love the thing. But I can't help feeling as though Blizzard (the game studio who developed and published the game) are missing out on something by just keeping the franchise in the realm of video games. So, I'm gonna list the 10 reasons I think Blizzard should make Overwatch a multimedia franchise. And by multimedia, I obviously mean media outside of video games, so TV, Movies, Comics, Books etc. etc. etc.
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