Category Archives: Sketch of the Day

SOD.199 – Henchman

SOD.198 – Weighty matters

An epic fail weekend as I did not post a Sketch of the Day on either Saturday or Sunday. But, better late than never -- here's the one for Saturday.

If you couldn't tell, it's Friar Tuck sitting on a Sheriff soldier.

SOD.197 – Superman Paladin

Riffing off the RPG Corner topic today, I give you Clark Kent, Paladin:

Note that the armor design is a direct rip-off of this AD&D illustration. Apologies to WotC!

Edited to Add: And here it is in color, by request in the comments.
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Steam powered robot, via suggestion from Mark Edwards on the HeroMachine Facebook group.


SOD.194 – Never try to sell fake Skoal to a redneck wizard

SOD.193 – Mighty Mad Max

Thanks to Facebook Friend Juan Miguel Cano Castell for the general suggestion!



A detail from Kaldath's Friday Night Fights prize.


This is a cheat -- I did this almost ten years ago for a military guy in California who wanted a tee shirt design for a motorcycle veterans' rally he was putting on. I can't remember why they wanted time traveling World War II alternate history guys (eventually posed with a hoplite holding binoculars), but he was the client so he got what he wanted. Note I didn't say "got what he paid for" because I didn't charge him; I'm a sucker for veterans, what can I say.

Anyway, yes, this is cheating, since I didn't draw this today. In my defense I did an awful lot of drawing today and just didn't have the gas to do another. So basically I suck, but this is all I've got.