Category Archives: Sketch of the Day

SOD.239 – Wildfire

One of my favorite Legionnaires.

SOD.238 redux

Thanks for the comments on that last Sketch of the Day. I've done a bit of tinkering and thought it would make a good example of how relatively small changes can have a major impact on an illustration.

First, here's the original for reference:

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SOD.237 – Centaur Redux

Thanks to all of the constructive comments on the last Sketch of the Day. I've made some major revisions and here's the result:

I wanted a barbarian type of look, of a savage who's raiding more civilized cultures around him. I definitely wanted a more thick-bodied draft horse look rather than the sleeker Arabian in the first version, which I think I got.

Ultimately I think this was an interesting experiment that's not quite working out how I wanted.

SOD.236 – Centaur

SOD.235 – Tars Tarkas of Barsoom


Thor in high school?



An experiment I was working on for someone. Rodin meets Chris Samnee.
