Category Archives: 30 Characters Challenge

30 Characters in 30 Days Challenge, Day 11: Bob from Accounting

"Hey, run this down to Bob in Accounting. Just don't ask about ..."
"Ask about what?"
"Um. Anything, really. You'll know."


30 Characters in 30 Days Challenge, Day 10: Seeing the light

That first moment when your power awakens is ... well. It's better than the best sex you've ever had, better than winning the lottery, better than that time you were right in the argument with your wife. Of course that last one literally will never happen, so it's not a high hurdle but still, it's pretty awesome. They call it "Seeing the Light" and in Revis' case it was literally true.


30 Characters in 30 Days Challenge, Day 9: Little Red Riding Hood


30 Characters in 30 Days Challenge 2013, Day 8: Shrike

"I ordered a LOW FAT latte!"


30 Characters in 30 Days Challenge 2013, Day 7

A day late, but I present to you Maku the Magical Monster Merchant. Who unfortunately cannot bear to part with any of the beasts in his menagerie, as they're all far sweeter than myth has made them.


30 Characters in 30 Days Challenge 2013, Day 6: Poot & Scoot

One dashes in and out to worry their foes' hamstrings (or hams if the opportunity arises) and the other covers their escape in a cloud of noxious gas. They are ... POOT & SCOOT!


30 Characters in 30 Days Challenge 2013, Day 5: Head Pedant Weasleworth

His students hate him. His wife hates him. His tailor, butcher, cobbler, and housemaid hate him. He neither cares nor knows, for each of them is in their proper place -- beneath him.


30 Characters in 30 Days Challenge 2013, Day 4: Mansplainer

Fresh from a successful mission explaining to Wonder Woman the role of the Greek pantheon in modern comics life, Mansplainer is now on his way to tell you exactly what it is you're doing wrong, ladies. You're welcome.


30 Characters in 30 Days Challenge 2013: Day 3 – They call me Mr. Crabs

And now for something completely different.


30 Days Challenge 2013 Day 2: Iron Spear the Demon Haunted

The obscure and isolated tribe of Native Americans had never heard of Christ, or the Hell He claimed to save the White Man from, or the steel and iron used to subjugate the land. Until they did, and then it was almost too late. I say almost, because a shaman of the Tribe happened to chance upon a dark ritual outside one of the wooden stockades the invaders had spread like a pox, and a demon intended for the innocent lad invaded him instead. But the soul of a Sioux was made of different stuff than the hellspawn of the West was used to, and in place of subjugation the two joined in a once-in-an-eternity pact to fight their mutual enemy.
