Category Archives: New Item Releases

Whenever new items are released for HM3, this is where you’ll find out about it.

City Block

I just added the following city block to HeroMachine 3 in Background-Cityscapes:


Maskless hands

Inspired by an AMS comment, I've just added the following items to HandRight-Standard:


Basically the idea behind these is that you can use them to simulate holding an object without having to use masking, since you can only mask one thing to one other thing at a time. So for instance, you can use the first two to put a rifle in a character's hands with just layering -- all the parts that would be covered in the hand are just not there in the first place.

If this works and there are other hands you'd like to see get the same treatment, let me know.

Jazz Hands and the Flying Torsos, which is NOT the name of my band

I've just updated HandRight-Standard with the following dramatic hand poses:


In addition, BodyMale-Standard has the following headless, flying torso just in case you needed some bad-dream fodder. I was inspired to make this by the flying contest last week, sorry I couldn't get it out faster.


HM3: Stompin Time!


The Ent foot and reptilian abomination foot from the week 3 poll have kicked their way into the Machine! You can find these items in the FootRight/Monster set. Did I mention that we put together a new set for monstrous/creature feet? Mostly old items at the moment but hopefully more will follow.

Thrusting Swords

That title sounds like a romance novel, doesn't it? Oh my.

Regardless, what it actually means is that I have published the following items to ItemRight-Blades. The intent is that you can combine the angled hilts with the angled blades to create the effect of a sword coming more towards the viewer rather than being held parallel to the plane of the canvas.


Robot Hand

Per request from AMS, a new relaxed robot hand is now live in HandRight-Standard:


It's basically one of the items from Gloves with the glove part removed. Thanks to dblade for the original hand pose.

Whiz Bang Item Creation Week 3 Poll Results!

And the winner is...

Ent Foot


Rhino Foot and Abomination Foot just couldn't keep pace with the Ent Foot.

I've already got the Ent Foot going...

and I've started working on the Abomination (Special Five-Toed Edition) Foot...

Now let's see if I can pull off a hat trick and finish the Rhino Foot.

Side Hands

We already have one sort of similar item, but I just uploaded the following additions to HandRight-Standard:


They can be used either for just hanging down empty for a slightly different posed look, or to imitate holding another item at something less than a straight-out-to-the-side angle.

Coming soon: swords that come out at an angle towards the viewer.

The Remnant Sale Goes On

When I went to clean up the attic, I still found a few things that need to get away.
Hmm, I wonder what I might find if I do take a look in the basement... 😉

Winter Sale @ Mad Jack's Rag Shop

With the new year already started, the old stuff has to go to clear my stock for the new delivery of goods.
If you are interested to purchase these items, you just have to clear your cache. 😉