Category Archives: Meta

META: Holdups

New posts (including the contest results and new contest announcement) will be delayed. Hopefully we can get the outstanding issue resolved quickly and normal posting will resume sooner rather than later.

I don't have any answers and I can't explain things any further, so I've disabled comments on this post. When I know something definitive, I'll update you.

ETA: Obviously, the problem was resolved and normal posting has resumed. Huzzah!

META: Hall of Fame

I have always been frustrated with my inability to get a proper "Hall of Fame" type of page going where you could see all sorts of awesome characters in one place.

As of today, that frustration is history! If you click on the teaser ad up there in the banner labeled "Featured Character", you will now be taken to the HeroMachine Hall of Fame.

Plus, that little widget is now randomized, so every time the page is reloaded you should see a new character featured there. Neat, hunh?!

META: Save issues?

I've heard disturbing reports from AMS, Hammerknight, and a couple of other folks that after a Flash update, they lost all their saved files and now can no longer save characters between sessions. Has anything like that happened to you? If so, could you please post in comments with your browser version, operating system version, and Flash version (which you get by right-clicking on the HM3 app and choosing "About Flash Player" from the flyout)?

I'm really hoping Adobe didn't change something about the way they save Flash cookies in this latest release ...

This is a good time to remind you that, as with any piece of software, you should back up your characters on a regular basis to avoid catastrophic loss. There are now three ways to do so:

  1. Save the text string of your character to a file using the "Save as Text" option in HM3 and pasting the results into Notepad or Text Edit or Word or an email or whatever you like. This is the most secure.
  2. Find the hmcharacters.sol file on your hard drive and copy it into a directory you control. You can also make a backup copy of the .SOL files that Flash uses to save your guys. I’ll probably keep the old (current) alpha version “live” for a little while under another name (so heromacine3a.swf or something). If I do that, then you should be able to go in and change the directory name where these .SOL files are kept to that name and still be able to access your characters:

    The saved Flash shared object library files (.sol for you Windows users) are LIKE cookies, but they are NOT actual cookies. They are not stored in the shared internet data files and will not be deleted if you erase all your cookies. You can only remove them by right-clicking on the movie, and going to Flash Settings, removing them there.

    In Windows it's at %AppData%MacromediaFlash Player#SharedObjects\www.heromachine.comhm3 where %AppData% is a variable leading to your browser.

    On a Mac they are in HD / User / / Library / Preferences / Macromedia / Flash Player / #SharedObjects / / / hm3 / heromachine3.swf / hmcharacters.sol

  3. Export your images as JPGs or PNGs. This doesn't enable you to live-edit them any more, but at least you'll have the images.

I hate to think of people losing their hard work, and I'm trying to do a bit of digging to see if anything changed with the latest Flash Player update or what.

Edited To Add: Sure enough, Adobe has implemented much easier methods of deleting "Flash cookies", which is what the HeroMachine save file is. You can get the details here. AMS identified the specific setting you need to change if you don't want all of your saved characters to be wiped out the next time you close your browser after installing the update, at least in Internet Explorer:

2011 HeroMachine Creators Club “Wanted” Poster

Hammerknight has absolutely knocked it out of the park with the 2011 HeroMachine Creators Club "Wanted" Poster. This thing is a real beauty, featuring some of the most prolific and talented creators who inhabit these here parts, each one done in an Old West "Wanted Poster" style. It's just great, and I can't thank Hammerknight enough for putting it together. Printed, it's 24"x36". Here's the web-sized version, with links to the big one and various smaller sizes after that so you can use it as wallpaper if you like.

Again, just a fantastic job, Hammerknight, thank you so much for putting this together. It's awesome!

Here are the links to the various sizes. Just right-click on the thumbnail and choose "Save Link As", or you can click on the link directly to be taken to the image itself, whereupon you can use the File Save option in your browser.

Open Bragging Day

As I mentioned, I am currently out of town at my niece's wedding and thus, can't participate in an Open Critique Day today. We'll pick that up again next week.

In the meantime, though, I thought I'd instead make this an "Open Bragging Day", a chance for you to share one piece of art of which you are particularly proud. Show everyone your one "wow" piece that you think is a great example of what you try to do as a creator. Obviously (given the venue) it could be a HeroMachine character design, or you could scan/photograph a completely different piece and post it.

I'd like this to be a purely positive day for those willing to post. It's "Attaboy Friday", not a critique day, so try to think of something nice if you feel the urge to post a response.

Otherwise, put your artwork up and tell us why you're proud of it!

(Apologies to the WWE for using their logo. It's awesome, though.)

META: Out of town

I'll be out of town from today through Saturday evening at my lovely niece Amber's wedding in St. Francisville, Louisiana. We can literally see the Mississippi River from the church, so depending on how rapidly the flood waters are rolling, we could have a very interesting service indeed. I'm sure the fact that it's on Friday the 13th is not a problem.

Anyway, I've scheduled Random Panels, Lone Wolf, and Power User Profile posts to tide you over during my absence. I'll be checking in remotely via my iPhone to approve moderated comments and such.

Unfortunately I wasn't able to find anyone to cover for the Open Critique Day on Friday, so we'll have to wait for next week on that.

Have a good weekend!

META: Industry news

According to the Wall Street Journal's "All Things Digital", Hearst Publishing's UGO (the company that now owns all things HeroMachine) will in the next few days announce that they have been bought out by NewsCorp's IGN. I don't know if it's true or not, and if it is what it will mean for HeroMachine. I don't know anything more than is in this press release but I wanted to give you all a heads-up just in case.

I will say that UGO has always been tremendously supportive both of me and the program. Hopefully if they are indeed merged into IGN, that will continue. We'll just have to wait and see.

META: Delays

I just wanted to give everyone who was waiting on results for Character Contest 62 that I'm going to be later than usual posting results. There were a LOT of excellent entries and a) I'm having a hard time deciding, b) it takes longer to upload the images and format the post when there are lots of good ones, and c) my in-laws' departure has been delayed by weather and illness so that's slowing things down a fair bit as well.

Anyway, the results will go up before the day is done, but it will be later than I'd like. My apologies!

META: New home for custom items

I've just created a new forum on the UGO HeroMachine boards for the sharing of custom HM3 items along the lines of what Martian Blue proposed the other day. I've broken it down into several sub-folders so hopefully those searching for specific items will have an easier time finding them. If you have suggestions for different categories, by all means speak up. Currently they are:

  1. Male Clothing
  2. Female Clothing
  3. Backgrounds
  4. Companions / Complete Characters
  5. Headgear
  6. Weapons
  7. Miscellaneous Items

Currently they're all empty, so you've got a chance to be the first one to add anything to each of them!

META: Let’s talk ownership

An interesting discussion has arisen in the context of the current Character Design contest, and I wanted to highlight it here for more thorough dissection. In a word, the subject is ownership.

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