Category Archives: Meta

META: HeroMachine Classic

As you can see from the new header link, HeroMachine Classic (version 1.1) is now available for use here as well. It's kind of fun to see how far the program has come in ten years. That's right, the copyright date on that bad boy is 2002. How time flies!

Do you all want to see the other "mini" versions here as well, like the Pinup Creator and such?

Also, note how crappy the logo was before Friend of HeroMachine and Best Buddy John Hartwell did a professional makeover on it. That guy is a stud!

META: HM2 test

Hey folks, if you get a chance, could you try out the blogicized version of HeroMachine 2.5, hosted here instead of at UGO and let me know what you think?

Thanks! This will be a good test of "will it work properly" as well as a good indication of what kind of server load we're talking about.

META: Under Construction

I am anticipating a successful conclusion of the legal agreement between me and the awesome folks at UGO some time today, so in preparation for the change in management I am redesigning the blog. As a result, things might look a bit higgeldy-piggeldy for a bit; please bear with me as I iron out the problems.

META: Hiatus Update

Things are moving on the UGO/HeroMachine front! We have the first pass at a document transferring control of the IP to me, so I think we're going to be good to go! More updates to follow as I get them.

META: Hiatus

After almost a decade of a wonderful partnership, as of January 1, 2012, UGO and HeroMachine are parting ways. My contract with them is up and will not be renewed, which means it's time for me to move on into the next great adventure.

We're still talking about what to do with the program and this site, and while I'm hopeful you'll continue being able to enjoy the use of the program as you always have, we have yet to finalize anything.

As of this writing, UGO still owns all of the HeroMachine intellectual property. Since I am no longer employed by them, I don't feel comfortable, legally, posting new content here. Until we get things squared away, therefore, I won't be updating this site.

For now the HeroMachine 3 Alpha will remain freely available here, and all of the existing HeroMachine content on (including the forums) will stay up as well. I can't guarantee how long that will be the case, however, so I urge you (as always ) to create both text and image backups of all of your creations.

Whatever happens in the future, I want to thank everyone who's either used the program in one of its many incarnations, or who has participated in this blog site. You're a funny, creative, awesome group of folks and you are a large part of what has helped make this the best experience of my life.

I am also extremely grateful to UGO, a fantastic company and a great group of people who truly made all of this possible. I remain optimistic that we'll be able to come to a long-term solution that results in the continued ability to bring your imagination to life with this set of tools. Regardless, I have nothing but good will towards them and will remain eternally and sincerely thankful for their support and partnership.

Happy New Year's Eve!

Consider this an open thread, to discuss anything you like -- memories of 2011, hopes for 2012, which upcoming super-hero related movie has you most excited, requests for the blog, etc. Whatever you like!

As for me, I just want to express once again my sincere gratitude for your ongoing participation in the HeroMachine project, and my intense appreciation for your humor, talent, creativity, and imagination. I am awed by how gracious so many of you are to your fellow creators, how generous with your time, and how willing you are to give your feedback. It humbles me, and I thank you for it, one and all.

And, of course, Happy New Year!

META: A reminder to back up your stuff

Folks, this is just a friendly reminder that the beginning of a new year is a great opportunity for you to protect your valuable creativity. In this case, you can do that by downloading any characters you have on the UGO Forums to your local hard drive for safe-keeping. We've had a couple of scares in the past with those boards in danger of going bye-bye, so it's only prudent to take steps to safeguard your characters. The end of a year is the time to be thinking of that kind of thing.

On a related note, you should also take the time if you have it to make both text and image backups of your HeroMachine 3 characters. The change the browser companies made earlier in the year to start wiping out Flash cookies by default was a good lesson that it definitely pays to be safe rather than sorry. So if you haven't been doing it before, load up the text strings of your favorite characters and paste them into Notepad or something just in case. Doing an image export is also a sound idea.

Create safely so you can safely create!

META: Site updates

Today I submitted a request to my hosting company to move to a different type of service that is metered by memory usage instead of the flat rate I have been using up till now. I want to resolve the temporary outages once and for all, as well as prepare for the future. Hopefully this won't break anything and you won't even notice a difference, but there's always the chance it will all melt down into a steaming pile of digital goo.

Just a heads-up in case you notice funkiness.

META: Slowsnow

We're in the middle of a pretty big snowstorm here in SW Colorado, which is wreaking havoc with my internet connection. Thus, posting today will be a bit slow, including (unfortunately) the contest results. I'll be checking it frequently and posting during open weather windows as possible, but I wanted to warn you.

In the meantime, consider this an open thread and post away! If you have contest ideas you want to see, or Power Users you want profiled, or if you want to talk about the upcoming superhero movies, or anything else that's on your mind, go for it!

META: Apologies for Friday

I apologize for the lack of posts yesterday -- Black Friday got the best of me. We were out of the house early, and it was meeting friends and family the whole rest of the day. By the time we got back, I just didn't get to posting. Consider it a vacation day!

Also, consider this an open thread for whatever you'd like to talk about since we didn't do a Sharing Day yesterday.