Category Archives: Meta

META: Downage

As you can see, the site was down for a large part of the day due to problems at DreamHost central (the company who hosts the domain). It's up now but with the day job stuff going on, it's going to be fairly late tonight before I get to the contest winners and the new one. My apologies.

META: Late

As you can see, I am running late today. I'll have to post the winners and new contest tonight after work. My apologies.

META: Why I don't allow HeroMachine to be used for copyrighted characters

As frustrating as my brush with Marvel's legal department was years ago, the litigation wars are escalating much further, much faster.

Because this is (or at least, was) a business, I am in a much more tenuous legal position than you are as individuals. And yet, here's a case where a guy did some cool Wolverine sketches and had to hire a lawyer to keep Marvel from retroactively taking them for their own.

Make versions of copyrighted characters at your own risk, folks. But if you do, you can't post them here.

META: Traveling Day

I'm flying back to Durango today, so I'll be scarce 'round these parts.

I don't think the story telling thing is going to work after all, so let me know if you have any ideas for features you'd like to see regularly run here on the blog and maybe we can come up with some replacements.

Otherwise, this is an open thread, talk about whatever you like!

META: Commissions

Totally random, but would anyone be interested in commissioned artwork from me, the kind of thing you'd get from an artist at a convention? So you'd say "Jeff, I want a drawing of Catwoman kicking a thug in the face". You'd pay me $x, I'd create your drawing, and Bob's your uncle.

META: Open Thread

Today's shaping up to be pretty busy on the Main Job, so I wanted to open this up for you all to talk about whatever you like.

Have you seen the new Avengers and Spider-Man movie trailers? They look pretty awesome!

But hey, whatever you all want to discuss, go for it.

META: Forum testing

At some point, the UGO Forums will (I assume) come down. It would be nice to have some sort of replacement solution in place before then, so I've installed a WordPress forum for the site that I'd like to test out.

If you're so inclined, give them a test run here, noting of course that this is all just a test and so nothing in there is going to be permanent (probably).

Let me know your thoughts as to ease of use, functionality, and just what you think of them overall. If they'll work, great, and if not I will try something else. The advantage to this particular forum from my perspective is that it was really easy to install and works within WordPress itself, but that doesn't mean anything if it doesn't do what you need it to do.

Thanks in advance for anyone who wants to offer their feedback!

META: A word about judging

I think it's worth a word or two about how I choose the Finalists for each character design contest.

At the end of the process, I want a good cross-section of submissions showing a variety of approaches and techniques. I go into it with the mindset that I want someone who hasn't seen any of the entries to come away impressed with how different success can look, with a good idea of what the whole contest was about.

With that in mind, sometimes I'll select a given submission because one element is intriguing enough that I think a wider audience would really benefit from seeing it. For example, I didn't think gendonesia's "Kung Fu Wrath" fit the concept of the contest all that well, thematically speaking -- I didn't get "wrath" from just looking at it -- but besides being just a really nice illustration, I wanted to point out what a great background technique with the silhouettes used in it. I hadn't seen that done so well before.

Sometimes wanting a good cross-section means picking out one or two that make me laugh, like Atomic Punk's. I thought it was a funny and clever twist on the concept of "Wrath" and that people would enjoy seeing it.

Mostly, though, I pick entries that, when I first see them, make me go "Wow, what a good illustration!" I then ask myself how well it fits the overall contest theme. If it doesn't fit, I look to see if it has a feature that stands out as something I think more people should be exposed to (as in the gendonesia example above).

Quite often there are great illustrations that don't really fit the theme in my subjective opinion and which don't really have a particular feature I want to call out. Those are the ones that are quality products that just don't make it in to the final list.

Sometimes I'll notice a new user who hasn't entered very often (or at all) before, but who's done something really nice. It might not have qualified if it were done by dblade or Imp or one of the more frequent and "veteran" users whose entire body of work has set a certain high standard, but for someone I haven't seen much before it's of good enough quality to merit a mention.

With all of that, I try very hard to keep the total number of finalists to a reasonable number. These files are usually pretty big, and with 15-25 on the page they already load pretty slowly for those on weaker connections. Plus, if you have TOO many of them on a page, people get bored and leave without going through them all. So sometimes you might have an entry that on another week with fewer entries might have made the cut, but this particular week doesn't due to there happening to be an unusually high number of other, great ones.

When taken together, the end result is that I have to get a limited number of Finalists, which taken as a whole show good variety, including some that might not be as strong in terms of concept or execution generally but which have at least one callout-worthy feature. That means some very (very) good entries might get left out in a particular week.

And ultimately, as I've said time and again, this is just my personal subjective judgment on what fulfills the Finalist post's goals.

The key takeaway with any kind of artistic endeavor is that you must do it because the doing of it gives you fulfillment. If you only get that feeling if recognized by someone else (even me!), then you are in it for the wrong reasons. The point of these contests is not to become a Finalist or to win. The point is to have fun, to stretch your creative side, and to engage in sharing your creativity with a wider community. My personal judgments must not and should not be the final arbiter over whether or not you are happy with the work you have done. That must purely and solely come from you and you alone.

META: Comment commentary

I wanted to get your opinion on the new comment structure since there has been a difference of opinion:

[polldaddy poll=5822538]

Thanks for your feedback!

META: Subscribe to comments

Part of the new blog setup is the "threaded comments" feature, so replies show up beneath the original remark instead of being in a long chronological list. However, that can be confusing when it comes to figuring out what the new comments are, so I've re-instituted the old "subscribe to comments" option:

That's at the very bottom of the full-post view. Just check the box and you'll get an email whenever a new comment is made, at the address you provide in your own remarks.