Category Archives: Meta

Sorry For Delay

Sorry for the delay on the reviews this week. In al honesty, an impromptu camping trip pushed everything back a day. Not to worry, though, I'll get one done by the end of the day and the next one tomorrow. Some good and not so good stuff this week.

META: Thoughts and perambulations

So I'm just thinking off the top of my head here ... wait, that can't possibly be the right metaphor.

ANYWAY, I had a crazy idea. What if we did a challenge every single day? Like the Pop Quizzes, you'd only be able to enter each contest once. I could reinstitute the "thumbs up" functionality, and instead of a winner or a "Jeff's favorite", it's just a way for everyone to participate and get their work out there.

Reddit has a "Daily Sketch" challenge that works like this. Take a look and see what you think, and please share your thoughts in the comments below.

META: Layout tweaks and ads

Hopefully it won't be noticeable at all, but I increased the width of the right column to 300 pixels wide to accommodate the better-performing Google AdWords 300x250 ad instead of the previous 200x200 ad.

I also started running an ad in the HeroMachine 2.5 application.

Finally, I'm working on a method for running an ad in the designated HeroMachine 3 space, so be forewarned. I tried this before, but had trouble getting the ad to not show when you're in widescreen mode. But I'm working on it.

Barbario Smash!

Our very own Barbario stars in this awesome trailer! This is pretty darn cool, and Barbario certainly fulfills his promise as a bona fide bad-ass. Well done, sir!

Hall of Fame updates coming!

Today's usually "Sharing Day", so I'm finally going through the nominations for new "Hall of Fame" HeroMachine illustrations. As a result you'll see a ton of new posts today when each of them goes up. In other words, today should be a long series of awesome images, rolling on like the tide!

Feel free to use this as a space to discuss them as they go up, or to talk about whatever you like.

Contest reminder

Hey all, don't forget about Ian T. Healy's super-hero novel design challenge! It's your chance to win a signed copy of his upcoming novel and eternal fame. There's only one week left to enter, so get to creating!

META: Remember to save your characters as text and images!

Folks, just a friendly reminder to always make text-file and image backups of your characters in HeroMachine. The latest Adobe update has in several cases erased all existing Flash cookies (where your saved characters live) after the automatic download, erasing the user's hard work and save files. See this old post for details. Save early, save often!


I'm having a harder time than usual recovering from the trip yesterday, so results for the Pop Quiz might be delayed till tonight or tomorrow. My apologies.

META: Guest posts

I just wanted to note that Andrew Hines, aka McKnight57, has graciously consented to do the occasional (or even, regular!) guest post 'round these parts about current comics. Be sure to give him a warm HeroMachine community welcome!

Hall of Faves

I finally updated the "Hall of Fame" with the last dozen contest winners (thanks to reader Meres for the kick in the pants) and was once again blown away by your creativity and talent. So instead of our usual RPG day today, I was hoping you'd take a bit to go through the Hall of Fame images and give us one or two of your particular favorites, along with why you like them, what you think makes for a good design, and anything else that occurs to you.

Sometimes I find it very inspirational to look through galleries of cool artwork, and I want to spend today feeling that way. I hope you do, too.