Category Archives: Meta

META: UGO Forums now closed

The HeroMachine Forums at are now officially closed to new posts. They will remain up for the foreseeable future as a static repository for all of the awesome stuff that went on there over the years, but starting today no one will be able to add anything.

Instead, I would urge you to use the forums here at for all of your character-sharing, comics-discussing needs.

I would also like to take this opportunity to publicly thank WillyPete, the longtime moderator of the forums there. His service has always been the major determining factor in keeping those going as long as we did, and I can't say enough how much I appreciate it. You are the man, WillyPete!

30 Characters in 30 Days Challenge

This is one of those awesome ideas that I am kicking myself for not thinking of. Basically you're challenged to come up with 30 characters in 30 days. They can be any genre, and any type. It lasts for the whole month of November; you sign up for free, and commit to posting your creations on their site. If you're a writer, you can come up with a character description or bio, or maybe a short scene that describes them. If you're an illustrator, you can draw your own or you could use HeroMachine to create yours.

It sounds like a fun way to stretch your creative muscles and challenge yourself. Apparently only 100 people have completed it, which sounds like the gauntlet has been thrown! If you're of a mind, head on over and check it out.

META: New forum topic

I just added a new sub forum called "How Do I ...?" that's meant to be a central location where people can go to get advice on how to create a given effect they want. For instance, I just got a question from someone on the best way to do stripes on a shirt, but I use the program so rarely I don't really have a good answer.

So if you ever get stuck on a design and aren't sure what to do, that's your new home. Hopefully you pros will poke your heads in from time to time to answer the questions there as well.

META: Comparisons

Just for grins, I put together all of the redrawn HeroMachine 2 Companions and their redrawn HM3 replacements. I've come a long way, baby.

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Elfstones of Shannara to be made into a television show. Good news or Bad?

(Frequent commenter, legendary HeroMachine creator, and Forum moderator Kaldath was kind enough to write up the following article today. Be sure to thank him in the comments! -- Jeff)

Kaldath - Today I saw within my newsfeed on facebook and update from the Terry Brooks Facebook fan page that really surprised me. Apparently Hollywood is interesting in turning the Shannara novels into a TV series, especially the "Elfstones of Shannara" title. Oh how I remember picking up my first every fantasy novel, which was “The Sword of Shannara” which was the first book I ever read by choice and not because I was being made to by one of my English teachers to write a book report on!

"The Sword of Shannara" hooked me on reading. The rich fantasy world of Shea Ohmsford, his brother Flick, their friend Menion Leah, the Towering Druid Allanon, and so many other facets of the story brought me hours of pleasure. I lost myself in the struggles of these characters, in their fight against the dark forces out to destroy them, and I absolutely loved that book. That love carried over to nearly all the other books in the Shannara series including the one being groomed for the little screen “The Elfstones of Shannara”. In this book the Son of Shea Ohmsford, Will Ohmsford, is tasked by Allanon to protect the elven princess Amberle Elessedil on her quest to restore the dying Ellcrys which is the Elven tree of life. The Ellcrys guards not only the Elves but all life from a horde of evil demons which the tree locks safely away from the world, and has done so for thousands of years before it began to fail.

When I saw they were making a book out of one of my most beloved fantasy novel series, my first response was one of joy. I would dearly love to see these characters in action on my television, but then I remembered another book series I loved which was turned into a TV series. “The Legend of the Seeker” based on the Sword of Truth Series written by Terry Goodkind was some of the most god-awful television I have ever had the misfortune to lay eyes on. The thought that the the Shannara series could be ruined the same way as the Sword of Truth was sickens me. We all know how hard it is to translate the written medium to live action, especially that of a fantasy world full of magic and dark beings, and while I am certain there is potential for some great TV to come out of this I somehow have my doubts.

What about you? What are your thoughts on "The Elfstones of Shannara" appearing on TV? Do you think it a good thing or does the thought fill you with dread of another ruined memory?

All HeroMachine Versions Now Online!

Remember the Modern Warrior app, the first taste of the HeroMachine 3 engine? Now you can play with it again! Along with the Pinup Edition, Zombies, and more.

That's right, after much work and code wrangling, I am happy to announce that you can now get to all of the old HeroMachine Mini versions! I've put together a page with links to all of them, and also added a link in the header so you're never more than a click away from the full list.

I've tried to test them as well as I could, so hopefully you won't run into any major problems. Please let me know if you do. And have a good time strolling down memory lane!

META: HM3 ads

I just updated the HeroMachine 3 app page to support Google Ads. It seems to work but the code is weirding me out, so if you see anything not behaving correctly, please let me know.

I believe I have it set up where if you go to the widescreen view, the ad disappears so you can see the entire canvas, and then it comes back when you return to the default. Again, if not, holler.

META: I get spam

Maybe if you stopped associating with Nazis you'd be in a better mood.

The real life of 40+ year old guys at Dragon*Con

META: Dragon*Con 2012

I'll be headed to Dragon*Con starting tomorrow through Monday. If any HeroMachinists will be there, let me know and maybe we can hook up for coffee or somesuch.

And when I say "hook up", the photo is not what I meant. For the record, I am NOT the one in the bikin.