Category Archives: HeroMachine 3

HM3: Prize updates

You may recall that last year I exercised my executive privilege to revert a bunch of unclaimed contest prizes back to the community. You all came up with a ton of suggestions for those unused prizes, and voted on the ones you most wanted to see happen. Since then, some of those items have been done and some remain, while others have been chosen as prizes by new winners. I wanted to update everyone on the status of that ongoing effort, so here's the current list:

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Terminal Knees

Watson Bradshaw requested a set of legs that would terminate at the knees, as if the character were kneeling. Since that's been requested by lots of folks, I thought it would be wise to go ahead and publish the first pass at it for general comment, though since it's Watson's prize he gets the final word. Here's the screen grab of it:

It's now live in "Body-Male-Standard" and once we get it finalized (i.e. Watson says he likes it), I'll do a set for the female body as well. Let me know what you think, changes you think it needs to be fully functional, etc. I put in one for the left and one for the right leg.

HM3: New Right Hands

Finishing up Imp's prize from Character Contest 33, I've converted these three hands from the Modern Warrior mini to HeroMachine 3 Alpha:

Thanks for your patience, and for the suggestion, Imp!

HM3: Common female fantasy tops

I've just posted the "Tops-Female-Fantasy-Common" set to HeroMachine 3, a conversion of the previously released male items to fit the standard female body. As usual, if you don't see it on the list, clear your browser cache. Enjoy!

Hammerknight’s Elven Recipes

My apologies for how long it took me to post these, but some time ago Hammerknight put out two recipe cards for making good elves in HM3, and I thought it was long past time to share them. Thanks HK!

HM3: Female Fantasy Armor Tops

I've just added the Tops-FemaleFantasyArmor set to the HeroMachine 3 Alpha. Let me know if you spot any problems (other than the one that shows the pattern in the midsection that's supposed to be bare). As usual, if you don't see it in the list, clear your browser's cache and reload HM3.

Happy Halloween!

In honor of this silliest of American traditions, and with thanks to SpiderCow2010 for choosing it as his contest prize, I give you ... PunkinHead!

This nightmarish visage can be found haunting the pages of "Head-Zombies" in HeroMachine 3 even as we speak, in both a blank pumpkin and face-carved version. Enjoy!

Scary HM3 Halloween Cemetery

With profound thanks to Me Myself and I (meaning the frequent contest entrant and commenter, not literally me, Jeff Hebert) for putting this together, I am happy to present what may be the most ambitious Recipe to date -- MMI's Super Creepy Halloween Cemetery. I thought it would be the perfect fit for the Halloween week.

Next week we'll have another installment of Hammerknight's great "character archetypes" series, but this one was too perfectly timed to wait.

Thanks again MMI!

Note that if anyone else has recipes or how-to visual guides they'd like posted here, by all means send 'em on.

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HM3 Reprizing Results

The results are in for deciding which items will replace those unclaimed contest prizes from months gone by, and they are:

Thanks to all who submitted ideas, and who voted, your feedback is always very much appreciated.

I tend to work very slowly on these prizes, so you might not see these start to appear for a while. Or they might get done tomorrow! That's the joy and wonder of working in a completely ad hoc and random manner, not even I know what I am going to do next for sure.

But they are on The List and I will definitely be getting them added at some point.

Poll Position: HeroMachine prize items!

I've compiled all your excellent suggestions regarding replacement prize items for contest winners who never told me what they wanted -- thank you all for the time and effort you put into the ideas!

I had to leave out a few for various reasons; either they were redundant, or I already had the item in question (there's already a set of jodhpurs in Legwear-Standard), or they weren't specific enough. In cases where you asked for more than one thing, I usually just took the first one from the list. If the person making the request provided a reference photo link, I added it to the choice -- just click on an image to expand it. If there was no reference provided, you'll just have to use your imagination.

So here's how this will work.

Vote for as many items in the following list as you would want to see in HeroMachine 3. At the end of a week, the top ten vote getters will become HeroMachine items (eventually)! It's so simple, even a bald hick like me could do it.

And so can you, so go do it already!

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