Category Archives: HeroMachine 3

HM3: Pointy-headed Celt with a horny body

I've just uploaded the following items to HeroMachine 3 (clear your browser's cache if they're not showing):

From the top left, you have:

  • Cool Celtic knotwork pattern in Background-Shapes from Me, Myself, and I;
  • Legend-ary horns in Ears-Standard from dblade;
  • A male body in 3/4 view (along with appropriate arms and legs) as the prize for Blue Blazer's Character Contest 60 win by me.

As usual with body items, these are not fully supported with clothing and such -- you're on your own for making them fit. However, I did include a new leg with the hip rotated towards the viewer, and a new arm rotated away as it would be in a 3/4 view to hopefully help you "sell" the idea. I'm not sure how helpful this will be since you can't put insignia or pre-made tops on it, but I'm sure you creative types out there will figure out a way to make it useful.

Depending on feedback I get on this one, I'll be doing the same to the Female Body as SeanDavidRoss' Character Contest 62 win.

dblade also put together a cool Crusher-type head, now available in HeadMale-Standard:

Many thanks to guest artists MMI and dblade!

HM3: The Impossible Brons Renaissance Leech-Rabbit

I've just added the following items to HeroMachine 3:

From top-left to bottom-right, they are:

  • Brons missed out on his two prizes for winning Character Contests 21 and 23 (they ended up getting forfeited to the "Reprize Patrol"). We finally managed to get in touch and I have added his portrait to Head-Winners.
  • dblade requested a conehead (a la The Impossible Man), which is now in Head-Aliens for winning Character Contest 58. dblade, if you wanted just the top half and not the chin, let me know and I can make that happen.
  • Kytana wanted an "Alice in Wonderland" style hare for winning Character Contest 59, now available in Companions-Standard.
  • The bottom left item is a gift from dblade, who drew up the nifty leech mouth for "those of us who want to suck". Ha!
  • Finally, Doomed Pixel wanted a pair of Renaissance pants as his prize for being the co-winner of Character Contest 38.

Thanks to all those folks for their great ideas and particularly to dblade for drawing a custom item! Let me know if you have any problems loading these.

HM3: Oriental Fan

I've just added the following prize for Iago Valentine's Character Contest 55 prize, an open Oriental fan now available in "ItemRight-Miscellaneous":

As usual, you may have to clear your browser's cache for it to show up if you've recently loaded that set.

HM3: Toothy, chesty, fluttery, and explosive

I've just uploaded more new items for you to enjoy in HeroMachine 3:

From the top left, credit goes to:

  • Scorpidius for the chest piece, now in Tops-Male/FemaleFantasyArmor;
  • Me, Myself, and I for the eyelashes now in Eyes-Standard;
  • dblade for the missile-filled version of the launcher, now in ShoulderRight/Left-Tech;
  • dblade for the big huge canines-filled mouth now in Mouth-Standard.

Thanks guys!

HM3: More items

A number of new items are now available for your use in HeroMachine 3:

The eyes are courtesy of Me, Myself, and I. They feature the two "hollow eyes" at the bottom and the two eyeballs at the top, one human and one cat-eye. The idea here is that you can turn on "Multiples", add the hollow eyes, add the eyeball of your choice appropriately colored, then by masking the ball to the eye and moving it about, you can create a face that's looking in different directions. A nifty idea!

The missile launcher is courtesy of dblade, and can be found in ShoulderRight/Left-Tech. Those tech items are a bear to draw, and he did a great job on it.

The boot is from me and is for Doomed Pixel's Caption Contest 87 prize, "Biker boots". It's in FootRight-MaleStandard, eventually to be ported to the left side.

Many thanks to MMI and dblade for taking the time to draw these items! I've also got a couple from Scorpidius that I need to get into the app; hopefully those and more will be coming up in the next day or two.

As usual, you may have to clear your browser's cache for these items to show.

HeroMachine 3 Custom Items

I've been very impressed with the HeroMachine 3 items DBlade and Zyp have recently submitted. Adding them to the program was much quicker than I thought it would be, and they look good on the figures. And of course, Mark has a long history of drawing a ton of fantastic stuff to flesh out our characters.

For those wanting to submit items, I wanted to put together template files that have everything in the proper layers. That should make it easier for you, and definitely will make it easier for me. After the jump, I'll get into the nitty-gritty details of how to do all this.

This is for advanced users who have access to and are comfortable using a vector-based drawing program, so be warned. If that's not you, then you probably don't need to read further as it's pretty technical.

Continue reading

The eye has it

DBlade has sent in another great item, an all-seeing centered Cyclops eye, designed to look correct (ha!) when placed in the center of the head, instead of the others which are all drawn to either go on the left or right side:

This is now available in Eyes-Standard. Note that as usual, you may have to clear your browser's cache if it doesn't show up at the end of the list.

HM3: Printing

Is anyone having trouble printing directly from HM3? I'm having trouble getting the image to appear properly using the built-in "print" button, it cuts it off.

Hm3: Wrestlemania!

I've just uploaded to Headgear-Masks the following wrestler mask (in two parts in case you want to use just the designy part on top of some other item) the following two Wrestle-tastic pieces for Galactic Ketchup's Caption Contest 82 win:


HM3: Scary clown mouth

Many thanks to awesome creator dblade, who drew this scary clown mouth now available in Mouth-Standard: