Category Archives: HeroMachine 3

Slots and sets in HM3

Fabien asked a good question in the comments to the last post -- what happened to Headgear and Masks? Discussion to follow the jump.

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HM3 journal, Day 3

On Monday (Day 1 of the HeroMachine 3 development process), I finalized the slots and started researching how to load external movies (.swf files) into the main Flash application in Action Script 3. Yesterday I actually laid down sample code to do just that, and was able to load in sets of bodies and then heads from the Horror mini. I was then able to click on the previews for each item and load it onto the stage where I could drag it around and do all other sorts of nifty things to it.

That was the biggest programming challenge; now that I've settled that, I can move on to the rest of the coding. Today I am going to be starting work on the relatively complicated navigation system for choosing which slot you want to be working on, and which set of items within that slot you want. I also have to do a lot of the background stuff like deciding how to format the array holding all the slot variables, what properties to give them, conceptualize how they'll all stack, etc.

After the jump I'll put the list of slots, if you see anything missing that ought to be there, let me know. Like in the recent Minis, you'll be able to add as many items in each Slot as you want.

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HeroMachine 3.0 begins

Today I am officially starting on HeroMachine 3.0; I even created a folder for it on my hard drive, so you know it's serious!

It will be built on the same code base as the recent Warrior and Horror Minis, meaning it will have all of those features (scalability, custom colors, line colors, movable items, rotation, transparency, multiple items in a slot) and more. During the discussion of those minis, I kept a list of feature requests that seemed like particularly good ideas, and I am listing them below. Take a look and let me know any other stuff you'd like to see HM3 have.

  • Magnifying glass zoom feature
  • Pre-set pose/body style buttons to recreate classic builds.
  • Preview mode.
  • "clone" button
  • On the scaling tool, a button "keep proportion" would be useful.
  • Pop up asking if you really want to delete ALL items.

I've still got some work to finish on both the Zombie Mini and the general Horror Mini but hopefully that'll be done in the next two weeks, and can go on concurrently with the HM3 stuff.

I'm very excited, and I have high hopes that this will all come together very quickly!

What's old is new

I was going through some old sketch books yesterday, and came across some of the very first ideas I had for HeroMachine. What struck me was how similar they are to some of the knockoffs I've seen since then, and how some of the ideas back then may surface in HeroMachine 3. Since part of what I want to do with this blog is to include you in the process of developing a piece of software, I thought I should share those old drawings; here goes!

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HeroMachine 3 Items

One of the members of the HeroMachine discussion group wrote the following suggestions for HeroMachine 3:

I have three suggestion for the HM 3
1- create a forhead component. Cool for jewel and other piercing but also for rhino or unicorn horns and for classi mask insignias.
2 - Separate belt in two components : the belt body and the buckle. It permit to create combos. You can introduce in hM3 stuff like metallic letters buckles or other symbol bucles and combinate that with all kind of belt.
3 - Patterning : Not just propose only color but also patterns. Those patterns must be color customisable, of course. It particulary interesting for components like undershirts, leggings and masks. But we can imagine different kinds of patterns and textures for each components. But i suppose it's less manageable.

These are excellent suggestions. The patterning is already in the plan (such as it is), but I hadn't thought about separating out buckles.

In my head, the basic idea behind HM3 will be that each spot on the body will have multiple sets of items you can load onto it. So for instance, among the slots available to place on the Torso would be four for shirts (Shirt Slot 1, Slot 2, Slot 3, and Slot 4). I'd have a bunch of separate files containing item sets that would fit any of those four slots, probably grouped into themes, like "Undershirts", "Overshirts", "Bandoliers", "Capes", etc. so it's easy to find the items you want. But you could choose to load all four slots up with the Undershirt items if you wanted.

One of the key differentiators between HM1 and HM2 was that in HM1, if you wanted a particular body, you were stuck with whatever components and items were made for that body. So if you wanted a big brickish looking guy, you couldn't get martial artist weapons, or if you wanted a melee warrior you couldn't get firearms. HM2 did away with that limitation, so all items and all components were available on any body style. But you still are stuck with, for instance, only one Coat slot. If there are two Coats you want to layer on a character, you can't. My goal with HM3 is to do away with that limitation, so that you can basically load any set of items you want into any component slot you want.

That raises some complications when it comes to masking -- for instance, fitting a gun into a hand without the lines from the gun overlapping the lines of the hand. But that's the general idea.