Category Archives: HeroMachine 3

HM3: More ranged items

I've just made the updated "ItemRightRanged" set for the HM3 Alpha available, which includes a lot of the suggestions from Solander and others, primarily in the "Thrown Items" sort of category. It also includes the prize for our first Character Contest winner, Imp, who requested:

Okay, how about this: a bow that looks like a bat - the arms would be the 'wings', with a kind of webbed look - sort of like a more intricate, stylized Batman symbol.

It's the last item in the set, and here's what the lineart looks like:


Congratulations to Imp, and I should get to those other prizes ... soon. Yeah.

HM3: Take a bow

I've just update the HeroMachine 3 Alpha with the "ItemRightRanged" set, featuring all manner of bows with a couple of arrows, a boomerang, a sling, and a javelin "thrown" in for good measure.

If you have specific bows you want included that you don't see, let me know. Your best shot at getting an item included (besides winning one of the character contests!) is to put a link to an image of what you want in your request, like Solander did. That's no guarantee, but it's a lot easier on me if I have an actual reference to look at.

Hope you like the new set of items! Next up is probably Shields, as it ought to be easy to knock those out.

Note that I won't be converting these all over to "ItemLeft" til I get all the sets done. In the meantime, "flip" is your friend.

HM3: More glasses

With many thanks to Solander for an awesome set of links in the comments to the last "glasses" post, I have updated HeadgearGlasses with seven new items, including a monocle, a really nifty "x" set of sunglasses, a steampunk mask thingie, and several more. Hope you like 'em!

HM3: Through a glass darkly

I've just added "HeadgearGlasses" to the HeroMachine 3 Alpha. Here's a quick snapshot of some of the new items:


I tried to make all of the lenses "color2" without a color1 underneath them so you can get semi-transparent effects. I also set the pattern areay to be just the lenses, since the frames for most of them are so tiny.

Let me know if you wanted a specific style of glasses that didn't make it, and I'll see what I can do.

Also, let me know what you want me to work on next. Barring any clear consensus otherwise, I'll probably either do Neckwear next (either as a stand-alone slot or as a set under Tops) or some additional "Item" sets like polearms, bows, etc.

HM3: Minor mask tweak

The Mask set was just updated with two minor tweaks. I changed the long tapering head-top to a smaller one, more in line with what I originally wanted (and less in line with a very recognizable feature from an extremely popular character from an extremely litigious company) and the addition of a new full-head mask that has curved color areas on it (last item in the set).

HM3: Behind the mask

I've just updated the HeroMachine 3 Alpha with the "HeadgearMask" set featuring 49 items, most of them brand new. Here's a quick look at twelve of the new items:


Note that I have included several different "pieces" for you to use in assembling your own custom mask if you like. For instance, in the preview above the item on the bottom row, second from the left is meant to be colored as if it were flesh, and combined with a full-head colored as a cloth mask. This allows you to make a straight-lined mask open at the top to let the hair spill out with either a curved Captain America-style mouth opening, or one like you see here, or one of the alternates. Or you could swap out the straight-line top portion with a curved one. You can also use the dedicated "eye hole" items from the "EyesStandard" set to further customize your headgear.

Similarly, the gas mask you see in the last two items of the preview are meant to be used together. But I thought the purely mask portion was pretty neat looking, so I made it a standalone. And you can now combine the filter portion with any of the other masks for your own unique look.

As usual, holler if you see any bugs or problems, or if there's a Mask item you really wanted to see but that didn't make it.

HM3: Five new hands

I just added five new hands to the HandLeft/RightStandard sets. They include a palm-out, palm-in, edge-on, bicep-flex-curl, and a skeleton with no flesh. Enjoy!

HM3: Feet are gross, but now there are more

I updated the BodyStandard and FeetStandard sets with new items. Specifically I removed all the feet from the bodies, and added them at the end of the Foot sets. I included skeleton feet, and top-down flying feet both with and without toes. It's not perfect, but having booted foot bottoms in a flying position should help with those specific poses.

HM3: A few new body parts

I updated BodyMaleStandard for the HeroMachine 3 Alpha with a few new body parts just now:


They are a better forearm held across the body; arms extended straight out from the sides; crossed arms; a different set of arms held like the hands are on the hips; a new "show off your guns" flexed arm; some slightly different "one foot forward" legs; a pudgier torso; the flexed arm from the Zombie set; and a fitted skeleton. Hope you find them useful.

HM3: Pattern changes

I've just updated the HeroMachine 3 Alpha with some bug fixes:

  • Made it so that you can apply Patterns to Hands and still mask Items into them -- no more full-screen free-floating grayscale patterns when what you really wanted was scales on the hand to match the forearm.
  • Changed the size of the mask on the Hands, so that long objects like swords or staffs shouldn't get nipped in half when placed and masked.
  • Changed the size of the default grayscale patterns (the ones in the Patterns tab) so they fill the whole screen. You can see this most easily when using the long cape in Backplane-Standard, previously all of the patterns would abruptly end about three inches before they got to the bottom of the cape. Now they go all the way down.
  • Changed the "Tiger Stripe" pattern rather significantly, lowering the alpha value to 40% instead of 70% and using a completely new drawing for them, hoping to make them look better.
  • Minor change to Save/Load, hoping to fix the layering problem. Let me know if this still happens -- I don't have high hopes I fixed it, but we'll see.

Let me know if you see any weirdness.

Also, a warning -- this isn't supposed to do anything bad to your previously saved characters, but I can't guarantee that. In general, until we get to a full release (or at least a solid beta), you should always make a JPG or PNG of any character you don't want to lose. I may have to significantly change something at some point that will effectively destroy your old saved characters. I don't PLAN on that, but you never know -- that's why it's still an alpha.