Category Archives: HeroMachine 3

HM3: Let’s be blunt

I have just uploaded the "ItemRight-Blunts" set to the HeroMachine 3 Alpha. Here's a screen grab of one of the preview screens for the new items, including "Bonebreaker", the prize for Silent Bilbo's Character Contest 5 winning entry:


As you can see, I tried to break each item up into four parts where possible, like in the first two rows. You have the entire item assembled, then just the top part, just the middle, and just the bottom. Sometimes, like in the last row's short mace, you can only get the whole item, the top, and the bottom. In those cases I included an extra head, usually, that you'll have to assemble yourself with the shaft.

Other times, particularly at the end, each item was just a one-off, not broken up.

Let me know what you think, any bugs you find or items you want to add, etc. I went through all the suggestions in the last thread and included a lot of them, but a surprising number were actually axes or swords or whatnot.

Next up, guns! I think we've got enough potential firearms to break them up into several sets, starting with Pistols and then Rifles, and then probably general Big Modern Weapons like flame throwers, missile launchers, etc.

HM3: Next on the agenda

By a narrow margin, it looks like Blunts have beaten Firearms, so I'll be working on that next. Then I'll go immediately into Firearms, as I do think that's a glaring omission.

Feel free to post specific Blunt requests. Next week I'll do the same for Firearms but for now, please keep it to hand-held blunt-trauma weapons. Comments with links to an actual image of the requested item will get preferential treatment because, let's be honest, I'm lazy.

Edited To Add: Guys, as usual, all items (or close to it) from 2.5 will be included, so you can lay off those.

HM3: Coats soothe, relieve

I've just added the complete "TopsMaleCoats" to the HeroMachine 3 Alpha. I've broken each item down into four parts -- the complete item, just the chest portion, just the upper sleeve, and just the lower sleeve, as you can see in the samples below:


You can use the "multiples" setting and the "Flip" button to get matching sleeves on the other side. Some of the HM2.x items aren't here yet, as they were just vests, and I'll have a separate "TopsVests" set at some point.

At the end, I added in four elbow pieces that hopefully are generic enough to serve as "bridges" between sleeve portions for when you want to have a character with bent arms. Similarly, in the middle portion I added a few separated trenchcoat bits (one pulled back at the waist as if tucked behind a gun, one long vest portion just on the right, etc.) sine those seem like popular choices and mix well with the existing trenchcoat sleeves.

Let me know any bugs you find, missing items you hoped for but don't see, or anything else you want to say about the new bunch of stuff. Also, what would you like me to work on next? Popular suggestions in the past have been more hand-held items (probably either guns or Blunts), more Tops (vests, probably), more Legwear sets, etc.

Hope you like the new stuff!

HM3: Sleeve questions

I've been struggling the last couple of days trying to figure out exactly what you guys want when you say I need to work on "sleeves" next. Do you want an entire set of Tops that are the whole shebang -- a vest portion and sleeves, broken out into just the vest; just the upper sleeve; just the lower sleeve; and the whole thing assembled? Or do you literally want an entire set of just sleeves, presumably at some point to be followed by a set of just vests?

If you mean you literally want just sleeves, do you want them broken out into upper and lower sleeves? Each complete shoulder-to-wrist sleeve, then, would actually be SIX items -- upper right only, lower right only, complete right, upper left only, upper right only, complete left.

Or is that too complicated?

HM3: Kneeded additions

I've just added the "Legwear-Kneepads" set to the HeroMachine 3 Alpha. Here's a screen grab of some of the new items:


Let me know any problems you run into, items you wanted to see but don't, what you think of the items that are there, etc.

Next up ... I have no idea. What do you want to see me work on next? More Tops like coats, jackets, etc.? Something else?

HM3: The sky is the limit

I've just released the "BackgroundSky" set for use with the HeroMachine 3 Alpha. Here's a taste of the first page of items in the new set:


While most of these can be used singly, you can get some really nice settings by toggling "multiples" on, and combining some of the Sky items with Floors. For instance, the tree with lawn from Floor layered over the rickety rope bridge also found in Floor, with the waterfall and rock item from Sky, makes for a cool jungle-explorer setting.

Drawing these environments takes a really long time, as you can hopefully see from the level of detail in them. So I understand there are a lot more Sky and Floor and other environmental goodies that could be done, but I frankly am kind of sick of them at this point. We'll circle back and fill in the (sizable) gaps before launch -- for instance, there are lots of "wizard's lab" types of items that would work great.

Also, I realize that "Sky" is probably a bad name for these, since after the first four or five items I kind of ran out of actual "sky" stuff to do, and instead is more like a "middle ground" sort of set. But I didn't think anyone would know what "middle ground" meant. The sets in this slot are all sort of a jumble, but if it's too odd I can always go back and reorganize, just let me know.

Finally, I'll be moving on to Kneepad items next. Would they go better in the FootRight and FootLeft slots, or should I put them in Legwear? And let me know any specific knee-pad types of items you would want specifically to see.

HM3: Hit the floor

I've just released the "BackgroundFloors" set for the HeroMachine 3 Alpha. Here's a quick sample of some of the 2.x items -- plus some -- that have been redrawn for 3.0:


The idea behind these setting pieces that I'll be including in the "Background" slot are that you'll mix and match them to make up the environment you want. There are only a couple of full-environment items here, like the forest path, which I'm frankly not sure work all that well. The rest, though, are just pieces that you can use to build up the right effect.

I'm sure you'll come up with creative ways to use the new stuff, but let me know if you find any mistakes, see anything you don't like, don't see something you were really hoping for in a "Floor" set, or anything else that's on your mind.

I think the next thing to do will be a set called "BackgroundSky" or something like that, with the intent that they'd be placed essentially behind the Floors to make a complete environment. So give me any requests you have for those things that might not be included in that last request post.

After that I'll probably do some sort of middle-ground stuff like tree lines, mountains, etc. (kind of like the building roof retaining wall in this current release). Finally, at some point I'll just do a whole big set of "general environmental items" that you can stick where ever you want -- candles, books, single boulders, benches, that kind of thing so you can really dress the room just like you dress your character.

I don't know for sure if this is the right approach, so by all means feel free to opine about that too.

HM3: Settings

I'm going to be moving on to various background or setting elements tomorrow, so if you have any suggestions, please leave them in the comments here. I'm talking about various props such as chairs, tables, flooring, background walls, doors, fields of lava, that kind of thing, items that would surround your character and make it look as if there is an actual scene taking place. One such set will probably be word balloons, for instance.

HM3: A new energy

The HeroMachine 3 Alpha has just been updated with 39 new entries in ItemRightEnergy for all your blasting needs. I tried to include things that would work well when used together, so you'll notice a variety of simple circular shapes and energy auras and such, so give the "multiples" setting a ride on this one. As always your suggestions were key to making this set work, so thank you for taking the time to post your links and ideas, I really appreciate it.

If you see something you don't like, or don't see something you would like, please let me know in comments and we'll see what can be done. Here's a quick preview of the first page of new energy effects:


HM3: Energy requests

If you have specific requests for energy effects to go around the hands, please post them in the comments below. Note that pretty much everything from 2.x will be added in, so you can skip requesting those. Suggestions with links to images get extra super bonus points.