Category Archives: HeroMachine 3

HM3: Yet more polearmage

Mark has updated the ItemRightPolearms set with another group of items (including some favorites from 2.5) and a few tweaks to existing ones. Check it out when you get a chance, and thanks once again to Mark!

HM3: Girl stuff

With thanks to Demented the Clown for the gentle nudge and the painful (in a good way) face-plant of idiocy I subsequently administered to myself for not thinking of it before, I just posted the "TopsZombie" set to the HeroMachine 3 Alpha. This should be of particular interest because it includes the Zombie Female tops like the cheerleader outfit, the fitted jackets, etc. so you can hopefully get a somewhat better female figure assembled a bit more easily.

Note that I was able to squeeze this in because it only took like thirty minutes. All I had to do was rename stuff and update the previews, so it was quick. The down side is that I don't have time to do the tops up in the "new" style of removing the sleeves as separate elements, so for some of these you're stuck with the arms in the regular down position.

This is just a quick and dirty stop-gap measure to get you something nicer than what we have, without implying that it's the optimal or final resolution.

Anyway, hope you get some use out of it until we can get the real female template up and itemized. In the meantime, back to the Mini grind, which hopefully should be done soon.

HM3: Polearm update, Asian style

Mark added some new heads to the ItemRightPolearms set for HeroMachine 3, featuring several new Asian-inspired entries. Enjoy!

HM3: Polearms update!

Although I haven't been able to work on the Polearms for HM3 due to the new mini, long-time HeroMachine contributor (and designer of many of the most-loved items from 2.x) Mark Shute has stepped up to the plate and generously offered his time to put together a set of them for you all to use and enjoy. His mix-and-match polearm shafts and heads are now available in the HeroMachine 3 Alpha in the ItemRight slot.

Let Mark and me know in the comments what you think of the new set. Once the new mini is out I'll circle back and add in my own bunch of items to it as well, so it's not complete by any means, but Mark's provided a very solid and flexible collection that should greatly enhance your ability to make the perfect character illustration.

Enjoy them, and be sure to say thanks to Mark, he worked hard on these and did a great job!

HM3: On hold

Good news and bad news -- we got another paying client for a HeroMachine Mini version! Wahoo! That's good news because a) it continues to make the program valuable to UGO in a monetary sense (sales is what drives them) and b) it gives us a new toy to play with when it's done.

However, it's also bad news because it means work on HM3 will grind to a halt for the next 3-4 weeks while I crank non-stop on this very short deadline. So Polearms are going to be on hold, as will much of anything else except this new thing until further notice.

I'll still be updating the blog on the regular schedule so by all means keep checking in, making suggestions, generating hilarity, etc, but I wanted you to know the latest status, and to not be too surprised as new releases come to a halt for the next little bit.

Hammerknight’s Recipes: Toon

(With many thanks to friend-of-the-site Hammerknight, who now presents you with suggestions on how you might use the new test Toon body. Enjoy, and be sure to thank him for volunteering his time! Click on an image to embiggen it for legibility.)


HM3: Polearm requests

I'm moving on to Polearms for HeroMachine 3. Please make any polearm item requests in the comments below, and I'll see what I can do. As usual I'll be doing my best to port over all the 2.x items where relevant, so you can skip those. I'll be breaking each item up into at least three parts -- complete item, head, and shaft.

Finally, a few tips for making these requests to make sure you're not wasting your time.

  1. While you're free to request anything you like, any non-Polearm suggestions will likely be in vain, as I won't be working on any other sets and by the time I do, I'll have forgotten about this thread. So stay focused on Polearms for the best results.
  2. Requests which have a link to a specific image on the web somewhere are the most helpful. It's just a lot easier for me to click a link and BAM there's the item you want.
  3. Please take a few moments to make sure the items you post are something you'd actually want to use, and which you think a fair number of people would also find useful. Spamming in three dozen links to stuff that's either already been suggested, or already exists in 2.x, or which is just kind of silly (a big stick with the Pillsbury Dough Boy hanging from it!) are kind of wasting your time and mine.

I don't want to inhibit your enthusiasm at all, so please feel free to request at will. But I do want to make sure I've done my best to help you understand the most effective way to getting your requests turned into actual items, so you don't end up feeling I've wasted your time.

Thanks everyone!

HM3: Possible female template

I still have a much better artist working on a female blank body template for you all, but in the meantime (since I seem to be on a body-drawing binge) I wanted to get your feedback on this:


The current Zombie body (not intended for prime time, but it was there, so ...) is on the right, the proposed new one on the left.

As for what I am working on now, I'm honestly taking this week and week-end to sort of play around with some ideas (like the toon body) that I've been thinking about. So in other words, no real item sets are being worked on at the moment, I'm tinkering. Which doesn't always yield results, but is still a necessary part of the creative process. There's also some behind-the-scenes corporate paperwork type stuff I am having to get together. Dull, but needful.

Next week is a short one for me as I have to go to Fort Worth to help my wife with a big event, but I'll probably be posting something on Monday giving the set I will work on so you can make requests. I don't want to clutter up this feedback thread with that, though.

So yeah, anyway -- let me know what you think of this basic template illo in general.

HM3: Toons?

So I took an hour this morning to draw up an "animated style" male body template for the HM3 Alpha, and wanted to get your feedback. Here's a sample character made with the new body:


Clearly there are problems with the hands, I'd need to introduce at least one pair of regular looking ones that would match the body. Ditto with the feet.

To get to the new body, go to Body - MaleToon. You have to move the hands into place and scale them, and the same with the other items, since the proportions are so different. And not all the items really fit, particularly the Tops and the Legwear.

Given all those limits, is this sort of alternate body worth doing? It takes about a day to put together the whole set of stuff that has to go with it, from all the pieces in the actual item set "MaleToon" to the special hands and feet, etc.

Also, I only did the first, full body, the rest of the items in that set are still the old Standard ones, so just ignore them.

HM3: Pistol whippery

I've just updated the HeroMachine 3 Alpha with the ItemRight-Pistols set of items for your shooting pleasure. This includes all of the one-handed firearms from HM2.5 (I hope) and some new ones, too, for a total of 32 complete items. Most of those are further broken down into separate stock and barrel items as well, plus a scope and a silencer at the end of the set, for a grand total of 84 selectable choices. Here are the assembled ones:


As a bonus, here are the HM2 items alongside their new 3.0a counterparts. The difference is, I think, striking:


Hope you like them! Please let me know in comments if you run into any weird bugs, or if something's missing that you were really hoping for.

Also, please post in comments what you'd like me to work on next. When I return from DragonCon I'll pick a set and get your specific requests for whatever it is.