Category Archives: HeroMachine 3

HM3: New items added

I am happy to announce the release of several more prizes for contest winners, now live and available for your use in your own creations.

First, BlueBlazer has been added to the lineup of studly hombres in the Head-Winners set for taking home Caption Contest 56:
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HM3: Female update, update

At the urging of a couple of comments in the previous post, here's an updated version of the propose shoulders-square female figure. The new one's on the left, with "more finishing details" like toenails, better hands, etc. and slimmer hips, along with arms more akimbo:


Let me know your thoughts on these, which you prefer, etc.

HM3: Female figure redux

I'd like to get your feedback on two possible female templates. The image below has the two generic ones (with faces for reference) in the middle, then two sample characters with outfits on so you can see how they might look dressed.

The major change has been in the pose. We discovered that trying to put a female in the pose the male is in -- arms akimbo, held out from the body, weight evenly distributed, feet on the same level -- made her look very mannish, no matter what her body was like. At the end of the day, the point of this whole thing is to get a drawing that looks good, as if it were commissioned at a convention by a real comics artist, NOT to make my life easier. So I am probably going to have to abandon the concept that the poses would be exactly the same and that it would be up to the user to put it however they wanted. That's still possible, but I have to make the default image, I think, the best it can possibly be for those who don't want to go the extra mile.

I'm curious to get your input on that, as well.

Anyway, here goes:
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HM3: Potential code changes

I'm working my way through a great usability study Mark Shute did (for which he got an outstanding A+ in a 700 level course -- woot Mark!). Before I actually hack up the code, I wanted to present the basic layout and concept here for your input and feedback.

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Random Panel: Because spandex > school


HM3: Prize item updates

I've just uploaded a lot of Contest Prize items to the HeroMachine 3 Alpha that I hope you'll enjoy. Previews, links, and images to follow after the jump.

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HM3: Driven

I've just updated the Companion-Vehicles set for the HeroMachine 3 Alpha with the following new items:


A couple are direct requests from the last thread, and the bottom four are a result of someone asking for vehicles that had a more frontal orientation so you could pose the character inside it. The motorcycle and the Jeep are more obvious, but I left out the seat and windshield of the convertible so your dude'll show through, and the horse should be workable with a bit of body-dividing and layering.

I'm not sure what I am going to work on next ... I am strongly inclined to do a bit of programming to clean up some of the messier bits, or to follow the suggestions Mark came up with through a usability study he did, or to complete more of the contest prizes, or tweak the save code, or any one of a dozen other things that need to be done in the non-drawing arena. I was crushing it during that abortive mini-version, and now this week, and I think I need a break for a few days from actual illustration. I'll let you know for sure on Monday.

Plus, hopefully the female base template will be done soon and I can pick up with that when ready. No promises, but I'm hopeful.

So, anyway, have a good weekend and hope you like these seven new vehicles!

HM3: Staffing levels increase

I have just posted an update to the "ItemRightPolearms" set in the HeroMachine 3 Alpha. There are more than ten new items to Mark's already great set, including a lance; cobra head (thanks Danny!); a naginata; and many more, directly from your list of requests. Here's a screen shot of the previews for most of them:


Hope you like 'em! I am assuming we're done with Polearms for now, and will be moving on to more Vehicles in the morning unless I hear a surge of support for something else.

Many thanks again to Mark for doing most of the work on this, you saved my bacon, big guy!

HM3: Mech!

On one hand, I'm sad to report that the HM Mini I've been talking about has been canceled again. They didn't like the coloring book idea, so the whole thing is dead at this point.

On the other hand, that loss is your gain, as I have now translated over all of the mech stuff from it to the HeroMachine 3 Alpha! It's in two parts, "BodyMech" and "HeadMech", with the Body set having torsos, arms, and legs. All of this was drawn at a three quarter angle view as opposed to the regular HM straight-on model, so the pieces aren't going to work with most of the existing clothing and such. But you can build a pretty cool looking robot and some of the heads go well on existing creations, giving them a looking-off-into-space look.

Here are a couple of screen shots to show you some of the options:


Let me know what you think, and if you want me to edit the arms so they lack hands (allowing you to drop in your own from Left/Right Hand).

The next few days I'll be working on cleaning this stuff up, adding some more to Mark's great Polearms set, and then we'll see from there.

HM3: Hot rides

I've just added the Companion-Vehicles set to the HeroMachine 3 Alpha, including the following:


Most of these were drawn by using Flash's automatic "Trace" feature and then patching, so they're a little different stylistically than most of what is in the program. The very last car (not shown above), the 1920's style roadster, was hand-drawn, I'm curious what you think of the difference between the tracing and the drawing styles. Auto-tracing (no pun intended) is a LOT faster than hand-drawing, I did about six of these in the time it took to draw the one roadster. But, if the quality is different enough, I'll do what I have to do.

Let me know any other vehicles you'd like to see, and while we're at it, any Polearm bits Mark didn't include but that you want to see added in.

It looks like the Mini I was working on has been canceled after three weeks of hard work. Such is life. On the upside, most of these vehicles were drawn for it, so you'll get some spillover benefit. Most of the rest of it is probably not applicable to the main HM but we'll see.