Category Archives: HeroMachine 3

HM3: Dress suggestions

I'm going to start working on Legwear - Dresses today, including a conversion of the 2.5 items and whatever new ones you all want. If you've got particular requests, please leave them in the comments. Links to actual images are best. Thanks for helping make these releases better, without your input the offerings would be very slim indeed!

HM3: A hairy situation

I am happy to announce the release of the Female Standard set of items for the "Hair" slot in HeroMachine 3! With 79 items, 2/3 of which are brand new and the rest properly sized and positioned conversions from the Male Standard set (pony tails, bangs, that sort of thing), this is one of the larger sets to date. Hopefully you'll be able to find just the right combination to make your character come to life.

Many thanks to the folks who posted requests and suggestions in the last thread, they were very helpful. I wasn't able to use them all, but you should recognize quite a few from that list. Here are a couple of previews:

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HM3: Hair suggestions

It looks like "Female Hair" won out for the next set of items for me to work on, so if you have specific requests for that, please leave them in the comments to this post. Any links to actual images of what you want will be the most helpful, but anything goes.

HM3: Tops Female Spandex now available

As the title says, I've just released the "TopsFemaleSpandex" set of items into the wild for use with the HeroMachine 3 Alpha. All of the items from the male set are included, along with some extras for changing the waist line of the various tops, and a couple of halters. Here's a quick look at a few of the latter:


Let me know in the comments if there are items you were hoping for that you don't see, or any problems that crop up.

I'm not sure what I am going to work on next. People have requested some feminine footwear, although I was thinking that probably hairdos were a higher priority. Or maybe Dresses or something like that. Let me know what you'd like.

Handing it to you

Many thanks to Hammerknight for these two great guides on how to properly position and scale the existing hands and feet for the female template. Good stuff as always! I am definitely thankful for HK on this Thanksgiving, and for all of you who are willing to share your creativity, humor, and time to help make this such a fun and entertaining site.


(Click on either image to see at full size. And I love the "Isia Approved" stamp!)

HM3: Female Legwear Spandex available

I've just updated the HeroMachine 3 Alpha with the Legwear Female Spandex set of items. I've converted over the male entries item for item, then added on several at the end including a French-cut version of the trunks, and then some leg sections so you can make horizontal-striped pants.


HM3: High-waistin’

I just added seven new items to the Legwear-Female-Standard set for HeroMachine 3:


These are high-waisted hip sections of existing pants to allow you to dress your female characters in less low-slung legwear if you like. They work by choosing "multiples" for the Legwear slot, choosing the basic low-waisted pants you want, then layering one of these on top with the same colors. They cover up the zippers and such.

Separating out the hips from the actual pants should allow you to mix and match more flexibly. It would probably be a good idea for me at some point to do with Legwear what I did with tops, separating out the hip area and each individual leg pant portion. Something to think about down the road a ways.

And now, more Spandex!

HM3: Female Legwear Standard now available

The title says it all, the "LegwearStandard" Set is now available for the Female template in HM3. Enjoy!

(Originally posted as Tops, which was stupid. Oops.)

HM3: Women on top

I'm happy to announce the release of the first set of items for the female template in HeroMachine 3, "Tops-Female-Standard", which is a duplicate of the Tops-Male-Standard set only, you know, for girls. The items are a one-for-one match to the Male set, so don't expect to see anything new yet. Here's a look at some of them:


Hope you like them! I will likely next be moving on to "Legwear-Female-Standard" so that you have at least some options for properly outfitting a basic woman character. After that, we'll see -- probably either the Spandex stuff, female hair, or something new like Tops-Female-Halters.

HM3: She begins

At long last, I am pleased beyond words to announce that the female template is now available for the HeroMachine 3 Alpha. Included in this initial release are BodyFemaleStandard, HeadFemaleStandard, and HeadFemaleFace. All the standard options from the male template are there, along with a few bonuses (three separate sizes of breasts, along with a breastless torso to place and size them on, and then some surprise complete figures at the end).

Here are a couple of quickie portraits I did:


Without TopsFemaleStandard (next up on the drawing schedule), making a real character is still going to be a bit challenging, but at least now it's easier than it was and we're on our way to complete gender equality. Also, HairFemale is going to have to be a priority. Then probably breaking the face up into its parts (Eyes, Nose, Mouth at least, maybe Eyebrows).

Also, the hands and feet are not positioned or sized properly for use on the figure, so you'll have to do that manually until I can get to female versions of those.

Let me know what you think in the comments, anything you do or don't like, additions or subtractions you'd like to see, or pretty much anything else you think of in relation to the new template.