Category Archives: HeroMachine 3

HM3: More prize items

I've just uploaded the following new prize items.

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The prizes are yours!

As I mentioned yesterday, I am forfeiting a number of unclaimed contest prizes, meaning now's your chance. Each of you can make one (1) HeroMachine 3 item request in the comments, something you think would be kick-ass to have available in the program. After a few days, when it looks like the ideas have pretty much all been made, I'll put all the ones that are feasible and that I think have promise into one big huge poll that everyone can vote on. The top 11 or so vote-getters after however long, I'll go ahead and turn into items for the enjoyment of all.

If you're reading through the suggestions and you see one you really like, by all means pipe up and let us know you really like it. That will help me put the initial poll grouping together.

I look forward to hearing what you want! In items, that is. I don't particularly want to know what you want in other walks of life, although I suspect someone in a bikini would be high on the list.

Oh, one last note, I'm already planning on converting all the male-only items to female, and right-only items to left, so I'd hold off on requesting that -- it's going to get done anyway.

On the other hand, if there's an HM item from another version you want to be sure gets included, go ahead and suggest it.

Finally, requests with links to images online so people can see exactly what you are talking about are the most helpful, although it's not a requirement or anything.

HM3 Basics: Heroines

Hammerknight had a nifty idea of putting together "basic" character archetypes that can be built in HeroMachine 3 without using any of the "advanced" features at all, just basic pointing and clicking like with HeroMachine 2. His first installment is "Heroines", with hopefully many more to come. Thanks HK!

HM3: New pattern

For his Character Contest 40 prize, Haz requested that the vertical gradient from the "Patterns" tab be turned into an item in the "Patterns-Standard" set so you could do a two-tone effect, mask it, rotate it, size it, etc. I had no clue how to do such a thing, but I gave it a whirl and what do you know, it worked! I've now updated the file and you can use it immediately. Here's a screen shot of what it looks like:

The top color is color 1, the bottom one is color 2. I am excited this turned out to be so easy! If I get motivated I need to do it for some of the other ones too ... although I suppose with just this one and some masking, you can put a two-color gradient going any direction onto any item, more or less.

I am working on prizes now, and have already sent out several for approval this morning. Sadly Haz didn't get the chance to approve it, I was too happy and figured I nailed it, so this is the first he's hearing of it. Surprise! Haz, if you don't like it for some reason let me know and I'll make changes.

After the jump I am going to put a list of the outstanding contest prizes -- if you see your name and haven't gotten your prize yet, let me know. This is particularly critical for Steve, Cory, Fishpants (x2), Frankie, ArtfulDodger, Violodion, Brons (x2), MercWithAMouth, and Bixlord as starting tomorrow I am going to forfeit your prizes and instead turn them over to the community at large to vote on items THEY want instead.

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HM3: Female Coats

I've just updated HeroMachine 3 with the Tops-Female-Coats set, a direct translation of the Tops-Male-Coats set. Here's how a few of them look:

The long transferal slog continues apace. Holler if you see any problems with this particular one.

HM3: New backgrounds

I've just added the "Background-Standard" set of items, consisting of 8 of the "Floor" items and about the same number of walls. I needed to do a brick wall background for Gargoyle323's Character Contest 41 win anyway, and realized I didn't have a "Standard" set there yet. I needed a logical place to put the brick wall, and figured this would be a good time to set up the set. Then when I started looking at walls, I got motivated to do some extras, too.

So this one is just a placeholder for now until I can flesh it out a bit more.

The idea of those first two is that color1 fills the center of the hole, and that's what is masked to. So you could put whatever item you want on stage, mask it to this hole, and it would look like the item was peeking through. Color2 is the brick pattern, so if you didn't want bricks you could set that to the same color as color1, or remove it entirely, and be left with just the hole fill.

If you don't see the choice come up, clear your browser cache and try again.

Female flying pose

A hearty thank-you goes to Hammerknight for putting together the female version of his head-on flying pose in HeroMachine 3. Thanks big guy!

How to make your own volcano in HM3

Everyone was impressed with Me, Myself, and I's fantastic volcano in the last character contest, and you can see why:

Now for the first time anywhere, he reveals just how he did it! I like these "how to" kinds of guides because even if you don't want to make your own volcano without the prospect of baking soda blowing up in a high school science fair, the techniques used are applicable to all kinds of things you might want to try.

Many thanks to MMI for putting this together.

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HM3: Six new bustiers

Thanks to your feedback, I've added six items from the HM2.5 Expansion set to the HM3 Tops-Female-Bustiers set:

These are available now; if you don't see them, clear your browser's cache.

HM3: Bustiers

I've completed and uploaded the conversion of the HM 2.5 "Bustiers" set for HeroMachine 3, and it is now live for your use. Here is a preview of a couple of screens worth of entries:

I tried to be careful about bringing over all the items, including things like the star-spangled and striped sets, and to further break them down into the complete item down to the waist; cut off at the navel; and just the bra.

Furthermore there are a number of standalone options for mixing and matching your own creations. For instance, item number nine (first page, first column, last row) is designed to fit over the default shoulder straps so instead of a top portion with pointy ends, you can make them rounded instead. There are also a number of zippers set to different lengths which can be sized, rotated, and moved to serve any number of functions.

Hope you like them! Note that armor stuff will be covered in the conversion of Tops-FantasyArmor from males to females, so don't be surprised that there's little enough of that here.

If there's anything in particular you'd like to see, or problems you've noted, with the set then please let me know in comments.