Category Archives: HeroMachine 3

HM3: Swordbreaker

Black Griffin wanted an Italian Sword-Breaker as his prize for winning Caption Contest 77, a very cool looking item I'd never heard of before. This beauty is now available in ItemRight-BladesTwo:

HM3: Cool chapeau

Thanks once again to Zyp, who in a twist of fate sure to see the inversion of the dimensional vortex and the appearance of Evil Spock with a goatee, provided his own prize for winning Character Contest 61:

This stellar addition to the haberdasher's art is now available in the Headgear-Modern set for HeroMachine 3.

HM3: New Tops

With many thanks to Zyp, who not only drew them but drew them in Flash and sent me the source files, making it incredibly easy to add, I've just updated the Tops-MaleFantasyCommon set with the following two items, shown both separately and in-use in this handy illo by Zyp:

You're the man, Zyp!

META: New home for custom items

I've just created a new forum on the UGO HeroMachine boards for the sharing of custom HM3 items along the lines of what Martian Blue proposed the other day. I've broken it down into several sub-folders so hopefully those searching for specific items will have an easier time finding them. If you have suggestions for different categories, by all means speak up. Currently they are:

  1. Male Clothing
  2. Female Clothing
  3. Backgrounds
  4. Companions / Complete Characters
  5. Headgear
  6. Weapons
  7. Miscellaneous Items

Currently they're all empty, so you've got a chance to be the first one to add anything to each of them!

HM3: Long beard and Tapered Tail

I've just uploaded two Contest prize items to HeroMachine 3. First was Jenna's "next prize up on the replacement list" for winning Character Contest 46, which was a "long-ass wizard's beard" like we had in HM2:

And next was a "tapered tail" for PapaKrok's Character Contest 57 win, also a "next item up":

I think it's appropriate PapaKrok ended up with that one, because it turned into something that could be a big tentacle, evil flower frond, wicked tongue, wave form, or some other equally demented thing he would be likely to turn it into. So that's cool.

Be sure to thank both of them if you like the items, for giving up their prizes! And if you had something different in mind for the final shape of these two requests, let me know.

HM3: Stonehenge

As a "thank you" for extraordinary assistance troubleshooting bugs, I offered Panner the equivalent of a contest winning prize, and he chose "Stonehenge". I've just uploaded the following addition to Background-Standard for HeroMachine 3, now available:

Thanks, Panner, it was a great idea! If you want changes to it, let me know.

HM3 Custom items

Martian Blue has a very cool thread going on the UGO boards where he's posting custom items he's created and then gives you the text string you need to load it up as-is into your existing illustrations. It's a fantastic idea and I'm really glad he sent me the links.

Here's a sample helmet he put together:

You can download the text version of the item for loading into HM3 here.

Check out and bookmark the thread, I'm sure it'll turn into a wonderful resource for cool new items.

Thanks, Martian Blue!

HM3: Text loading and intro screen live

The HeroMachine 3 Alpha has had a major upgrade, and now allows you to load or save characters as text strings to make emailing them back and forth easier.

I've also added a new "Intro" screen to make it easier for new folks to use, and faster for you as well by eliminating the need to load an item set before you can get to the load screen:

Hopefully that all makes sense ... I'm sure I'll be tweaking it as we go, but it's a good starting point for now. Let me know in comments if you have any issues with it, or suggestions on how to make it better, or a good recipe for bread pudding.

HM3: Text save with custom colors

The "working" version of HM3 was just updated to support custom color loading. Your previously saved text strings should still work normally.

Note that you could now start a blank character, fill the entire set of Custom Color boxes, and save it as "Bob's Custom Colors".

Then whenever you started a new character up, you could first load "Bob's Custom Colors" and all of your Custom Color boxes would be immediately set and ready for use. That way if you come up with, say, your own unique set of team colors for a group you're building, or if you have a bunch of skin tones you've made that you like better than mine, you can have them saved and available for use whenever you want.

For the super-duper high-tech hacker-inclined out there, note that if you save a "custom color" blank character as text, you can manually edit the CustomColor entries with hex values in the order you want before using the Load as Text function.

As always, let me know how it goes and if you see any problems with this release. We're getting closer and closer to beta status, folks!

HM3: Text save testing

If you're feeling brave, mosey on over to the HeroMachine 3 Working version and give the new "Load/Save as Text" feature a whirl. After the jump I'll post some screen shots and explanations.

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