Category Archives: HeroMachine 3

Stuff You Didn’t Know Was Possible in HeroMachine

[Panner is not only a fantastic troubleshooter and critique-giver, but he's also an expert digital archaeologist, uncovering hidden gems of knowledge when using HeroMachine 3. He was nice enough to put together some of his findings here to share with the rest of the community, for which I'm very thankful. Enjoy! -- Jeff]

HeroMachine has changed a lot over these latest months. In a short time we have seen the debut of a beautiful interface, extremely useful features, dozens of items to work with, and a forum for sharing creations. I don't think anyone will contest that these changes have made the HeroMachine experience a lot more pleasant and a lot less exhausting.

Since HeroMachine is currently in alpha stage, there are a few oddities that can be exploited to reach results that are unavailable when using the program as intended. Here I present three such exploits that all produce results you might have thought were impossible. I hope this will be educational or at least entertaining!

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HM3: Hair-Female-Braids

I got a wild hair this morning (get it?!) and decided to throw together a set of braided female hair for HeroMachine 3. A few are from the current Female Standard set, but where possible even there I broke them up a bit. If you can find examples of other braids you'd like to see, now's the time to speak up or forever hold your split ends.

HM3: You have to hand it to the masks

With many thanks to the incredible dblade for drawing them, I am happy to announce that the following items are now live:

Hockey Mask in Headgear-Masks:

Awesome gas mask thing (both in the complete format seen here and broken up into individual pieces) in Headgear-Military:

Extended Sharp Claw Hand in HandRight-Standard:

In addition to these fantastic items, I've still got at least three other things dblade has created to add in. Be sure to drop by in comments and thank him for his volunteer work expanding and improving the program!

META: Save issues?

I've heard disturbing reports from AMS, Hammerknight, and a couple of other folks that after a Flash update, they lost all their saved files and now can no longer save characters between sessions. Has anything like that happened to you? If so, could you please post in comments with your browser version, operating system version, and Flash version (which you get by right-clicking on the HM3 app and choosing "About Flash Player" from the flyout)?

I'm really hoping Adobe didn't change something about the way they save Flash cookies in this latest release ...

This is a good time to remind you that, as with any piece of software, you should back up your characters on a regular basis to avoid catastrophic loss. There are now three ways to do so:

  1. Save the text string of your character to a file using the "Save as Text" option in HM3 and pasting the results into Notepad or Text Edit or Word or an email or whatever you like. This is the most secure.
  2. Find the hmcharacters.sol file on your hard drive and copy it into a directory you control. You can also make a backup copy of the .SOL files that Flash uses to save your guys. I’ll probably keep the old (current) alpha version “live” for a little while under another name (so heromacine3a.swf or something). If I do that, then you should be able to go in and change the directory name where these .SOL files are kept to that name and still be able to access your characters:

    The saved Flash shared object library files (.sol for you Windows users) are LIKE cookies, but they are NOT actual cookies. They are not stored in the shared internet data files and will not be deleted if you erase all your cookies. You can only remove them by right-clicking on the movie, and going to Flash Settings, removing them there.

    In Windows it's at %AppData%MacromediaFlash Player#SharedObjects\www.heromachine.comhm3 where %AppData% is a variable leading to your browser.

    On a Mac they are in HD / User / / Library / Preferences / Macromedia / Flash Player / #SharedObjects / / / hm3 / heromachine3.swf / hmcharacters.sol

  3. Export your images as JPGs or PNGs. This doesn't enable you to live-edit them any more, but at least you'll have the images.

I hate to think of people losing their hard work, and I'm trying to do a bit of digging to see if anything changed with the latest Flash Player update or what.

Edited To Add: Sure enough, Adobe has implemented much easier methods of deleting "Flash cookies", which is what the HeroMachine save file is. You can get the details here. AMS identified the specific setting you need to change if you don't want all of your saved characters to be wiped out the next time you close your browser after installing the update, at least in Internet Explorer:

HM3: New gauntlet

dblade sent in another nice armored gauntlet, now live in two pieces (HandRightStandard and GloveRightStandard). Thanks dblade!

HM3: Masks by dblade

The very talented dblade has come through once again, providing some nifty new items for the Headgear-Masks set! I think you're going to get a lot of use out of these as you build your creations, so be sure to drop by in comments and thank him for his time and effort. Great job, dblade, thank you!

These items are now live, though you might need to clear your browser's cached to get them to show if you've recently used the Headgear-Masks set.

HM3: The Fat Tattooed Mage Gloves of DOOM!

I've just uploaded several new items to HeroMachine 3, namely:

The first four items (the whole top row and the first one on the second row) are the prize for xxXBladeIIXx winning Character Contest 62. He wanted a "Mage glove". One was the first attempt, which neither of us was happy with, and the other is my redo, which I liked a lot -- spikier and cooler looking. Both hand portions are available in HandRight-Standard, while the upper parts are in GlovesRight/Left-Standard. While I was in there, I fixed the glitch with the Left boxing glove item, which was going to the wrong one when clicked.

The next one is a generic obese head in HeadMale-Standard.

Finally is the first of a pair of matched eye tattoos in Eyes-Standard, by dbalde dblade. The top part is one color and the bottom part the other, so you can get some neat effects. Thanks for that one, dblade!

HM3: Chinese Zodiacs complete!

Be sure to thank Me, Myself, and I for providing the final set of awesome Chinese Zodiac items in Insignia-Nature, along with a specifically requested "Rod of Asclepius". Great job on these, MMI, thanks so much for your time and effort!

The cool thing about the zodiacs is that you can turn color2 completely invisible to get just the pictograph, or you can turn color1 and linecolor transparent to get the silhouette of just the animal for use as a tattoo or logo. Very clever.

Sunset recipe

Many thanks to unknownblackpaper for providing this nifty recipe for making a sunset in HeroMachine 3:

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HM3: Heavy Weapons update

Mark has recently sent me an update to the ItemRight-HeavyWeapons set. The numbering of the items has changed, so if you have a saved character using something from this set the odds are that when you load it, he or she won't be holding what they used to be holding. Such is life with an alpha product, I'm afraid, though I do apologize for the inconvenience. The items are all still there, they just have different "names" now.

Thanks for putting all this together, Mark, your hard work is much appreciated!