Category Archives: Fantasy & Sci-fi

Anything having to do with the fantasy or science fiction genres, from Lord of the Rings to the latest Star Trek movie, and everything in between.

Fantasy Friday #4 “Land of the Lost

Today's topic is the classic TV show "Land of the Lost. 1974 to 1977 it played on NBC. Man do I remember this show(and I'm not talking reruns), it was great when I was a kid. I watched it all over again about a year ago, and man have times change. They remade it in the 90's and I think I might of watched one or two shows. The movie was okay, but I didn't care for how they changed thins up. Let's hear what you have to say.

Sci-Fi Sunday #4 “Space Above And Beyond”

Man I loved this show. I didn't see it when it originally aired, but I have watched it a few times here and there. For me it was one of those shows that just stuck me, I hope that it comes to Netflix so that I can watch all of it. Let's hear what you have to say about the show.

Fantasy Friday #3 “Farscape”

Today's topic is Farscape, I have not watch the show but I hear that it has a big following. So, let's hear what everyone out there has to say about the show. Happy Friday everyone.

Sci-Fi Sunday #3 “Stargate”

Here we go, let's talk Stargate. The movie was good back in it's day, but I watched it a few weeks back and I didn't feel the same for it. I loved SG-1, the cast was great. I didn't care much about the two movies after the show went off the air. I just could not get into the other shows, maybe someday I'll watch them again and like them better. Let's hear what you have to say.

Fantasy Friday #2 “Legend of Earthsea”

Today's Fantasy topic is Earthsea. I have watched it at least twice and I am still on the fence on rather I like it or not. I believe that it went to fast for me, there should of been way more time filling in the story line. One day he didn't know he had magic and then the next day he was a master wizard saving the world. Let's hear what you have to say.

Sci-Fi Sunday #2 “Lost in Space”

I remember watching some of the old episodes when I was young, I don't think I ever understood it back then. It is not one of my favorite Sci-fi show, but there are a lot of people out there that loves it. The movie was okay, but like most movie remakes of old T.V. shows they have to change to many things and the changes don't always work. Let's hear what you have to say about "Lost in Space".

Fantasy Friday #1 “Legend of the Seeker”

Today's topic is "Legend of the Seeker", I really like the show, it is one of those show that you can go back and watch all over again every year or so. I did not read any of the books that it is base on, so I can not say how close the show was to the books, but I would like to know. Let's hear what you have to say about the show and the books.

Sci-Fi Sunday #1

I have moved Sci-Fi Saturday to Sunday afternoons. I am having a go at redoing my side of the blog in hopes to have more visits to the blog. Today let's talk Dr. Who and Firefly. I have only watched one or two seasons of Dr. Who and I have only watched one(maybe two) episodes of Firefly. So it is up to you today to run the show. I do plan on watching more of both of them on Netflix here soon.


Enter the Multitude / Death of Krypton

Enter the Multitude / Death of Krypton

By: Andrew Hines

There's not much DC hasn't done in it's nearly 75-year history, except maybe for what you'll see in this issue. With two parts of equal importance in this issue, with the first being these Weeping Angel-like beings, collectively called the Multitude. The second is a cameo by a renowned astronomer and astrophysicist. We may not all be fans of the Last Son of Krypton, but there's been no denying that the new direction has been...interesting. Not inherently good or bad, but definitely different. This is one of the few New 52 titles I've been interested in from square one.

Grant Morrison may not have been at his best in the last year but this is a nice turn around on that. The dialogue is good and the pacing is better than it has been for several issues. The same can be said of Superman as a character. Morrison has been going out of his way to explain exactly what's going on with the abrupt power shift that occurred between issues 7, 8 and 10. Now that he seems to finally be beyond that, he actually written a good story that stands on its own.

The pencils by Rags Morales are pretty damned good. I'm not always a fan, but these pages have made me one. Then there's Mark Probst's inks, which are pretty good. This page at right (sorry for the Maxim label at the top) should be a great example of that and Brad Anderson's colors. Really, this is the best example of the artwork in this issue. It all comes together quite well. Those colors are astounding, to say the least. Given that the main story takes place on Mars, I'm pretty sure that the reds in the background are fitting.

Sholly Fisch is the writer for the backup story in this issue. The story is actually really cool and gives us a look at the hero's perspective on his home(s). The dialogue and exposition are good, as is the sciencey stuff in here. It's an awesome backup story and maybe should have been it's own issue.

The pencils from Chris Sprouse and inks from Karl Story are good. It seems like a mix of the old Superman cartoons from the 90s and an astronomy-themed episode of Bill Nye. The colors from Jordie Bellaire are pretty good too. They are part of what helps give it the cartoon feel, that I love.

The issue is actually great, both parts of it. I give it an "A". There's something awesome in both parts of the issue. There's great art and good writing. What else do you need?

Along Came a Doctor

Along Came a Doctor

By: Andrew Hines

As many of you may already know I'm a Whovian (Doctor Who fan). That being said, my solitary heart skipped a beat when I saw this comic on the shelves of my local comic shop this week. It's got history, the Doctor, Amy and Rory, and alternate dimensions. No Daleks as of yet, but give it a few issues, they'll show up.  AnyWho (see what I did there?), it's set in London in the 1850s and in the middle of a bit of mild oddness. A perfect setting for an entrance by the Doctor and the Ponds.

Andy Diggle scripts the first bit of a two-part story arc that is actually very in the feel of the current Who-niverse. There's the classic shtick of the Doctor, where he just pops in unannounced and begins to take things over without much of a fuss. This is Doctor Who at its best in the comic book realm. The writing is good, pacing is adequate and the dialogue feels as if Steven Moffat himself were writing it for Matt Smith. Amy and Rory are exactly as they are in the show, so there's very little missing if anything at all.

Mark Buckingham's art isn't the best I've ever seen, but fits the story beautifully and for that I love it. If it had been in the future, his style would not have worked as well. Given, however that it was London shortly before their industrial revolution, it's spectacular. It works even better when paired with Charlie Kirchoff's colors. It really does feel like the 1850s as you read it. It's a wonderful feeling once you see the machine as a whole. I honestly don't think anyone else' art or colds would have worked for this story.

I give this one an "A", simply because the writing and the art work splendidly with each other. If you're a fan of Doctor Who and a Matt Smith fan to boot, I highly recommend this one.