Category Archives: Daily Random Panel

However he DOES like long walks on the beach

(From "Captain Courageous" number 6, 1942.)

Meanwhile, in the Bat Cave

I guess that's one way to go about it …

Free Lunch Fridays at the Vatican were always a hit

(From "Captain Courageous" number 6, 1942.)

Mythical creatures, 1942 edition

(From "Captain Courageous" number 6, 1942.)

Crack is whack. Crak is not.

Great moments in bad pickup lines

(From "Captain Courageous" number 6, 1942.)

Overly Attached Girlfriend joins the singalong

(From "Captain Courageous" number 6, 1942.)

Racial politics in 1942 were rough

(From "Captain Courageous" number 6, 1942.)

How it could sense me while I'm talking out loud is indeed a baffling mystery.

(From "Baffling Mysteries" number 9, 1952.)