Category Archives: Cool Characters

Neat characters submitted by HeroMachine fans.

Custom Hangman

Pre-fab is good, but custom is better. At least, that's what my home builder told me just before handing me his bill, but it's just as true for super-heroes as it is for houses. As another example, from the pages of "Roll Call 06" by Oforie Murray, I give you Steven Warfield's "The Hangman". Steven's initial proposal had this HeroMachine illustration:

Initial Hangman Proposal

When you're doing a custom illustration for someone, the more detail you can get, the better, and Steven certainly came through. Here are the initial artist's notes he sent in:

Artists Notes: So this is obviously a pretty generic bit of art (the piece I did up at HeroMachine), but I think that it gets across the idea of how I think that Hangman would look "in character." As per his description, he wears the upper part of the bodysuit under any normal clothing (and would wear long sleeve shirts to accomplish that).
I am thinking maybe the smarmy overconfidence that Edward Norton displayed toward the end of Primal Fear for how he would look in the face (I would include a picture of what I am talking about, but as of yet cannot find any). I also think that it might be a good idea to have a "plainclothes" version of him in the foreground, with the elongated, masked version in the background/behind him rising up (to give an idea of how he gets away with his "dual existence" to some extent). If that is not possible, perhaps an "action shot" of him sloughing off his regular clothes and elongating out might be cool. As for his clothing - I am thinking some sort of body-suit that can stretch with him (to a degree). His hands would remain ungloved (so that he can feel what he is doing, both in terms of being more capable and also the thrill he gets from it). As for the mask, I think that a more elongated version of the one I have attached would be damn near perfect - and would give a chance to see the side that he doesn't display when he is hunting to really come through (since you can still see his eyes and mouth).

After a few initial tries, eventually that first generic HeroMachine image turned into this:

Custom Hangman

Next week I'll be announcing a special contest that will let you -- yes, you there, in your pajamas! -- try to get a custom illustration like this for your very own character, so be sure to check back then!

Cool Hero: Copperskin

Thanks to Pesky for this characer, posted on the UGO Forums:


I think he uses transparency well here, making the green part of the wings look translucent, for example, without going quite too far. I also like the use of the new Expansion hover-platform beneath the character to ground it a bit more, and the diamond background gives it all the feeling of a real character illustration.

Nice job, Pesky, keep up the good work!

Cool Character: Spectre

Over on the UGO Forums, "thedoompixel" has a thread showing off some characters he's made. One in particular jumped out at me and I thought you might enjoy seeing what he's done:


One of the things I like about this character is the way he's made the "skin" component completely transparent, allowing the clothing items to take the weight of giving the figure form. I also like the clean and simple color palette, with just the eyes in a bold red against black and white. This is a really innovative design, an excellent example of "less is more". You don't have to load your character down with an item from every single component, sometimes (usually!) it's better to rely on a few simple choices to carry the narrative forward.

There are several other characters in that thread that are well worth your time, so head on over and take a gander when you get a chance.

Well done, thedoompixel!

Custom Illustrations: Talena

A friend of mine, "EvilDM" Jeff Mejia, created a role-playing game called "Legends of Steel" and asked me to do some character sketches for him. One of the characters was a pirate thief named Talena, and to show me what he wanted he sent me this HeroMachine image:

Talena, HeroMachine version

I took that and redrew it to look like this:


This is the kind of thing I'd like to do in the upcoming "Custom Character Portrait" contest, or whatever we end up calling it (suggestions more than welcome!). I think the original HM version is nice, and could even be used for a camera-ready, print-quality production if he wanted, but there's just nothing like an actual illustration done by a pro.

Custom Illustrations

Over the years I've had a couple of freelance clients send me images of a character from HeroMachine that they wanted to have in a custom illustration. Don't get me wrong, HeroMachine is great for making "darn good" portraits, but there's just nothing like a true, unique, professionally rendered image.

I thought it might be interesting to show you how the program can be used to give an artist a really good idea of what you're looking for, though, so here's one example of a character designed in HeroMachine, then rendered by hand. I give you Kubota, pint-sized (but deadly serious) soldier of fortune in the Star Frontiers game world (click on either image for a larger version):

Kubota - HeroMachine version Kubota - Hand Drawn

I'll be posting a few more of these over the next little while, the HeroMachine version first and then the custom illustration next. If anyone's interested, I've also been thinking about having a contest. People would send me their HeroMachine creations, I'd pick, say, the five best, and then open it up to a vote. The winner would get a custom character portrait based on that visual.

If that sounds interesting, please leave a comment and let me know!