Category Archives: Pop Quiz

Pop Quiz Results!

Five great entries this week.

Cliff entered a woodland piper with some very nice detail.


Dreadyacht's Guiturtle is very creative.

Dreadyacht_HighDemon Guiturtle_zpsk4t6m7qh

Geno came up with a very creepy Jack in the Box.


HerrD entered a Horn Crested Rattler: whimsical and slightly bizarre.


And Keric entered a hard rocking chick with amazing pants.


Great entries all, and for the second week in a row the win goes to Keric! Super job! Please join me in congratulating Keric, and thanks to all who entered.

See you Saturday.

Pop Quiz ā€“ Music, Music, Music!


On September 26, 1908, "The Saturday Evening Post" ran the first ad for the Edison Phonograph.

Your challenge this week is to come up with a machine, instrument, or character/creature that creates music.

There is no prize. There is no poll. The winner is chosen by me.

You only get one entry so be creative, and above all else, have fun!

All entries must be in JPG or PNG formĀ (BMPs are too big), posted to a publicly accessible website (likeĀ the HeroMachine forums,ImageShack,Ā PhotoBucket, or whatever);

  • Entries must be made as a comment or comments to this post, containing a link directly to the image and the character name;
  • The image must be new and designed specifically for the Pop Quiz;
  • No copyrighted characters please ā€“ they will be deleted.
  • Please name your filesas [your name]-[character name].[file extension]Ā before you upload it. So DiCicatriz, for instance, would save his ā€œBayou Belleā€ character image asĀ DiCicatriz-BayouBelle.png.
  • Please make the link goĀ directly to the image(likeĀ this) andĀ not to a hosting jump pageĀ (likeĀ this).Ā See this post on how to get the direct link for most sites.

This contest will close at 9pm Eastern on Sunday, September 27th.


Pop Quiz – Ode To Autumn

On September 19,1819 John Keats wrote "Ode to Autumn."e5caef65481653c8fbf02c22159aa102

Your Pop Quiz challenge this time around is to celebrate autumn in any way that moves you ā€“ using Heromachine of course. Could be a landscape, a character, something abstract...whatever floats your boat.

There is no prize. There is no poll. The winner is chosen by me.

You only get one entry so be creative, and above all else, have fun!

All entries must be in JPG or PNG formĀ (BMPs are too big), posted to a publicly accessible website (likeĀ the HeroMachine forums,ImageShack,Ā PhotoBucket, or whatever);

  • Entries must be made as a comment or comments to this post, containing a link directly to the image and the character name;
  • The image must be new and designed specifically for the Pop Quiz;
  • No copyrighted characters please ā€“ they will be deleted.
  • Please name your filesas [your name]-[character name].[file extension]Ā before you upload it. So DiCicatriz, for instance, would save his ā€œBayou Belleā€ character image asĀ DiCicatriz-BayouBelle.png.
  • Please make the link goĀ directly to the image(likeĀ this) andĀ not to a hosting jump pageĀ (likeĀ this).Ā See this post on how to get the direct link for most sites.

This contest will close at 9pm Eastern on Sunday, September 20th.

Pop Quiz Results

Four great entries this week.

Nug used some very innovative pieces to come up with cool - sort of retro - design.


Love the murky look of Vampyrist's entry; great colour choices.


The shading and very effective use of just a few items cleverly repeated makes Stulte's entry top notch.


And finally Herr D chose a whimsical approach - nice colouring and textures.


And this week's winner - and the winner of a custom made Captain design inspired by their submarine is...


Join me in congratulating Nug, and all the other entrants. Nug's prize will be posted on my Forum page and on Deviant Art when I get it done...with any luck, no later than Friday.

See you Saturday.


Pop Quiz ā€“ All You Need Is Imagination.

On September 12, 1966 The Beatles received a gold record for "Yellow Submarine."
Your Pop Quiz challenge this time around is to create your very own, customized yellow submarine.

There is a prize this week: the winning submarine will get a captain designed by me. (Not the greatest prize...but's something!)Ā 

There is no poll. The winner is chosen by me.

You only get one entry so be creative, and above all else, have fun!

All entries must be in JPG or PNG formĀ (BMPs are too big), posted to a publicly accessible website (likeĀ the HeroMachine forums,ImageShack,Ā PhotoBucket, or whatever);

  • Entries must be made as a comment or comments to this post, containing a link directly to the image and the character name;
  • The image must be new and designed specifically for the Pop Quiz;
  • No copyrighted characters please ā€“ they will be deleted.
  • Please name your filesas [your name]-[character name].[file extension]Ā before you upload it. So DiCicatriz, for instance, would save his ā€œBayou Belleā€ character image asĀ DiCicatriz-BayouBelle.png.
  • Please make the link goĀ directly to the image(likeĀ this) andĀ not to a hosting jump pageĀ (likeĀ this).Ā See this post on how to get the direct link for most sites.

This contest will close at 9pm Eastern on Sunday, September 13th.


Pop Quiz – Results!

Five great entries this week. It's gonna be hairy picking a winner...sorry.

First Stulte's King of Trolls; beautifully done and very creative; also the drops of added colour are a nice touch.



Next Herr D's whimsical take on a beard/cello hybrid. One of the best imaginations on HM!


EW44 provides a dapper gentleman whose grooming seems to have gotten away from him.


Dreadyacht conglomerated what appears to be hundreds of hairpieces into this elaborate creation.


And finally Cliff; form and function. Actually saw something similar to this at Fan Expo yesterday, but instead of a bird, his beard held a fish bowl. Well done as always.


Very closeĀ  call this week, withĀ dreadyacht winning by a whisker...sorry. Sometimes less is more, but not this time!

Join me in congratulatingĀ dreadyacht and see you on Saturday.


Pop Quiz ā€“ I Didnā€™t Like My Beard At Firstā€¦But It Grew On Me.


On this day in 1698, Russiaā€™s Peter the Great imposed a tax on beards.

Your Pop Quiz challenge this time around is to create a beard that would have cost a fortune in rubles to maintain.

There is no prize. There is no poll. The winner is chosen by me.

You only get one entry so be creative, and above all else, have fun!

All entries must be in JPG or PNG formĀ (BMPs are too big), posted to a publicly accessible website (likeĀ the HeroMachine forums,ImageShack,Ā PhotoBucket, or whatever);

  • Entries must be made as a comment or comments to this post, containing a link directly to the image and the character name;
  • The image must be new and designed specifically for the Pop Quiz;
  • No copyrighted characters please ā€“ they will be deleted.
  • Please name your filesas [your name]-[character name].[file extension]Ā before you upload it. So DiCicatriz, for instance, would save his ā€œBayou Belleā€ character image asĀ DiCicatriz-BayouBelle.png.
  • Please make the link goĀ directly to the image(likeĀ this) andĀ not to a hosting jump pageĀ (likeĀ this).Ā See this post on how to get the direct link for most sites.

This contest will close at 9pm Eastern on Sunday, September 6th.


Pop Quiz ā€“ Pretty Woman


On this day in 1964, Roy Orbison released his hit song ā€œPretty Womanā€.

Your Pop Quiz challenge this time around is to create an image of a pretty womanā€¦walking down the streetā€¦in 1964.

There is no prize. There is no poll. The winner is chosen by me.

You only get one entry so be creative, and above all else, have fun!

All entries must be in JPG or PNG formĀ (BMPs are too big), posted to a publicly accessible website (likeĀ the HeroMachine forums, ImageShack,Ā PhotoBucket, or whatever);

  • Entries must be made as a comment or comments to this post, containing a link directly to the image and the character name;
  • The image must be new and designed specifically for the Pop Quiz;
  • No copyrighted characters please ā€“ they will be deleted.
  • Please name your filesas [your name]-[character name].[file extension]Ā before you upload it. So DiCicatriz, for instance, would save his ā€œBayou Belleā€ character image asĀ DiCicatriz-BayouBelle.png.
  • Please make the link goĀ directly to the image(likeĀ this) andĀ not to a hosting jump pageĀ (likeĀ this).Ā See this post on how to get the direct link for most sites.

This contest will close at 9pm Eastern on Sunday, August 30th.

Pop Quiz – Winner!

Very happy to say we got seven entries this week! Well done all! Sadly, due to a wonky link, I was unable to view EW44's entry, so we are left with six pieces.

First up, Blunt Object's Cheetah Shadow which features a very cool costume design and a great colour combination.

Cheetah Shadow 1-blunt object

Next is Vampyrist's Flaming Mask; well thought out costume and interpretation of the flaming mask feature.


Ruffblade's Diamond Flame is very nicely highlighted and the diamond hand and forearm are standouts. Has a real Golden Age feel.


Professor Ice by lordgrimm has a real Silver Age look to it, and the helmet, neck and chest pieces are very cool.


Dreadyacht's The Time Hourglass is wonderfully quirky, and I love the way his look is cobbled together.


And Herr D's Skeleton Orchid battling a feline onslaught is imaginative, light hearted and the composition is great!

Herr D - skeleton orchid

And the winner this week is...

Roughblade for Diamond Flame. There is something about this, perhaps the retro feel of the character, that had me going back for a second and third look. And while the costume itself is quite simple, it isĀ nicely realized and contrasts the work on the "diamond" areas in a very interesting way.

Congrats and well done!

See you Saturday.




Pop Quiz ā€“ Random


Your Pop Quiz challenge this time around is to visit the Superhero Name Generator in the link below, and have it generate a random name of neutral gender and create a kick @$$ hero or villain based on the result.

Be sure to either copy the link to your character name, or screen cap the result, and add it to your post so we can see the name and bio you were given. Entries without the link or screen cap will be disqualified.

Just a warning: some of the random names are prettyā€¦out there.

I encourage everyone to use the first random result they get, and while I cannot control your mindsā€¦yetā€¦that just adds to the challenge.

There is no prize. There is no poll. The winner is chosen by me.

You only get one entry so be creative, and above all else, have fun!

All entries must be in JPG or PNG formĀ (BMPs are too big), posted to a publicly accessible website (likeĀ the HeroMachine forums,ImageShack,Ā PhotoBucket, or whatever);

  • Entries must be made as a comment or comments to this post, containing a link directly to the image and the character name;
  • The image must be new and designed specifically for the Pop Quiz;
  • No copyrighted characters please ā€“ they will be deleted.
  • Please name your filesas [your name]-[character name].[file extension]Ā before you upload it. So DiCicatriz, for instance, would save his ā€œBayou Belleā€ character image asĀ DiCicatriz-BayouBelle.png.
  • Please make the link goĀ directly to the image(likeĀ this) andĀ not to a hosting jump pageĀ (likeĀ this).Ā See this post on how to get the direct link for most sites.

This contest will close at 6pm Eastern on Sunday, August 23rd.