Category Archives: Caption Challenges

Caption Contest 87 Winner!

The votes are in and your winner for Caption Contest 87 is ... Doomed Pixel for this quality joke:

Congratulations to Doomed Pixel, who alas has a long history of not claiming his prizes. Maybe this will turn into another bonus for those of you who haven't won, as you'll get to vote on another replacement item!

The full results are as follows for those who are curious:

Caption Contest 87 VOTE!

We had some wickedly funny entries for Caption Contest 87, many thanks to everyone who took the time to enter and share your creativity with us. The challenge was to come up with the funniest replacement dialog for this blank caption panel which, along with all your children, are © Marvel Comics:

I couldn't pick just one, so I am off-loading the job onto you. I selected the entries I thought were funniest overall, and now you get to vote for the ones you think are best. You can only vote one time between now and midnight Mountain Time, but in that one vote you can pick as many as you think are worthy.

Good luck to the Finalists! Winner announced in the morning.

[polldaddy poll="4166920"]

Caption Contest 87

Welcome all my friends to the show that never ends! We're so glad you could arrive, look inside, look inside!

Or failing that, come up with the funniest replacement dialog for this random comics panel from "Captain America":

Otherwise, the rules are simple — as many entries as you like (within the bounds of good personal editing), appropriate for no worse than a late-night broadcast TV show, by next Monday. The winner receives their choice of a) any item they like to be included in HeroMachine 3; b) any portrait they like to be included in HM3; or c) any subject (within reason) for a Sketch of the Day style custom black and white drawing.

Good luck everyone!

(All of those various Captain America iterations, this specific image, the term “super-hero”, and any ideas you have ever had or might have in the future, along with the contents of your sock drawer, are all © Marvel Comics.)

Caption Contest 86

Because I want to be sure everyone has time to work on their Friday Night Fight entries (reminder, they're due by this Friday! That's THIS FRIDAY!), I'm going to do a second Caption Contest week in a row. Now you've got no excuse for not entering FNF2!

This week's a bit different, though. Usually there's a pre-existing dialog balloon that I erase, leaving it to you to complete. This week, though, I wanted to go with a balloon-less image that you can add dialog to however you like, so you have a bit more freedom. And for our subject, what better than Ultimate Wolverine and Hulk duking it out? Or checking each other's teeth for broccoli stains, whichever. Here's your base image:

Be sure to indicate in your entry who's saying what. So for instance, you might submit something like:

Wolverine: Your breath stinks!
Hulk: Are you sure?! Take a REAL good whiff!

You can have one character saying something, or both, or neither, choosing instead for one of those bottom-line commentary captions you sometimes see on the funny pages. Like:

Commentary: And that was the last time Bruce Banner asked Logan for help picking meat out of his teeth.

Otherwise, the rules are simple -- as many entries as you like (within the bounds of good personal editing), appropriate for no worse than a late-night broadcast TV show, by next Monday. The winner receives their choice of a) any item they like to be included in HeroMachine 3; b) any portrait they like to be included in HM3; or c) any subject (within reason) for a Sketch of the Day style custom black and white drawing.

Good luck everyone!

(Hulk, Wolverine, this specific image, the term "super-hero", and any ideas you have ever had or might have in the future, along with the contents of your sock drawer, are all © Marvel Comics.)