Category Archives: Challenge Favorites

The winning entries for all HeroMachine contests.

Character Contest 5 Winners

After the jump I have the winners of Character Design Contest 5: Fantasy Edition. That's right, I said winnerS, plural; there were so many great entries (42 different individuals contributed 186 separate illustrations, which is mind-blowing) that I couldn't decide on just one. So I'll be showing you what I consider to be the best examples from five different categories, each of which will win either one item of their choice or a caricature of their head to be included in the HeroMachine 3 program!

Many thanks to everyone who entered; as always, if you don't see one of yours called out here, it's due to lack of space and not a lack of ability or creativity on your part. There's only so much room, after all!

And now, your winners (WARNING: Lots of very large images to follow, users with slow connections beware!).

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Character Contest 4 Results and Winner

Many thanks to the many entries for the "Angels and Demons" character creation contest! We had 74 entries, which is fantastic, and as in the first three contests the quality was quite high. After the jump I'll display the ones I thought were particularly deserving of mention, and then finally the overall winner. If you don't see yours here it's not that it wasn't good, it's just that I only have so much space. Thank you very much for entering, everyone!

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Character Contest 3: Robot Winner

First, I'm sorry to be so late posting this. It's been such a long day that it's actually tomorrow already. Or something. I hate time travel.

Second, THANK YOU for all the great entries! With almost 100 comments, that was one of the best responses ever, and the quality of the entries was very, very high. If you don't see yours listed as a finalist, that's probably just because I ran out of space, because I could easily have included a dozen more really stellar examples.

Anyway, on with your finalists!

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Inhuman character contest winner

By far, this week's contest proved the most difficult to judge. There were so many great entries, showing an amazing amount of creativity and versatility, I was honestly blown away. The images of the Finalists after the jump are fairly large, but I hope you'll review them all because they're really quite spectacular.

Many thanks to everyone's hard work who entered, I sincerely appreciate your taking the time not only to create your character, but to share it with the rest of us. Bravo, one and all!

And now, to your Finalists, with the winner to come at the end.

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Contest 56 Winner

I am happy to announce that the winner of Caption Contest 56 is ... Blue Blazer! I laugh every time I look at this:


The number of entries was down this week, I imagine as a result of the change in prizes, but although Blue Blazer doesn't win his own custom black and white illustration, he DOES get to choose either a) any one item in any one slot to be included in HeroMachine 3 or b) an illustration of his head and face to be included in HeroMachine 3 so he can serve as the basis for millions of super-heroes across the world!

There were still some really funny entries, though, including the following Honorable Mentions:

  • The Imp: Okay, boys! Let’s… REDECORATE THIS HOUSE!
  • William A. Peterson: “Hi! I’m a Jehovah’s Witness! Have you heard the WORD of the Lord?”
  • The Dudemeister: You boys look like you’ve been Golden BAD! Whose ready to DANCE?
  • amathakathi: I get the feeling i should NOT have listened to my rice krispies this morning…
  • chaetophile: Looks like my (bold)girlfriend(/bold)gave me the right address! You creeps don’t stand a chance against Golden Lad and his (bold)girlfriend(/bold) ! I’m getting set to smack you all to perdition, so that I can get right back to my (bold)girlfriend(/bold)!

Many thanks to everyone who entered. Finally, I thought you might want to see what the original panel was as published in the actual 1945 "Golden Lad" comic:


Capstan Character Contest Winner

Thanks to everyone who entered the first Character Contest! I had a good time seeing the visuals and reading the stories, thanks to everyone who took the time to send in an entry. After careful consideration that kept me pondering til this late at night, I have decided that the winner is ... Imp! He'll get to choose any one item to be included in HeroMachine 3, which I'll be sure to let you see as soon as it's done. Here's Imp's winning entry:


And here's his write-up:


Real Name: Sanjay Singh
1. Cybernetically enhanced nervous, skeletal, muscular system, giving him superhuman strength, speed, and reflexes.
2. Cybernetic tentacles, able to carry various types of onboard weaponry.

Sanjay Singh was a cybernetics engineer working for the Indian government, working on methods of enhancing the combat abilities of soldiers. He was paralyzed by a bomb planted by Muslim separatists, and volunteered to be implanted with his own creations in the hopes of being able to walk again. The surgery was a success, and Sanjay has since become one of India's premiere superheroes.

I'm not quite sure what that has to do with the word "capstan" but luckily for Imp, the visual made up for that small shortcoming. I like how simple the image is, without a ton of complications distracting from the basic design. The combo-logo looks great, too, and I like the power circles on the tentacles. The patterning on the metal arms was the final piece to the puzzle, making them look mottled and dirty and seaworn. Even though he doesn't have anything to do with the sea. Go figure.

Anyway, congratulations to Imp. Imp, be sure to drop me a line and let me know what you're thinking of for the prize.

I wanted to include some designs I thought were especially nice as Honorable Mentions after the jump, so here goes:

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Caption Contest 55 Winner

I am happy to announce that the winner of Caption Contest 55 is ... Hakoon!


The other Honorable Mentions were:

  • D: No! It’s my word! I had it first!
  • Merrick: Seriously … the blue pill?
  • Jonny Demon: Honk,honk!
  • The Imp: I won’t let it get weird, mama…
  • Bael: Badger? I don’ need no stinkin’ badger!
  • Xstacy: Then he says, “We call it the Aristocrats!” and King Peter struck him dead. Just absolutely smote him!

For submitting the winning entry, Hakoon wins either his choice of up to three related items to be included in HeroMachine 3, or an illustration of his face, also for inclusion with the program.

Thanks to everyone for entering!

Contest 54 Winner

A day late, the winner of Caption Contest 54 is ... Blue Blazer!


Blue Blazer can choose either a custom black and white illustration of whatever he or she likes, or a set of related items to be included in HeroMachine 3.

Other Honorable Mentions for the week include:

  • Brambles: Now let’s kill us some Sea Monkeys!
  • Lyogi: On the bright side, chances are you won’t stay dead long.
  • Tal: So long, and thanks for all the fish!
  • Jester: And get your hand OFF of my CROTCH!!!
  • Xstacy: Dinner’s in 30 minutes, and THESE FISH WON’T FRY THEMSELVES!
  • Fishpants: Except goldfish! You see what happens when you flush ‘em?

I'm taking a break from the Caption Contests this week, so check back next Tuesday for your chance to win!

Caption Contest 53 Winner

Our great guest judge Amber Love of "Amber's Fashion Tips for Superheroes" has chosen a winner for Caption Contest 53! The person who will get to choose either a custom black and white illustration of whatever they like (within reason) OR an outfit/object to be included in HeroMachine 3 is ... Steve! Again. Who I already owe TWO illustrations to.


Amber's other placements were:

  • James, 2nd Place - 1. This alternate universe where Obama won really sucks…oh wait…thats right…he DID win…shit..
  • Collex, 3rd Place - 4. Next time, I’m using the red kryptonite. The blue one really sucks.
  • Ian, 4th Place - 1. “I shouldn’t have had that second bean and spinach burrito.”
  • Halloween Jack, 5th Place - 10. Well, I suppose this passes the time til Heromachine 3 is finished.

And her Honorable Mentions:

  • Danny Beaty, 8. Why is Amber Love’s lipstick on my husband’s shirt collar?
  • Cory, 1. I cant wait to see Amber’s new fashion tips…
  • Collex, 5. Hmmm. I wonder if he would be more excited if I had a cool Starfire costume.

Congratulations to Steve and to our other "five star" entries. Keep your eye out for the next HeroMachine Caption Contest, coming soon to a blog near you!

And finally, many thanks to Amber Love for being our excellent guest judge this week. Be sure to keep track of her super-hero fashion blog for all the latest and greatest on being super sartorial.

Special One Year Prizes

I wanted to mark the occasion of the 52nd week (which according to my Aztec Calendar is one year) of the HeroMachine Caption Contests in some way. So I've gone through and tallied up all of the Honorable Mentions throughout the year (except for week 52), coming up with the following list of Caption Contest All-Stars, with the number of times they made the Honorable Mention list (but not as winners):

  1. Frankie (11)
  2. Rick (7)
  3. Fishpants (6)
  4. Danny Beaty (6)
  5. Halloween Jack (6)
  6. Runt82 (5)
  7. Ian (5)
  8. Doomed Pixel (5)
  9. Whit (5)
  10. Jester (5)
  11. John d (5)
  12. Loki (4)
  13. Ballin' Boy (4)
  14. Niall Mor (4)

Apparently I find Frankie hysterical, who knew? Seriously, to get on the list four or more times is truly remarkable, speaking not only of a great sense of humor and a lively imagination, but dedication to keep coming back time after time. Thank you all sincerely for helping to spread laughter through the blog, I really appreciate it.

Since Frankie has the most overall Honorable Mentions, he gets his choice of either the first paperback edition of "All-Star Superman", one of the best comics of the last year in my humble opinion, or a "bonus" custom color illustration by yours truly. Congratulations Frankie!

In addition, I wanted to recognize the person on the list with the most Honorable Mentions who hadn't yet gotten an outright win. And that person, with five entries, is Doomed Pixel. Since he hasn't won before, he'll also win a free custom black and white illustration by me. He's made some killer characters in HeroMachine, so I look forward to seeing what he comes up with for his illustration.

Congratulations once again to Frankie and Doomed Pixel, as well as the other distinguished folks on the All-Star List. Well done!