Category Archives: Challenge Favorites

The winning entries for all HeroMachine contests.

Character Contest 23 Winners!

I think maybe the holidays have gotten everyone a bit busy, as there weren't a ton of entries this week. In light of that, I wanted to thank those who DID submit an illustration by highlighting one design by each of them. So here go our highlights!

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Friday Night Fights Finale!

Congratulations to our two finalists in the first HeroMachine Friday Night Fights Contest! Each of these gentlemen will receive a custom character illustration by yours truly, the winner's in color and the runner-up's in black and white. To have come this far means each of them created three great, winning characters in three different genres, which is no mean feat. Along the way they overcame some wonderfully illustrated opponents, and now at the last they meet head-to-head for the championship.

With no further ado, therefore, I give you your coincidentally Death-themed "Open" final round of this first iteration of Friday Night Fights:

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Caption Contest 66 Winner!

Wow, there were some really funny entries for Caption Contest 66, thanks to everyone who took the time to make a submission! I think this is the longest Honorable Mention list I've ever had, but they were just that good.

Ultimately, of course, There Can Be Only One, and this week that One is first time winner Tim!


It probably says more about my completely random and odd sense of humor than anything, but that makes me laugh every time. The ejection nozzle on that "gun" just screams "TOAST!" to me now whenever I see it. Plus I love the idea of that expression on that "woman" as she wades into battle, flinging lightly crisped bread products willy-nilly. It walks that fine line between head-scratching legitimate war-cry and completely inane blather that truly is the hallmark of the Image Nineties. Well done, Tim! He receives his choice of either his portrait or any item he likes to be included in the final HM3 version.

As I said, though, many other outstanding entries were submitted, so without further ado I present your Honorable Mentions for this week:

  • Blue Blazer: That’s for wiping snot on the side of my pool.
  • Gero: “It’s lucky this gun is so big, because I can’t see a damn thing!”
  • Dennis: “Does my butt look in this”
  • Danny Beaty: Keep your “Watchtower” and give Jehovah my regards!
  • haydnc95: ‘If you look real hard…You may notice I have a gun!’
  • nick: when life hands you ammo, buy a bigger gun.
  • Gene: “It IS the size of your gun that matters!!”
  • Aaron: Yes this is a gun…..and no I am not happy to see you.
  • Deadeas: “Hey! The frozen pizza’s done!”
  • Patrick: I have what kind of envy now?!
  • Loki: Now that’s what you call a bullet-bullet!
  • GreenBat: I’ll let these guns do the talking.
  • Jake: You should see my big gun.
  • D: That’s not a hairdryer! THIS…is a hairdryer!
  • Kountkill: “Who said you can’t weaponize an E-Z bake oven?”
  • PRiegel: “Good Lord! I DO have feet…and I shot one off!”

Thanks again to all who entered!

Character Contest 22 Winners!

The "Greek Mythology" character contest produced a lot of fantastic entries, so thanks to everyone who took the time to participate! I've selected a handful as Honorable Mentions, and of course one overall winner (who receives either a portrait or any one item of their choice for inclusion in the final HeroMachine 3 version) for your viewing pleasure.

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Caption Contest 65 Winner!

I am pleased to give you the winner of Caption Contest 65, Gero!


This is much funnier if you're steeped enough in Bulletlore to know that Bulletgirl IS the police chief's daughter. I laughed out loud reading it, though, so nice job Gero! I also got a kick out of these Honorable Mention entries:


  • BM: Bulletgirl, have you noticed that we have huge seashells on our hea–
  • BG: Shhhhh! I think I can hear the ocean.


  • BM: I’m telling you Bulletgirl … Rock beats Booger everytime!
  • BG: NoseBullets!


  • BM: The line must be drawn here!
  • BG: Why not over there?

There weren't as many entries this time, so I think I need to work harder to find some really bizarre, fun panel, like the one with the guy spraying machine gun fire while explosions came out of his butt. Good times.

Thanks to those who did take the time to submit their funny lines! Gero wins either a portrait of himself or any item he chooses for the final HM3 version, so congratulations again.

Character Contest 21 Winner

Lots of great entries this week, thanks to everyone who entered! I've selected a few after the jump to feature as Honorable Mentions before getting to the overall winner, but I think the level of performance this week across the board was very high. Just to recap, this was the contest where you had to produce an illustration based on a randomly generated character name.

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Character Contest 20 Winner

Although it was a smaller turnout than usual (not that I blame anyone -- I certainly wouldn't want a picture of me up on the internet! -- I appreciate everyone who made an entry into our last costume contest, which asked you to put up a HeroMachine image of an actual Halloween costume. In addition to the folks who bravely posted themselves, several people put together excellent composites of other people.

PhoenixTallon posted some very nice adaptions, but my favorite was her "I Dream of Jeannie":
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Character Contest 19 Winners

Without further ado, and with many thanks for all those who shared their creations as part of the event, I present the Honorable Mentions and the overall winner of Character Contest 19.

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Character Contest 19: The horror … the HORROR!

The season of silly costumes, a year-round affair in these parts, has reached critical mass in the world at large with the advent of that crazy holiday, Halloween! People from all walks of life will, for just this one night, release their inner geek and dress up as everything from the classic sheet-over-the-head ghost to an AT-AT Walker from Star Wars and everything in between.

As the advance guard of the Costume Design Revolution, however, it is incumbent upon us to lead the way, to show the regular citizens of this fine world what is possible. And so your challenge this week is to create the scariest Halloween costume/monster/getup you can using any version of HeroMachine you like.

I'll grant you, people dress up as non-scary stuff all the time for Halloween, but at its core the holiday is supposed to be about being scared. You don't have to go bloody, necessarily, but Tinkerbell ain't gonna cut it. Unless she's actually cutting it, "it" being the horrified neck of one Peter Pan, Esquire, for instance.

So get busy, folks, and make with the horror!

  • You have one week, starting today and ending next Tuesday.
  • All entries must be left as links to an image or images in the comments to this post, and all images must be 100% HeroMachine-generated (any version).
  • The winner will get to choose either any item he or she wants, or their caricature, put into HeroMachine 3 for all to see and love.

Good luck everyone, I look forward to seeing what you come up with!

If you don't know how to do a screen capture, and for some reason are not happy with or can't use the "Save as JPG/PNG" button in HeroMachine 3, Hammerknight put together a how-to for you.

P.S. As a special, rare sneak preview, next week's contest is going to be you submitting a photo of you (or someone you know) in their Halloween costume, along with that same costume rendered in HeroMachine. So if you were on the fence about planning something for Halloween to wear, maybe this will be the kick in the pants you need!

Caption Contest 63 Winner

I am happy to give you the winner of Caption Contest 63 AND the choice of either a caricature or any item they want ... Bixlord!


I liked the idea of corporate villains getting socked by well-meaning but perhaps misguided consumer advocates in tights. Congratulations to Bixlord!

I also wanted to highlight the following Honorable Mention entries which I thought were outstanding:

  • Danny Beaty: Girl, where did you get those bitchin’ thigh highs?
  • johny: lets put a frown on that face!
  • TopHat: “Quit pushing! You’ll get to eat some of the villain after I’m done!”
  • Bael: Excuse Me! Coming through! Clear the men’s room! Taco Hell Emergency!!!
  • Patrick: It’s true … no matter how they look, singers always get the girl!
  • cavalier: “One way or another, I shall win the Bad Costume Contest!”
  • Frankie: “Why don’t you take this Scooby-Doo weregator ghost and chow down on some hamburgers, Jughead. Veronica’s my girl.”

Nice job and many thanks to all who entered!