Category Archives: Challenge Favorites

The winning entries for all HeroMachine contests.

Character Contest 41 Winners!

The only thing worse today than the massive head cold I am sporting is my craptacular internet connection. Thus I am at the library using their wireless network while spreading my germs to the other patrons. Don't say I never gave you anything, library lovers!

Since the latter item meant it took me three hours just to download half the entries for Character Contest 41 and the former item means I feel like death, I am not going to post the individual images of the Finalists like I usually do. Instead I am going to put them all into a gallery, where you can click through to each one.

Congratulations nonetheless to all of our Finalists, however -- Alex, Blue Blazer, Decolda, Gargoyle323 (x3!), Imp (x2!), Kaldath, Knitesoul, Morzan, Mr. Q., Phatchick, Rosco, Watson Bradshaw, and Zyp. Well done, all of you! Some of these I liked a specific element or technique, others were great designs, and others were just fun. I will leave it to all you healthy people to figure out which was which, and why you think these made it to the Finalist status, in the comments.

Somehow I managed to put each one in twice. I don't know how I did that, or how to make it stop, so get ready for twice the lovin'.

Finally, out of all those I had to pick one winner. And I had to agree with those who exclaimed in the comments how awesome this one is, because I just love it. All of the effects work, the design is spot-on, and the character just looks utterly fantastic. Definitely one of the best entries we've had in the history of this series, just a great, great job by Morzan with his "Junkie":

Morzan, let me know either via email or in a comment to any post what item or portrait you'd like as your prize. Thanks for the illustration and congratulations!

Character Contest 41 Winners!

I believe we had the most entries ever in a HeroMachine Character Design Contest this time around, but I've finally sifted through the excellent submissions, distilling the Finalists and our overall Winner for "Character Contest 41 - Art Martial"! Thanks to everyone who took the time to enter, I had a lot of fun looking through these.

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Caption Contest 81 Winner!

The votes are in and you the readers have spoken -- the winner of Caption Contest 81 is Frankie!

This makes three pending contest prizes for Frankie, so I've given him the option of combining the item rewards into a custom black and white character illustration instead, if he wants. If I don't hear from you, Frankie, I'm going to assume you don't want any of the prizes and instead revert them to some sort of community-choice kind of thing.

Character Contest 40 Winners!

The response to Character Contest 40 was great, I appreciate all the hard work and time y'all put into this. I especially loved the chance to read up on some Southern legends I hadn't heard before, so special thanks to everyone who provided links to the myths and legends that inspired your creations.

Having said that, let's get to the Finalists!

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Caption Contest 80 Winner!

The votes are in, and the winner of Caption Contest 80 is none other than Hammerknight!

He wins his choice of either any item he likes, or a portrait, either to be included in the final HM3 version. Congratulations Hammerknight!

I know there was grumbling last time Hammerknight won a contest (Character Contest 22) because he's a frequent contributor to the site with his Recipes, but this was a completely blind vote -- no one knew who put in which entry, and it was open to the general public for a vote. So it's fair and square and completely aboveboard, and a well-earned victory. He's not an employee or anything like that, just a guy who's good with the app and who's willing to share what he's learned. So no complaining!

Actually, on that note, anyone is welcome to send me a recipe you've come up with. Format the image(s) at no more than 620 pixels wide and send them to me ( and I'd be happy to post them if I have the time and space.

Congrats again to HK and the other finalists!

Introducing your DinoMarines Squad

The votes are in for the most popular DinoMarines, and I've chosen the top 6 to form the Omega Squad (in honor of the original dinosaurs being wiped out, the DinoMarines rank their units starting with Omega and working backwards from there). If you have a good idea for their squad nickname, let it rip in the comments. I put the cut-off there because that seemed to be the major break point (38 votes vs the 33 for the next spot) that would allow in enough members to be a team, without so many it got unwieldy.

The totals were:

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Caption Contest 79 Winner!

Caption Contest 79 was won by one vote, and the winner is ... Jack Zegler!

Jack wins his choice of either an item or a portrait to be included in HeroMachine 3. Congratulations!

For the curious, the runner-up by one vote was the also very funny SteveM:

DinoMarine finalists coming up later today, and another Caption Contest as well. Thanks for playing along, everyone!

Caption Contest 79 VOTE!

Many thanks to you all for the wealth of very funny entries for Caption Contest 79 last week, it was a gas reading them. As it was also for Jimmy Olsen, apparently, judging from that drawing. I've put the ones I thought were funniest into the panel for your judging pleasure (click on an image to see it at a larger size), so check as many of the ones in the poll as you think are worthy and the top overall vote-getter as of next Monday will win a fabulous art prize from yours truly.

[polldaddy poll="3461823"]

Good luck everyone!

Caption Contest 78 WINNER!

Congratulations to Rancid for winning Caption Contest 78 with this gem of a panel:

Rancid wins either any item he likes, or a portrait, to be included in the final HeroMachine 3 version. Congratulations to him and to all the other finalists!

Character Design Contest 38 Winners!

We had an overwhelming response to "Character Contest 38 – Random Name II: This time it’s personal", I thank you all for sharing your creativity and time with the rest of us. Outstanding work all the way around this week, absolutely.

As usual, I've picked out the submissions I thought were particularly noteworthy for one reason or another, and present them after the jump. Plus, this week we have TWO winners, who you'll find at the very end.

Congratulations and thank again to everyone who entered!

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