Category Archives: Challenge Favorites

The winning entries for all HeroMachine contests.

Character Contest 51 Winners!

With great delight and no further fanfare, I present the following exceptional entries to Character Contest 51: Alien Nation!

First up is Abominal401's "The Shadow of the Demon", which I don't think qualifies as an actual "alien", but which I wanted to show you for the great use of silhouette and posing here. The use of just red as the lone color makes for a very striking effect.

I don't love Asder's "Avatar" homage here, but I do love the background. At first I couldn't figure out how he did the background, but it turns out to be as simple as it is effective.

I thought MMI's "Arachni" was a little more "super hero" than "alien" but I love, love, love the patterning of the spider web onto the smoke trails. That's an awesome look.

AJW's "Equithan" is a nice blend of different body parts to create a nifty looking alien-type warrior.

Cliff went for the ever-popular "Alien Squid Tentacle Guy and Hot Girl in Bikini" motif in his "Sixty Seconds Before" homage, and I liked the alienness of the creature.

DiCicatriz had the best "alien mech" type of entry with "The Unseen". I love the glowing headlight and the simple but elegant arrangement of the body parts to make a convincing crab-like creature.

I figure if Millar and Hitch can turn Samuel L. Jackson into Nick Fury, Galahad should be able to make him an alien as he did with "Samuel L. Zaxmar".

Kaldath put together a nice ocean scene along with a cool looking aquatic alien to populate it with "Pyronling".

I thought Kingslaughter did one of the best "scenes" I've seen yet in terms of layout and creative use of posing. I wish the coloring had been more cohesive and not so ... jarring? Regardless, very well done.

Another MMI entry is the neat looking "Drop From Above Alien". I thought the background in particular was cool, but the creature itself is also excellent.

I really liked Mr. Vampire's "Brain Spider" for the concept -- zombie-making space aliens in EVAC suits is downright scary.

Sutter Kaine's leonine alien hunter came out great.

Rozenstal made a comment on his entry that he thought there were too many "humanoid" entries, and he wanted to do something not based on our basic build. I agree, actually -- I was hoping for some really "alien" entries. So when deciding which of the great entries would win, I ended up narrowing it down to the following batch of "non human" aliens.

First is Rozenstal himself, with a nasty looking reptilian beast.

Watson Bradshaw's "Alien" looks like a robot I've seen before but I can't quite place it ... Still, nice job!

Our First Runner-Up is from Tango, titled "Mynzithrum". I love the reflected face in the glass, the water effect surrounding the alien, and of course, the alien life form itself. The design, coloring, and overall layout are all exceptionally well done.

Finally, the Winner of this contest is, as far as I can remember, a newcomer to these endeavors, and I think he knocked it out of the park with all his entries. While stories or explanations aren't necessary -- this is 90% a visual competition -- but I absolutely loved his. I mean, take a look at his explanation for the "Tateroids":

Tateroids are potato shaped, silicon based life forms that spontaneaously change sex if suprised or frightened, often causing the unexpected release of a single, nerflike egg. Tateroids are, understandably, sociophobic and don’t get out much.

And here's the image:

A wonderful combination of imagination, writing, and art. I loved it. Here are a few more, but do yourself a favor and check them all out, they're just great.

So for embracing the challenge of creating aliens both visually and texturally, and for doing such a kick-ass job all the way around, I am happy to pronounce PapaKrok the winner of his choice of any item or any portrait to go in HM3, or a "Sketch of the Day" style illustration.

Congratulations to him and to all our Finalists, and thanks to everyone who took the time to enter!

Friday Night Fights 2 Round 3 Results!

Ladies and gentlemen (and any aliens or monsters or inhumans who might be reading), we have our fantastic fighting finalists for Friday Night Fights! The results from Round 3 are in, and the results could not be clearer:

Congratulations first to our two Finalists, Imp and DiCicatriz. Each is guaranteed to win a custom black and white character illustration of whoever they like if they come in second, or a full-color character illustration if they win.

Second, congratulations are also in order for Me, Myself, and I for winning the Round 3 Consolation Prize, consisting of any item they like, or any portrait they like, or a "Sketch of the Day" style illustration.

Later today I'll post the final round to determine the winner, but I wanted these guys to have some time to bask in the glow of their victory before having to prep for the next matchup.

Well done, all!

Caption Contest 87 Winner!

The votes are in and your winner for Caption Contest 87 is ... Doomed Pixel for this quality joke:

Congratulations to Doomed Pixel, who alas has a long history of not claiming his prizes. Maybe this will turn into another bonus for those of you who haven't won, as you'll get to vote on another replacement item!

The full results are as follows for those who are curious:


By doubling up his nearest competitor in terms of percentage of the vote, the winner of the Friday Night Fights 2 Round 2 Consolation Prize is ... Alex! His Little John was judged the best by 27% of the votes cast; congratulations to him.

In the main bracket, the results were as follows:

  • DiCicatriz 117, Gargoyle323 40
  • Frevoli 82, VonMaclolm 77
  • Myro 109, JordanXord 37
  • Imp 114, Me Myself and I 44

That sets up a Final Four of Imp (9) vs. Myro (5), and Frevoli (10) vs. DiCicatriz:

Congratulations to all the winners, and good luck in the next round, which I'll post in a couple of hours.

Character Contest 50 Winners!

Wow, we had a phenomenal number of absolutely outstanding entries for Character Contest 50: Lord Random III! This may be a record number of Finalists, I'm not sure, but regardless everyone should be very proud of themselves this week. I really appreciate all the hard work and creativity on display.

Without further ado, therefore, your Finalists! As a reminder, the challenge was to put together a concept using names randomly generated from the Seventh Sanctum site.

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Character Contest 49 Winners!

Just to be different, this week I am going to list all the Finalists (including the winner) for "Character Contest 49: Scorpio", and then at the end just say which one won. Because that's the way rock and roll rebels like me like to roll. And rock. Or something.

Anyway, off we go!

Asder was on FIRE this week, and as proof, here's his "Man vs. Scorpion King" complete with a sword that is on fire. There's a lot to like about this illustration, from the design of the characters themselves to the cool flame effect to the nice way he's pointed the toes on the human figure. A great example of "set design" in action.

Asder's second Finalist is "Scorpion King". He (it?) looks totally cool and I think shows a lot of creativity in how it's assembled. The mace and spike tail in particular is wicked.

Finally, Asder gives us "The Scorpio Whip". I love that he uses "scorpio" in the name of the weapon instead of the character, just the kind of left-field thinking I cherish. And the whip itself kicks ass, a very cool concept well executed. The color scheme is tight as well, and supports the entire illustration perfectly. Excellent job, Asder!

Atomic Punk's "70s Scorpio", a musical genius from the Age of Aquarius generation, makes great use of non-traditional elements in the sky and background to sell the story. I think it's a real hoot.

I love Cliff's imaginative use of pieces to build his "Scorpio BioMech". The planetoidal (I just made that word up!) surface is also very convincing and helps bring the entire concept together.

Galahad's "Scorpio" doesn't do anything crazy, but is a solid and interesting character nonetheless. You don't always have to push the program to breaking (literally in all too many cases) to get something cool.

"I forget what name I use" put together a very cool "Black Scorpion" image for us. The purple-to-black gradient in the background works great, and the back-lighting that I think MMI introduced us to in his "Cemetery" series is also a wonderful touch. Very moody and effective.

Speaking of MMI, his run of great characters continues this week with "Femme Fatale du Scorpion". I love the vaguely "Zorro" vibe, tight color scheme, and overall character design.

MLS promises a series of Zodiac-inspired characters, and that's the thing most likely to prompt me to actually doing the series each month. I like the improvised blade-gun Scorpio wields here a lot. The knife is also cool.

Like Cliff, Rancid assembled his own figure out of bits and pieces, and I love it. The face in particular is both eerie and intimidating, with the unusual flat-plane orientation. I think the background rocks too, an excellent energy-portal type of effect. The colors chosen also work great together and help bring it all home. Nice job Rancid!

Finally, Sandcat makes great use of the two-color gradient and a hand-placed constellation to perfectly complement the innocence of "Scorpio".

Which brings us to the announcement of our winner. Namely, Asder! With that many great entries I couldn't deny the guy, and from the beginning I though "The Scorpio Whip" was a fantastic illustration.

So congratulations to Asder for the win, to all the Finalists for their great work, and to everyone who had the courage to share your work with the wide world!

Caption Contest 86 Winner!

Congratulations to the winner of Caption Contest 86: Joshua!

I ultimately went with him as the winner because he had three different entries that were all very good. This one I thought perfectly captured the spirit of most Internet debate.

He was not the only person worth of singling out, however, so forthwith I present your other Honorable Mention Finalist Type People:

  • Joshua: Hulk: IT’S NOT EASY BEING GREEN!
  • Joshua: Wolverine: I’m the best at what I do, and what I do isn’t pretty– that being a dental hygienist.
  • Ben Trafford: “Hulk is NOT being just like his mother!”
  • Jake: Commentary: And so the Veiny Neck contest began!
  • The Atomic Punk: Hulk: Hulk said “a little off the sides!”
  • Brambles: Wolverine: Staring contest! GO!

Jake's in particular gave me a good snort, but I thought all of those were very funny. Thanks to everyone who entered, I hope you all enjoyed it!

Joshua, let me know what you'd like for your prize either here, via the Contact Us link, or by direct e-mail (afdstudios at the gmail to the com).

Caption Contest 85 Winner

Thanks to everyone who entered Caption Contest 85, our Halloween Dress-up Edition! Some of the entries I thought were particularly funny were:

  • Loki: Safety word! Safety word!
  • Gargoyle323: “O.K., O.K., I think you really DO look like Lion-O from the ThunderCats!”
  • Gargoyle323: “I’ll quit telling people to spay and neuter their pets.”
  • Miriam: I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to call you a Thundercats ho!
  • Blue Blazer: To hell with society, Brian! Marry me!

But I could only pick one winner, so I went with the one that I thought was a) the funniest, that also b) conveyed some sense of a larger story beyond just the one panel. And that caption was submitted by none other than ... Bael!

Bael wins his (or her, heck, I dunno, that's what internet anonymity is all about!) choice of a) any item they like to be included in HeroMachine 3; b) any portrait to be included in HM3; or c) any subject they like (within reason) for a Sketch of the Week style black and white custom illustration.

Congratulations and thanks to everyone for participating!

Pop Quiz 2 Winners!

My thanks to those who participated in our Halloween Pop Quiz, and my apologies for the results coming in so slowly. I blame my new zippy Internet access for luring me into its siren call, resulting in many lost hours.

Unfortunately I couldn't give a passing grade to very many of the entrants, as most failed to read one of the most important elements, rule 3:

In a comment to this post, give us your critique of the original ...

Only Rozenstal, Cliff's Tigger Boy, MMI, Myro, and Danny provided critiques of the original costume (however brief they might have been, as in Cliff's "He didn't go far enough" epic tome), so only they qualified. Which is too bad, because I honestly thought Marie did the best job with rule 2:

... redesign a better one ...

Most of the qualified entries more or less just recreated the costume in HeroMachine, which wasn't the goal at all -- you were supposed to improve it with the original as the inspiration. I'm sorry if I didn't make that more clear. It does mean, however, that I didn't have a lot of choice, and have given the prize to "Me, Myself, and I" for his cooler and well-explained update of this unfortunate Prom reject:

To this suave, two-faceted international man-about-town:

Congratulations to MMI, who wins his choice of a) any item he likes to be included in HM3; b) a portrait of himself to be included in HM3; or c) a custom black and white "Sketch of the Day" style illustration of any subject he likes (within reason), and thanks to those who entered!

Character Contest 48 Winners

Character Contest 48 was a lot of fun, thanks to everyone for taking us on a tour of your most demented, funniest, and in some cases SUPER circuses!

I've picked out the entries that I thought were either just flat-out the best, or had some particular feature I enjoyed, or that were in some other way outstanding. If you don't see yours here, it's not that it wasn't good, it's just that only a few can make it in.

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