Category Archives: Challenge Favorites

The winning entries for all HeroMachine contests.

Character Contest 56 Winners!

First, a bit of embarrassing math-related record keeping -- the original contest post said this was Character Contest 55, but it is actually Character Contest 56. My apologies; I claim a dual art and English degree as the culprit. Also too I am a number idiot.

Now that we have that out of the way, let's move on to the fun stuff, our Finalists!

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Caption Contest 91 Winner!

Congratulations to the winner of the Caption Contest 91 vote-off, B. Clouser!

Let me know what you'd like for your prize, and congratulations!

Character Contest 55 Winners!

Thanks to everyone who entered Character Contest 55: Capricorn Won! I have noticed that the Zodiac contests don't seem to generate quite as much enthusiasm as others, so I wanted to ask up front how you all feel about them -- keep going or give it up?

Anyway, I've gone through the submissions and have picked a few that I thought you would enjoy seeing. As usual, this is all just my personal opinion about what makes, first, the best image, and second, fits the contest theme best. If yours isn't highlighted here, that doesn't mean it wasn't good! I just have so much time and space and have to go with the ones that I think for one reason or another are particularly worthy of praise.

Off we go, with the winner coming at the very end!

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Caption Contest 90 Winner!

Congratulations to the winner of Caption Contest 90, for subtlety, humor, and very sly innuendo -- JOEL!

Joel, just let me know what you'd like for your prize.

We had a number of very funny runners-up, as well, which I now present for your edification and enjoyment. Note that Joel had a second one that was almost as funny, and Dan McDorman had three. Impressive!

joel Says:
“For the last time!”
“I am NOT a furry!”

Tim Says:
1) “This seems to be a little unorthodox, master.”
2) “Are you sure this is part of typical jedi training?”

Bael Says:
1) This is the last straw, Leonard.
2) I’m never going to one of these conventions with you again!

count libido Says:
“Okay, I dressed up as Asohka for you for ComicCon…”
“Now can we pleeease go shopping?”

Watson Bradshaw Says:
“A few more tentacles…..
And we can sell this book in Japan.”

Dan McDorman Says:
1. What do you mean ‘AAAARRGH’…
2. …isn’t a safe word?!?

1. I think you misunderstood when I said…
2. …”I support womans suffrage!”

1. Okay I 100% refuse to believe…
2. …that this is how Yoda started.

CPrime Says:
1. “You’ll never take my FREEDOM!!!”
2. “Oh, I guess that’s exactly what you’re taking… damn.”

Blue Blazer Says:
“This is not the sex slave you’re looking for.”

JoeBroFoSho Says:
Ballon One: Hey skyguy. I know it might be a little late to say this but…
Balloon 2: IT’S A TRAP!

Caption Contest 89 Winner! A little late …

So a funny thing happened on the way to judging Caption Contest 89. We were moving, and of course a massive snow storm hit that day (-27 that night). That delayed everything, including our internet installation. When that finally got done and we were settled in enough for me to have time to go through all the entries, I was pretty tired. I did my usual thing, collecting all the ones I thought were potential winners, in a plain text document. By the time I was done I had to get up to make dinner.

Afterwards my mother-in-law (did I mention we had relatives visiting, arriving at the airport two hours after I touched down from my week long visit to Baton Rouge? In the middle of a move from one town to another? During a massive snow storm? Yeah.) asked if she could use the computer to check her Yahoo Mail. She's on a Dell at home and I have a Mac, but no big deal because a browser's a browser, right?


I sat down late that night after she was done and stared at my shiny, empty desktop. Every document had been dutifully closed, including my unsaved text file with all the finalists.

So, yeah. Again.

Anyway, love her to death, but I just didn't have the heart to go back through and re-do it all. Which is a long way around saying I'm sorry for the long delay, and here are your Finalists.

  • Z. Daniel Phoenix:
    Hulk not just strong.
    Hulk Army Strong!
  • Runt82: Hulk have manners! Hulk tank you very much!
  • Watson Bradshaw: “HULK PARK TANK, YOU TIP BIG!!!”
  • count libido: Now Hulk just need other Hulks to spell out M-C-A!
  • kyle: Die spider!
  • Razhwurz: “NO BODY MOVE! I lost a contact lens!”
  • Rhinoman: “DUDE! Where Hulk’s Car?”
  • venomfang666: All your tank belong to hulk!

Particular noteworthy are Frankie and HalLoweEn JacK for referencing particularly funny random panels from the past. And to Count Libido for what I think was the most out-of-the-box response that never would have occurred to me, and is especially funny given the plethora of Hulks wandering around the Marvelverse these days.

However, your overall winner is not one of those, but rather from ... Gero!

This is a very obscure reference, but for all us old fogies who used to be stuck playing cheap-ass computer games, it really struck a note. Well done, Gero, let me know what you'd like for your prize!

Character Contest 54 Results

Many thanks to everyone who entered Character Contest 54! I'm going to do something quite different with the results this week: I've chosen one entry I felt was the best from each person who provided a valid link and will comment on it. Then at the end, I'll announce which one I think was the winner overall.

Usually I'd pick out 10-20 of the very best overall, but I can see how it would be frustrating to work hard every week only to never get any sense for why yours wasn't chosen. I can't promise I'll do this every week because it's a lot of work, and the descriptions may be as brief as just a sentence, but we'll see how it goes. I'd love to hear what you think of this approach, though.

Practically speaking, that means you're going to find a lot of images after the jump, so click through with caution!

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Character Contest 53 Winner!

Having slowly dug out of the big snow storm that hit Durango on Move Day, and having stolen my wife's laptop and USB cellular internet doohickey pending the delayed installation of the permanent Internet hardware, I am happy to finally present the best of the entries for Character Contest 53! I'll list all the Finalists in alphabetical order, before announcing which of them is the overall winner.

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Character Contest 52 Winner!

I am happy to show you the Finalists for Character Contest 52: Sagittarius! There were some great entries this time around; I hope you have as much fun browsing through them as I did.

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Caption Contest 88 Winner!

Sorry for the late posting, I've been converting Female Fantasy Common items all day and time kind of slipped away from me. But without further ado, I am happy to announce that the winner of Caption Contest 88 is ... Joshua!

Joshua, let me know what you'd like as your prize and I'll throw it on the list. This was the one that made both John and I laugh right out loud the most, so we had to go with it.

I thought these entries were very funny as well:

  • joel: “Screw the barrels, Take this Mario!”
  • Dr. Shrinker: The name is Furious George!
  • bookaddict1978: Now look what you made me do! Stop Grabbin my Ass!!!!!!!
  • Runt82: Take this, Dancing With The Stars!
  • The Atomic Punk: Mine is tapped, but yours is gettin’ capped!
  • TheNate: Watch those pinchers, RoboCop-a-feel!
  • Jester: THIS is my CRANKY face!
  • TheNate: Monkey see, monkey shoot!
  • Jake: See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil? What about shoot all evil?
  • Blue Blazer: TAKE OFF THAT DAMN YELLOW HAT!!!!!!

Congratulations to Joshua for the win, and many thanks to not only the Finalists above, but to everyone who entered. Great job!

FNF2 Final Results!

Congratulations to Imp for winning Friday Night Fights 2! The results were not as close as I'd have expected:

As the winner, Imp will receive a custom color illustration of pretty much whatever he likes (within reason), and as the Runner-Up DiCicatriz will receive a black and white character illustration. Congratulations to them both for making it this far.

And in the last Consolation Round, the winner is Frevoli!

Frevoli wins his choice of any item or any portrait to be included in the final HM3 release, or a Sketch of the Day style drawing. Congratulations!

Thanks to everyone who participated either by submitting characters or by voting. Let me know what you thought of the whole process, and I hope you enjoyed it.

Finally, I wanted to show all of Imp's team, along with the full backstory, so it'll all be in one place. Enjoy!

Setting:  This is a neo-feudal/corporate-run galactic nation, the Terran Empire.  Corporations have become the 'new nobility', with CEO, CFO, and other titles becoming hereditary.  The Emperor himself is elected by the Grand Combine, a high council consisting of the CEOs of the most powerful corporations.  The Emperor serves for life unless he gets voted out on a 'no confidence' vote by 85% of the Combine.  For the last fifteen years, the Empire has been at war with the Gath, an alien stellar nation with similar technological levels and motivations as the humans.  Unfortunately, this has resulted in a stalemate for the last decade.  The current Emperor, Diarmid VIII, has been on crusade on the frontiers for the last nine years; despite continued calls for votes of no confidence, the Grand Combine has been unable to reach a majority.  This had led to unrest and even outright rebellion in certain Imperial sectors as local despots seek to increase their own power at the expense of the citizenry...
Colonel Robin Hood:  Once a colonel in the Imperial Skyforce (a combination space fleet and air force), Hood is the son of Albert Hood, CEO of Hood Industries and Duke of Covington, an Imperial Sector within the New Albion quadrant.  His family has been life-long friends and allies of LM&P (Leaford Mining and Pharmaceuticals), the rulers of neighboring Nottingham Sector.  While serving on the frontier in the war against the Gath, Robin was captured and spent three years in a Gathi prison.  When he finally escaped, he made his way home, only to find that his Sector and Nottingham Sector had been 'reorganized' by the Sheriff of Nottingham.  His father was dead, and Robin himself was quickly declared an outlaw.
Sheriff Roger Lacey:  The Imperial Marshalls are the internal peace-keeping forces of the Empire.  In this time of strife, certain Sheriffs (the heads of the various Sector Marshalls) have declared martial law... and sometimes worse.  One of these is Roger Lacey, the Sheriff of Nottingham.  No friend of the current Emperor (since Lacey's ancient House/Corporation was disgraced and disbanded two decades ago), Lacey has set himself up as the virtual dictator of two Sectors, Covington and Nottingham.
Marian Leaford:  Former Duchess of Nottingham Sector and heir to LM&P, Marian was declared an outlaw and her properties and titles forfeited by the Sheriff after she was discovered funnelling arms and money to Robin.  She has since become an active member of the local rebellion against the Marshalls.
Friar Wolfram Tuck:  A priest of the United Church and a former member of its Viridian Order (an order of fighting monks), Tuck was discredited by the Church after certain embarrassing incidents involving vast quantities of alcohol, hiraga weed, and young women.  He was thrown out of the Viridians and became a wandering monk, eventually making his way to Nottingham Sector and joining Robin Hood in his fight against the Marshalls.
'Little John':  A member of the Varsulan race.  A hero on his native planet during their war against the Empire thirty years ago (a war which the Varsulans lost; they were inducted into the Empire as part of Covington Sector), John has joined Hood's Rebellion on the condition that Varsu be freed when and if they triumph over the Marshalls.  'Little John' is Hood's nickname for the alien; his real name is pretty much unpronounceable by the human tongue.