Thanks to everyone for the outstanding entries in Caption Contest 105! There were a lot of great ones, so the Finalist list this week is pretty long, including a couple of HM-memes-in-the-making courtesy of Danny Beaty's wrist-blasters and TopHat's evocation of everyone's architecture-smashing "hero", Samson:
- Worf: Damn these mitts!
- TopHat: âIâve come to preach the word of Samson!â
- Joel: âHello? Iâm supposed to be on trial for destruction of public property, is this the right court room?â
- Myro: âRobot God needs booze.â
- Danny Beaty: I should have used my wrist-mounted blasters!
- Blue Blazer: Ha! Chalk up one more shifty-eyed door!
- Gregg: Good afternoon. Might I interest you in some fine replacement doors?
- McKnight57: Bite my shiny metal adult diaper!!
- MartianBlue: Everyone stay calm, Iâve just recieved information over the com of a very dangerous looking large, white robot entering this building.
- Wierdrocks: âNOW itâs a party!â
- TheNate: Hulk smash, ROM Kavoom!
- Jester: Hi.
- Jessica: Jocasta, what the HELL is going on here?!
- Knighthawk: I put the ROM in romance!
- Kyle Hilsee: Is Lucy here? Causeâ Iâm home.
- X-stacy: Why are you marrying him? Iâve got five speeds and three attachments!
But as you know, there can be only one. And that one is ... Worf!

I liked that it both provided an explanation for why he was smashing the doors in, and referenced those never-to-be-understood mitts ROM parades around in. Good job, Worf!