Category Archives: Challenge Favorites

The winning entries for all HeroMachine contests.

Caption Contest 105 Winners!

Thanks to everyone for the outstanding entries in Caption Contest 105! There were a lot of great ones, so the Finalist list this week is pretty long, including a couple of HM-memes-in-the-making courtesy of Danny Beaty's wrist-blasters and TopHat's evocation of everyone's architecture-smashing "hero", Samson:

  • Worf: Damn these mitts!
  • TopHat: ”I’ve come to preach the word of Samson!”
  • Joel: “Hello? I’m supposed to be on trial for destruction of public property, is this the right court room?”
  • Myro: “Robot God needs booze.”
  • Danny Beaty: I should have used my wrist-mounted blasters!
  • Blue Blazer: Ha! Chalk up one more shifty-eyed door!
  • Gregg: Good afternoon. Might I interest you in some fine replacement doors?
  • McKnight57: Bite my shiny metal adult diaper!!
  • MartianBlue: Everyone stay calm, I’ve just recieved information over the com of a very dangerous looking large, white robot entering this building.
  • Wierdrocks: “NOW it’s a party!”
  • TheNate: Hulk smash, ROM Kavoom!
  • Jester: Hi.
  • Jessica: Jocasta, what the HELL is going on here?!
  • Knighthawk: I put the ROM in romance!
  • Kyle Hilsee: Is Lucy here? Cause’ I’m home.
  • X-stacy: Why are you marrying him? I’ve got five speeds and three attachments!

But as you know, there can be only one. And that one is ... Worf!

I liked that it both provided an explanation for why he was smashing the doors in, and referenced those never-to-be-understood mitts ROM parades around in. Good job, Worf!

Character Contest 70 Winners!

Many thanks to everyone who entered Character Contest 70! Apparently lions is popular, because there were a lot of entries.

Before getting to our Finalists, though, I've noticed a significant up-tick in the number of links that don't work properly for one reason or another. Some go to a jump page instead of just to the image, others have file names that don't include the artist's id or the name of the character, and some are bad links with bad names at the same time. Here are the folks who had something wrong with their entry or entries -- please look for your name, and if it's there, please try to do better next time as it makes it a lot easier (and faster!) for me to get the judging done.

File names should be in the format yourname-charactername.png (or .jpg). For instance, "Imp-Leo.png" is good. Had Imp just submitted "Leo.jpg", that would be noted below as "no name". Had he submitted "Imp.png" it would be noted as "no character name". Had he linked to the image improperly, it would be listed as "bad link".

You can find instructions on where to get the direct link for your image here.

  • Asder : no name
  • Brambles : no name
  • dazed_and_confused : bad link, no name
  • DeFesh : name
  • extraordinaree : no user name
  • fysaga : no user name, no character file name Photobucket
  • Hairwhip : name
  • headlessgeneral : no name
  • jojo_n_friendz : bad link
  • knight1192a : no direct link (ImageShack)
  • kyle : no name, no character name (always saved as undo-6 or something)
  • Kytana : bad link (ImageShack), no user name
  • leadmetal : no name
  • maniacmick : no name
  • MarquisSamedi : no name
  • McKnight57 : proper PicasaWeb linkage
  • mrmatt220 : bad link, no name, no filename
  • Oquies : no name, no file name, no character name, no names at all
  • Rapthama : no name
  • skullcraze : no user name, no character file name Photobucket
  • Skybandit : bad link
  • Sutter_Kaine : no name
  • thebigm1993 : bad link (ImageShack)
  • TOOL : no user name
  • Trekkie : no name (always has hm3- beta in front of file name, too)
  • Vanja : no user name
  • Zyp(!) : no name

Now on to the more pleasant task of identifying our Finalists! Oh, and note also that most of these are now clickable. The sizes are getting so big that now I'm just making that the default, so I'm doing away with the "click to embiggen" text.

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Caption Contest 104 Winner!

Many thanks to everyone who entered Caption Contest 104. For your edification and enjoyment, here are the ones I thought were the funniest replacement lines for the missing dialog in this panel:

  • Joel: “You win the staring contest again. Damn your empty eye sockets!”
  • McKnight57: Whaddaya mean I don’t get to wear a Batman cape?!
  • Blue Blazer: Be honest. Does this shroud make me look fat?
  • Knighthawk: My GOD man! I don’t have a nose and that stinks!
  • Watson Bradshaw: No, my eyes are red because I AM part medical marijuana!
  • TheNate: It’s curtains for you – and drapes for me!
  • Joel: “A Legion of Doom meeting? But I haven’t a thing to wear!”
  • Myro: “Toga! Toga! Toga!”
  • Twiggyseed: What did the Joker do to me? Oh well, at least Robin’s oka-…Robin?

And your overall winner is ... Waston Bradshaw!

I thought the dialog perfectly fit the look of horror on Swamp Thing's face and the casual, open stance of the random zombie swamp dweller. I almost went with Joel's "Legion of Doom" line instead, but ultimately decided that since Swamp Thing was never in the Legion of Doom I had to pass.

Good job everyone, and congratulations again to Watson! Let me know what you'd like for your prize and I'll get it on The List.

Character Contest 69 Winners!

We had an overwhelming response to Character Contest 69. I sincerely appreciate your willingness to share your creations with everyone. Even if you're not one of the Finalists below, I hope you don't let that discourage you -- the entries were uniformly great, so you should take pride in what you've accomplished. Really, thank you very, very much!

As usual, I'll now post all the submissions I thought were especially noteworthy for one reason or another, and then announce the overall winner at the end. I tried to pick ones that looked like actual individuals to me, faces that seemed as if I could run into them on the street. Well, if that street were in a super-heroic, demon-infested, magical sci-fi universe, that is.

Almost all of these are clickable to see at a larger size.

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Caption Contest 103 Winners!

Many thanks to everyone who entered Caption Contest 103, which challenged you to come up with the best replacement dialog for this awesome random comics panel:

The funniest lines in my opinion were:

  • Watson Bradshaw: Evolve your way out of a body-bag mammals!
  • MScat: “Say hello to my little arms!!”
  • Pandademic: Do it! Bomb ‘em forward to the Stone Age!
  • The Atomic Punk: “Cold blood and hot lead, baby!”
  • Moognation: Dammit! I asked for a scatta gun, not a chatta gun!
  • MartianBlue: LeRooaaarrrr jeannkinnsss!
  • TheNate: Welcome to Kick Yourassick Park!
  • X-stacy: Of course I’m gonna shoot you in cold blood! I’m a REPTILE.
  • dblade: “Tombstones! Meet the Tombstones!”

As the overall winner, I chose the very last one submitted, proving once again it's (almost) never too late if your idea is funny! For making me laugh right out loud on a morning when I felt like dinosaur poop, the win goes to ... dblade!

You have to admit, that's a darn catchy tune with which to meet your doom.

Congrats to dblade and all our Finalists!

Character Contest 68 Winners!

First, I am math illiterate and so accidentally numbered the "Cancer Zodiac Contest" as number 67, when in fact it was 68. Oops.

Second, bald guys rule.

Third, thanks to all the folks who entered what was a very difficult character contest week! I know this was a tough one to deal with and I appreciate your creativity. As usual, I've selected a handful of submissions that I thought stood out in some way, and then at the end I will announce the overall winner, who will receive their choice of a hand-drawn item by yours truly.

Now, here are your Finalists!

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Caption Contest 102 Winner!

With thanks to everyone who entered Caption Contest 102, I've gone through the submissions and picked out the ones I thought were funniest:

  • Frevoli : Honey, when I said you could drop in anytime – this wasn’t what I had in mind...
  • TopHat: Worst. Stripper. Ever.
  • Rick: I guess Ol’Archie chose Betty!
  • Nick Hentschel: Wow, ya really DO have women throwin’ themselves at ya!
  • skybandit: It works! Now, for my other two wishes!
  • punkjay: What is wrong with your wife Joe?! Every time we play poker she wants to practice her break-dancing!
  • P.F. Bruns: I toldja gold was a chick magnet.
  • Scorpidius: Harold, go get the puncture repair kit and the foot pump . . . . Blow up Betty has sprung a leak again!
  • Dudemeister: Oh Jeez! Seriously Joe, that hat just don’t hide her no more. You gotta get that Siamese twin sister REMOVED!
  • Bael: I fold. Too rich for my blood.!

And the winner of either any item they like to be included in HM3 or their own Sketch of the Day style illustration is ... Frevoli, with his first Caption or Character Design victory! Which is pretty surprising, because he (or she!) does some fantastic work.

Congratulations to Frevoli and all our Finalists!

Character Contest 67 Winners!

First, happy Independence Day to all of our U.S. community members! May your day be filled with all the blessings of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness promised us in the Declaration of Independence.

For all you non-U.S. folk, happy Fourth of July! Which isn't anything significant, but is, nonetheless, today's date. Hooray!

Second, we had a ton of great entries for Character Contest 67, which challenged you to take two great concepts and mash them together. So without further ado, I present the relative handful of submissions that I thought had something truly special and unique about them.

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Caption Contest 101 Winners!

With thanks to everyone who entered Caption Contest 101, I've gone through the submissions and picked out the ones I thought were funniest:

  • ajw: Reagan, it’s Gorbachev, what are you wearing right now?
  • Joshua: With my ventriloquism powers, I shall seduce this clown!
  • Myro: “Evacuating bladder now.”
  • Rick: “Now I’m doin’ the thinkin’ AND the talkin’!”
  • Dan Gonzalez: “Sentient Belt no longer wishes to be affiliated with Loserman and Clownboy.”
  • von Bek: Electrifying chasity belt active! Step away from the clown!

And the winner of either any item they like to be included in HM3 or their own Sketch of the Day style illustration is ... ajw, with his first Caption or Character Design victory!

I like that he noticed a resemblance that had completely escaped me, and I love the idea that Reagan and Gorbachev routinely engaged in telephonic cosplay. That's probably why the Soviet Union collapsed.

Congratulations to AJW and all our Finalists!

Character Contest 66 Winners!

We had a huge response to Character Contest 66: Cyborg -- thank you all so much for sharing your creativity! As a result of the larger than usual number of entries, I also have a larger than usual number of Finalists. There were just too many quality submissions to limit it to the usual 20 or so.

I hope you enjoy browsing through this creme-de-la-creme as much as I have. Without further ado, it gives me great pleasure to introduce to you (in alphabetical order) the following Finalists.

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