Category Archives: Challenge Favorites

The winning entries for all HeroMachine contests.

Caption Contest 113 Winners!

Caption Contest 113 generated some of the funniest lines we've seen in a long time, filling in the missing dialog in this classic "Superman" cover:

Without further ado, here are the ones I thought were the funniest:

  • Mr.MikeK: Mutton Chop Powers Activate! Activate Dammit!
  • Nick Hentschel: “Well, that’s the end of THESE undies!”
  • Nick Hentschel: “Oh, no not DETROIT!!!”
  • GreenBat: I’ll never play Words with Friends again.
  • Worf: Wait! I haven’t told you the punchline yet!
  • DubbleYoo: So that’s why you never tug on Superman’s cape!
  • Joel: “So THIS is fourth class.”
  • William A. Peterson: But I haven’t learned how to MISS the ground, yet!
  • spidercow2010: THIS is the connecting flight?!
  • Lewis: “This is not statistically the safest was to travel!”
  • Myro: “Fine! You’re scarier than Batman! YOU’RE SCARIER THAN BATMAN!”
  • Niall Mor: These TSA pat-downs are getting way out of hand!

As you know, there can be only one overall winner, and this week I am going once again with ... Nick Hentschel!

I didn't honestly notice the line until Spidercow2010 pointed it out, so I thank him for that.

Thanks to everyone who entered, congratulations to all the Finalists, and Nick, let me know what you'd like for your prize!

Character Contest 78 Winners!

"Lissom" was a tough contest concept. You had to not only make a lissom character, but a good illustration too, and while a lot were able to do one or the other, I only settled on eleven that did both. Here they are!

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Caption Contest 112 Winners!

Internet issues have been resolved (it wasn't the weather, just a good reboot was all the system needed) and I've got the results for Caption Contest 112, which challenged you to come up with a great line for this panel:

Your Finalists (in no particular order) are:

  • Frankie: “It didn’t work. I’m still ugly. Now what?”
  • Frankie: “MIRACLE BROW, apply gently to the forehead. Apply gently to the forehead. Apply gen–”
  • Frankie: “I’m telling you. Who is on first.”
  • Joel: “Hmmm, that tastes like…Fist! Odd when did I have that?”
  • Joel: “You punched me in the mouth Redundancy Queen and you’ll do it again.”
  • 1rd2th3st: “Hit me again, I’m getting channel 2 now.”
  • Watson Bradshaw: I’m Nancy Grace and Casey Anthony is a tot mom.
  • Mr.MikeK: What can you do to make this look more like a Lady Gaga outfit?
  • The Imp: Hey, who wants to watch Glee?
  • TheNate: You dumb blonde! That’s not how you deliver a punchline!
  • Sutter_Kaine: Awkwardly phrased threat sense tingling…
  • spidercow2010: Okay, I’ve got my Rihanna costume on. Now do your Chris Brown impression.

Those were all chuckle-worthy, but one I thought did the best job of working with the layout of the dialog and the expression on Antenna Woman's face. And that one was ... Frankie!

Congratulations, Frankie, just let me know what you'd like for your prize!

Character Contest 77 Winners!

I think the "Sporty" contest was a lot harder than I imagined it would be. Nonetheless, we got some great entries, which I'd like to share with you here before announcing the winner.

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Caption Contest 111 Winners!

Many thanks to everyone who entered Caption Contest 111, which reaffirmed my belief that massively violent panels make for the best captions:

We had a ton of great submissions, so without further ado, here are some of the ones that I thought were particularly funny:

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Character Design Contest 76 Winners!

We had some excellent entries for our Animalia II contest! So without further ado, here are the ones that had a little something extra special about them.

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Caption Contest 110 Winners!

Many thanks to everyone who entered Caption Contest 110, featuring an epic example of Superdickery. Your challenge was to come up with a headline or off-panel caption for this cover:

We had a ton of great submissions, so without further ado, here are some of the ones that I thought were particularly funny:

  • Rick:
    1. Superman slightly misunderstands the Occupy Movement…
    2. Leaping it in two bounds was just more than he could live with.
  • Nick Hentschel: “More bad news for the Kryptonite lock factory……”
  • Joel: In this exciting issue, Superman battles a new foe: MUSHROOMS!
  • Mr.MikeK: Superman discovers that what happens in Vegas doesn’t really stay in Vegas!
  • Myro: “After his recent defeat by Batman, it was clear there was only one thing Superman could do to save face… Destroy Wayne Enterprises.”
  • count libido: Superman mistakes giant zipper for building!
  • TOOL: Allstate, are you in good hands when mayhem happens to you?
  • Jessica: On next week’s issue of Psychology Today: Superman, God Complex or Bipolar Disorder?
  • Watson Bradshaw: Superhero Jenga claim 200 lives.
  • peter flynn: “Will Clark finally escape that horrible rental agreement?”
  • TheNate:
    1. And with one strike against Blizzard Studios, Superman ended his World of Warcraft addiction.
    2. Superman would probably destroy that building even if his life didn’t depend on it.
  • Jack Zelger: “Superman provides an unhappy Lois with an unobstructed view of the park.”

Having just recently re-acquired my WoW addiction, I sympathize completely with TheNate's first entry. Oi. And I think "Superhero Jenga" should totally be one of DC's "New 52" launches, that would be awesome.

However, as the overall winner I am going to have to go with ... Nick Hentschel! That one made me laugh every time I read it, and I thought it was a very clever way both to explain the scene and to be an ironic comment on it. Well done, Nick! Let me know what you'd like for your prize either in the comments or via email.

Thanks again to everyone who entered, and congratulations to all of these fine Finalists.

Character Contest 75 Finalists!

We had a ton of great entries for Character Contest 75 - Random-palooza, so many thanks to everyone who took the time to spin the wheel and share their results. I've picked out a few of those submissions that have something out-of-the-ordinary about them to share with you, and of course at the end I'll announce the one I think is the overall winner.

And awaaaaaay we go! Don't forget, with most of these you can click on the image to see it at a larger size.

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Friday Night Fights 3 Final Results

I've had a great time watching the amazing teams you all put together for the third Friday Night Fights. Thank you so much for sharing your creativity, time, and passion with everyone else, it's definitely appreciated.

After five weeks of challenges, we've arrived at last at the final vote. After careful vetting by the accounting firm of Polldaddy & Polldaddy, here are your final results. The winner of Friday Night Fights 3 is ...

Congratulations to DiCicatriz! That was an impressive, and in many ways subtle, group design. MartianBlue also had some killer characters and is a more than worthy runner-up. If we hold to serve as we have in the past, next time out he should win it all, since it appears the previous contest's runner-up has won each time out. Weird!

In the Consolation Round, the results are:

Well done, AJW! Let me know what you'd like for your prize.

Thanks again to everyone who entered, commented, and/or voted! Just as a final capper, here are all the results compiled into one list. If you're on here and haven't told me yet what you want for your prize, please let me know.

Caption Contest 110 Winner!

Thanks to everyone who submitted entries for the Creepy Bear Caption Contest! I picked out a few that I thought were particularly funny:

  • MLS: Fuzzy Wuzzy wants you bare.
  • Jake: Where’s Archie? Well, lets just say this bed sheet used to be white.
  • Patrick: This bed is juuussst riiigghhht!
  • Mr.MikeK: I’m the Don’t Care Bear.
  • McKnight57: I’M the reason Goldilocks’ bed was just right.
  • Gene:
    1. Once you go bear, you learn to like hair.
    2. Hey, you ladies know you have the right….to Bear arms.
    3. Have you ladies seen my … honey?
  • Joel: “So, which one of you lovely ladies wants to make me a REAL boy?”

I liked all of those, but since there can be only one winner, I am going with ... Gene!

Congratulations to Gene, and thanks again to everyone who entered.