Category Archives: Challenge Favorites

The winning entries for all HeroMachine contests.

Pop Quiz "Small Gods" Results

Saturday was all about "Small Gods" 'round these parts, and the entries we got for our Pop Quiz on the subject were just great! But don't take my word for it, see for yourself:

Among the fun and inspired concepts were Pluggo, god of tangling cords; Mrs. Boggs, punisher of men that leave the toilet seat up; Manilla: Goddess of Impulsive Shoe Purchases; Vian, the God of Things You Canā€™t Find Despite Putting Them There Only a Moment Ago; Beezus Chrusht, Savior of the Insects!; Zarsas, the god of little sharp, stabby things that poke you in the bottom of the foot, but when you take off your shoe, thereā€™s nothing there; Confusia, Queen of the Junk Drawer (her tentacles ensure that whatever it is you need from her is buried in the very bottom of the pile); and my favorite name, "Lag Demon". I think that could really catch on.

My overall personal top choice this time out, though, is Melmo44, who had two entries that were both really good illustrations and fun concepts. I know that Zarsas is a constant presence here in the country, and if I could figure out what to sacrifice to propitiate him I'd be all over it.

But really, everyone did just great; I hope you had as much fun creating these as I did seeing them.

Caption Challenge 130 Results!

We had some really fun entries for Caption Challenge 130, which asked you to come up with replacement dialog for this comics panel:

The ones that gave me the biggest chuckle were:

  • JR19759: This new 3D Tv is taking the Big Bang Theory a bit too literally.
  • Mark: AAAAAAAAA! Here Comes Honey Boo-Boo!
  • fuzztone: Wow! 4D TV!
  • DiCicatriz: ā€œWeā€™re sorry, but the program you were watching has been canceledā€¦ PERMANENTLY.ā€
  • dblade: Ugh. Another episode of the Real Housewives of Krypton.
  • ams: Wow, video really did kill the radio star!
  • William Peterson: ā€œAhhh! When they said Saturday Night was LIVE, I didnā€™t think they meant THAT Live!ā€
  • P.F. Bruns: When you said ā€œviolent television,ā€ I thought you meant the content!
  • gozuforce: I knew this movie bombed, but i didnā€™t take it that literally.
  • Renxin: Grandpa tried to program the DVD player again.
  • Myro: ā€œI guess weā€™ll call that myth confirmed, you can blow up a TV set by showing enough explosions.ā€
  • alphaalpharomeo: The Capitol tricked us with an exploding tv ā€¦ Worst Hunger Games ever.

This one was a real toss-up for me, I could easily have gone with any of those as my personal favorite. I would probably say that Myro, dblade, and JR19759 were my Top Three. Myro summed up my favorite show, "Mythbusters", really well. And JR19759 nailed the crossover of 3DTV and pop culture. But I'm going to go with dblade's entry, because I thought it was the cleverest actual show title that still made sense of the scene:

Thanks everyone for making us all laugh this week, I know I'm not alone in saying I needed it.

Character Design Challenge 100 Winners

As you saw from the gallery of entrants, HeroMachinists are a very talented bunch. I'm glad it wasn't up to me to pick just five of the many entries for our centennial character design challenge! But you all stepped up to the plate, and after a week of intensive voting, the results are in:

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Pop Quiz Results

I was really impressed with all of the entries submitted for our last Pop Quiz, which challenged you to use at least one of the new "Humanoid" companions in a cool image. Here are all of the submissions:

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Caption Challenge 129 Results!

We had some great entries for our last Caption Challenge, thanks everyone! You were tasked with coming up with a funny caption for this random comics panel:

Without further ado, my personal favorites were:

  • Gero: Not all the New Gods were better off after Infinite Crisisā€¦
  • chrisglen: Unfortunately for Highfather, he hasnā€™t seen Super Size Me. Can Morgan Spurlock save him in time?
  • Daniel: Darkseidā€™s latest ploy to hide the Anti-Life Equation in Happy Meal puzzles didnā€™t go according to plan.
  • JWMan: This week on Undercover Bossā€¦
  • Twiggy: Grimace gets an upgrade
  • Herr D: Complaints mysteriously stopped at one location.
  • BenK22: Youā€™re going to get it his way.
  • Myro: ā€œDespite knowing the Anti-Life Equation, Darkseid was not trusted with the recipe for the secret sauce.ā€
  • Calvary_Red: I hope you appreciate, Kal-El, that everything that happens from this point is on your hand. The grills will rain fire, the grease will boil, the streets will run red with the ketchup of billions served.

My overall top line, however, has to be from JWMan, "This week on Undercover Boss ..." I do like that show, and I think Darkseid going undercover at the Apokolips McDonald's is hilarious.

Thanks again for entering, everyone!

Pop Quiz 27 Results!

Thanks to everyone who was willing to take a swing at the new items for our last Pop Quiz. Without further ado (and with thanks to the free Wi-Fi at the Denver Airport), here they are:

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Character Design Challenge 99 Results!

We had lots of great entries for Character Design Challenge 99! Thank you all for sharing your creativity with us.

Unfortunately, the following folks are disqualified for not naming their files properly: StrangerousRex, Maniacmick, Jawsabi, sivad96, Mr. Chowderhead, DarkWarrior076, Overseer, Fennec Bob, BloodlessRose, Josh, ka5zr, jeremythurlow, zdog101, and tackin. If I can't tell who created it from the file name once it's downloaded onto my computer, there's no way for me to give you credit.

Moving on, here are a few of the entries that were my personal favorites:

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Pop Quiz 26 – Horny Results

Thanks to everyone who entered Saturday's Pop Quiz! Unfortunately, Jawsabi, Overseer, and jeremythurlow's entries were disqualified as their files were named improperly and I couldn't tell who made what without going back and manually checking the comment. I included them here for your viewing pleasure, however, along with all of the other great entries:

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Caption Challenge 128 results!

Many thanks to everyone who entered our last Caption Challenge, which tasked you with writing the best headline for this comics panel:

Here are the ones that I personally found the funniest:

  • Mark: When a mob boss tells you to get off his lawn, you listen.
  • fuzztone: You gotta mouse? We gotta solution.
  • ProwlerKnight: They shouldā€™ve bought some girl scout cookies
  • Mark: No child will ever be trapped in here again, once we fill this old well with lead.
  • Jawsabi: This is WAY better than laser-tag!
  • Twiggy: The New Orleans mob decides to deal with Hurricane Isaac their own way
  • Jake: Not everyone appreciated the Kenny G concert.
  • McKnight57: In the mob, a 21 gun salute happens BEFORE the burial.
  • Herr D: Dick Tracy never found out what happened to ā€œCrawlsā€ McGee.
  • The Occupant: And I thay itā€™th Duck Season!
  • spidercow2012: Don Vito said to clean out the rain gutters, soā€¦
  • X-stacy: And thatā€™s when I found out everybody really was a critic.

And my overall favorite? Fuzztone! The idea of a Mob-run extermination agency tickled my fancy and the line's well written.

Thanks everyone! I'd love to hear about your favorite(s) in the comments, so if you're computer-bound on this holiday (or stuck at the airport like me), chime in.

Pop Quiz Insignia Results

Logos are hard to design, requiring a deceptive level of simplicity that can communicate big ideas instantly. I applaud you all for taking a crack at it with our last Pop Quiz, and I am delighted to share the results here for your viewing pleasure:

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