Category Archives: Challenge Favorites

The winning entries for all HeroMachine contests.

Character Design Contest ♯48 (Inspired By Music) Winner

There weren't a huge number of votes in this weeks poll. But despite the low turn out there was a clear winner (and I believe a new contest winner). So congratulations UrbanPoet, who won with his interpretation of Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata.

48- UrbanPoet- MoonlightSonata

Character Design Contest ♯48 (Be Inspired) Poll

[polldaddy poll="7549240"]

Note: I made these choices on how well I thought the image combined with and portrayed the music and, whilst I don't expect you guys to do the same, if you are going to listen to the songs that inspired these pieces please don't just disregard a piece because you don't like the style of music. The songs are in the brackets.

Character Design Contest ♯47 (Giving Up For Ghosts) Winner

The winner of this weeks CDC poll was none other than Atomic Punk for his Necromancer. Well done AP and good work by everyone who entered.

47- atomicpunk-necromancer

Character Design Contest ♯47 (Ghosts) Poll

[polldaddy poll="7529921"]

Character Design Contest ♯46 (Cosmic) Winner

So, we had some excellent entries for last weeks CDC and, accordingly, the poll was close. However, this didn't stop it from being another win for prswirve for his Hawk Interceptor. I do believe that's now your fifth win, sir.

46- prswirve-hawk_interceptor

Character Design Contest ♯46 (Cosmic) Poll

[polldaddy poll="7510562"]

Character Design Contest ♯45 Winner

This weeks poll had the highest number of votes we've ever had. And whilst it wasn't as much of a walk over as some previous polls, there was a very clear winner. And that winner was OnionBeam for Witch Of The Forest.

45 Onionbeam- witch_of_the_forest

Character Design Contest ♯45 (Naturalism) Poll

[polldaddy poll="7491199"]

Character Design Contest ♯44 (History) Winner

Last weeks contest had some truly historic entries (I'll stop there on the pun front I think), but of course there has to be a winner and this week we do actually have A winner (rather than having a tie like last week). And that winner is prswirve for Lapu lapu.44 prswirve- Lapu_lapu

Character Design Contest ♯44 Poll

[polldaddy poll="7472378"]