Category Archives: Challenge Favorites

The winning entries for all HeroMachine contests.

Character Design Contest ♯53 (Snow Joke) Winner

Well, I've got to kick off by saying, wow, that was a lot of votes. Second highest for one of my blog contests I believe, and two creations seemed to run off with the vote from the start. However, there can only be one winner and, with a very seasonal style, the winner this week is Jeimuzu for his Father Frost. Congrats Jeimuzu and thanks to everyone who entered. Remember, voting for the COTY is still open until Christmas Eve, so keep voting, it's really close at the moment so don't let your favourite down. Anyway, see you guys on Christmas Eve.

53 Jeimuzu- Father Frost

Character Design Contest ♯53 (Snow Joke) Poll

[polldaddy poll="7647666"]

Character Design Contest ♯52 (Through The Ages) Winner

This weeks poll was quite close between the top 2 contestants. There ended up being only three votes in it. But, the winner of CDC 52 was Melmo44 for Vision Of The Future. Congrats Melmo and thanks to everyone who entered.

52 Melmo44-Vision-of-the-Future

Character Design Contest ♯52 (Through The Ages) Poll

[polldaddy poll="7628008"]

Character Design Contest ♯51 (TGT Martial Arts) Winner

The winner of this weeks poll was non other than Cantdraw who took a landslide victory for his piece Red Bat- Dragon. Congrats CD and thanks to all those who entered.

51 CantDraw-RedBat-Dragon


P.S. Stay tuned tomorrow for a special CDC poll announcement.

Character Design Contest ♯51 (2GT- Kung Fu Ed) Poll

[polldaddy poll="7607847"]

Character Design Contest ♯50 (Machines) Results

So, the results for this weeks poll are in and I am happy to announce that the winner is Vectorman316 for his piece, The March Of The Sentinel. Well done Vectorman and thanks to everyone who entered.

50- vectorman316-the_march_of_the_sentinel

Character Design Contest ♯50 (Machines) Poll

[polldaddy poll="7589507"]

Character Design Contest ♯49 (Tarot Cards) Winner

The poll for this weeks winner was close, one vote between the top 2. But, this weeks winner is Meniukas for his Moon card. Congrats Meniukas and thanks to everyone who entered.

49- Meniukas-moon

Character Design Contest ♯49 (Tarot Cards) Poll

[polldaddy poll="7568791"]