Category Archives: Challenge Favorites

The winning entries for all HeroMachine contests.

Character Design Contest ♯58 (OS: Brute) Poll

[polldaddy poll="7766044"]

Character Design Contest ♯57 (OS: Energy Blaster) Results

I've been waiting for this to happen ever since dblade agreed to give out prizes for the CDCs again. This weeks winner is none other than MadJack for his stunning Lord MitNal of the Xibala. Congratulations MadJack, if you want a prize go and talk to dblade (or just draw it yourself, it's not like you're not already doing new items for heromachine is it?), and thanks to everyone who entered, there were some truly awesome entries for this contest.

57 MadJack-Lord_MitNal_of_the_Xibala

Character Design Contest ♯57 (OS: Energy Blaster) Poll

[polldaddy poll="7745960"]

Good luck choosing between this lot everyone, 'cause I certainly couldn't call it.

Character Design Contest ♯56 (OS: Gadgeteer)- Winner

This weeks poll was a close one and for most of the week our eventual winner was in a distant 2nd place. However, he managed to turn it around and claim a CDC win with his first entry in god knows how long, so ladies and gentlemen the winner of this weeks poll was TOOL for Aviary. Well done Tool, the canvasing for votes in the comments section obviously paid off 😉 and congratulations and thanks to everyone who entered, there were some excellent designs.

56 TOOL-Aviary

Character Design Contest ♯56 (Gadgeteer) Poll

[polldaddy poll="7727712"]

Character Design Contest ♯55 (Speedster) Winner

The winner of this weeks CDC poll was headlessgeneral for his piece Kid Wicked. Congrats hlg, you may now claim your prize from dblade if you so wish.

55 headlessgeneral-KidWicked

Character Design Contest ♯55 (Speedsters) Poll

[polldaddy poll="7708911"]

Character Design Contest ♯54 (Flying) Winner

The winner of this weeks CDC poll was none other than RobM for his Jet Dynamo Go. Congratulations Rob, if you wish to claim a prize I believe dblade is offering custom items to CDC winners.

54 RobM-JetDynamoGo-1

Character Design Contest ♯54 (Flying)- Poll

[polldaddy poll="7691547"]

Character Of The Year: The Results

So, twelve months, forty-six contests, five finalists, but only one winner. And boy did you guys turn out to vote, nearly one hundred and fifty votes over all. But I'm sure you're all dying to know who won, so just to make you wait a bit longer, here's the top three.

3. Kytana- Born Free (CDC 37- Opposites)

Kytana-Bornfree (CDC 37)


2. With only one vote more……. OnionBeam- Witch of the Forest (CDC 45- Naturalism)

Onionbeam- witch_of_the_forest (CDC 45)


1. and the winner of this years Character of the Year is……………………….

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