Author Archives: Weilyn

Open Critique Day #11

Good morning! Hope you've had a great week! It’s Sunday, and that means Open Critique Day.

Share your artwork in the comments section below. I, and anyone else who cares to, will offer our opinions on everything that gets posted during the day.

Please note that the forum rules apply here. That means no nudity, no profanity, no copyrighted characters or characters from copyrighted settings.

Open Critique Day #10

Good morning! It’s Sunday, and that means Open Critique Day.

Share your artwork in the comments section below. I, and anyone else who cares to, will offer our opinions on everything that gets posted during the day.

Please note that the forum rules apply here. That means no nudity, no profanity, no copyrighted characters or characters from copyrighted settings.

Sorry I'm late, but I've been in a car for the last fourteen hours, with no connection to the internet whatsoever. Today's OCD will be open for 24 hours, as usual.

Open Critique Day #9

Good morning! It's Sunday, and that means Open Critique Day.

Share your artwork in the comments section below. I, and anyone else who cares to, will offer our opinions on everything that gets posted during the day.

Please note that the forum rules apply here. That means no nudity, no profanity, no copyrighted characters or characters from copyrighted settings.

Open Critique Day #8 / Mini review: The Hobbit

Good morning! It's Sunday, and that means Open Critique Day.

Show us your artwork in the comments section below. I will offer my opinion on everything that gets posted during the day.

Please note that the forum rules apply here. That means no nudity, no profanity, no copyrighted characters or characters from copyrighted settings.

So, I just watched The Hobbit.

This one.

Yeah, I'm a bit late to the party, I guess, but I was waiting until I could see it on dvd with a good friend of mine.

I liked it. It was very much what I expected.

But I'm not really here to talk about the movie, half a year after its release. See, I was reminded of the 1989-1990 comic book adaptation by Chuck Dixon and David T. Wenzel. one.

Dixon has condensed the plot expertly to 133 pages over three issues. Nothing feels left out, but nothing feels rushed either. The transition from novel to comic works incredibly well, arguably better than for the movie, and it makes me a bit surprised how these sorts of adaptations are so rare.

Thorin has come to ride barrels and kick *ss. And he's seriously sick of barrels.

Wenzel's art is just beautiful. His previous work mostly consisted of children's book illustrations, and his soft colours and generally friendly style fits the narrative well, while also providing a nice contrast to elements like Gollum, the goblins and the spiders, who all look genuinely creepy.


And not to spoil anything, things do get suitably epic towards the climax.

I highly recommend this book if you're a Tolkien- or a fantasy fan, if you're looking for a present for a child (gotta get them hooked on fantasy while they're young, you know) or if you're just looking for a pleasant bit of reading.

Open Critique Day #7 / Art vs. Writing

Hi, there!
I'm Weilyn, and I'll be posting here on Sundays for the Open Critique Days.

Some people might say that the major appeal of OCD was Jeff's professional input, and that without his critique it's simply not the same thing. I can't argue with that, mainly because those people are absolutely correct.

Still, OCD is a pretty integral part of the blog, so I will keep it running, and to make it a little more interesting I will not only offer my opinion of any artwork posted in the comments, but also a little something extra.

This little extra thing will vary from week to week. It might be a short review of an underappreciated comic, a reflection on pop-culture, a poll, a joke or a silly anecdote. Just throwing this concept at the wall, to see if it sticks πŸ˜‰

Please post your artwork in the comments section below. Avoid copyrighted characters and characters from copyrighted settings.


And now, a little something extra: Art vs. Writing

What is more important to a comic, the script or the artwork? Can a good comic have its terrible artwork redeemed by great writing, and vice versa? One might argue that seeing as how graphic novels are a visual medium, the visual elements are what define the entire thing, and that those are therefore more important. But one could just as easily make the argument that a story is worthless without a solid script, no matter how pretty the pictures are.

Personally, if I had to choose (and I do, because I asked the question in the first place) I'd go with artwork on this one. I've never been able to get through Maus, for instance. I know the story is amazing, but since I can't find anything engaging about the artwork, I find myself wishing I was just reading a novel instead.

What do you think?