Author Archives: Mad Jack

HM3: Hey, bud! Would ya like to buy some leftovers?!

Starting my spring clean next weekend, I need to throw out some old stuff and I thought you might be interested in them. Here's what I have to offer:
(As usual it's strongly recommended to clear your browser cache to see the new items - but be careful when doing so, since you could be loosing all your saved files. Better if you save those externally as text files beforehand.)

HM3: I believe I can fly…

Moar, moar, moar, moar ... wings!
They can now be found in ... (drum roll) ... "Backplane/Wings"! Where else? Duh! 😉

HM3: One for the road…

Had another item lying around - put it in the 'machine. You'll find it under "Headgear/Modern". Moar (damn thats contagious) to come... 😉


X-Mas in Summer?! Erm, well ... something like that. I was bored and so I added "a few" new items to the 'machine.


And now enjoy - that's an order! 😉
(As usual it's strongly recommended to clear your browser cache to see the new items ...)

HM3: Merry X-Mas Possums!!!

Ho ho ho! Christmas is coming and Santa Jack brings you some gifts. For, as the saying goes, it is more blessed to give than to receive._previews_blog_xmas2014
I've put a "few" new items in the 'machine, but since my usual preview picture would probably go beyond the constraints of the blog, I've posted it after the jump ... 😉

Continue reading

HM3: More Stuff From The Thrift Shop

As promised, here a few more new items for the 'machine. Enjoy! (That's an order!) 😉

They are online now, but you might have to clear your cache to see them ...

HM3: It’s cold outside, you should cover your head.

So, after a longer hiatus I finally managed to put a few new items in the 'machine. More to follow soon ...


Hope you like them! 😉

International Day Against Homophobia

Hope you don't mind, but I just wanted to remember you that today is the International Day Against Homophobia & Transphobia.

(Image removed for violating the PG-13 rating I try to maintain around here. -- Jeff)

If you want to know more about this day, continue reading here:

More Stufffffffffffffffffffff

Yeah, I know - I've made myself scarce lately. But don't worry, I'm still around and working on some stuff nevertheless. And so I give you without further ado the results of this work:


Hope you like it... 😉

Heads Up!

I've just returned from a space trip to the Croa and brought along some souvenirs from their trophy room. Hopefully they do not notice that something is missing.
These helmets can now be found in Headgear/Modern. Enjoy! 😉