Author Archives: Kaldath

ATTN: Moderators and Blog Authors

Forum Moderators: 

JR & dblade; Jeff has restored your permission levels to moderator so now you once again have the ability to moderator posts in the forums. If you need help figuring out the new moderation tools drop me an email

HammerKnight & Djuby: You both have also been restored to moderator status. I know you have both stepped down due to real life issues that have made it so you could not devote the time you used to to the forum, but you both are very valuable members of the community and after talking with Jeff we decided to let you remain as Honorary / part time moderators. If either of you would like to have your moderatorship fulling revoked drop me an email and I will see to it, otherwise you are stuck with us!!!!

Moderators and Blog Authors: With the forums no longer allowing private messaging, at least until Ben finishes writing a new plug in for it, Jeff and I will need a list of all your email addresses so we can contact you at need. Please drop us both an email at  and



I am looking for one or two of our female community members to join our Staff here as Moderators and also possible Blog authors. If any of you ladies are interest in the position drop me an email and we will discuss it.

Kaldath’s Caption Contest #45

It is again time for our weekly caption contest and this week your challenge is to give your best dialogue for this image:

Thundercats 1


The normal rules apply, which are: You are limited to Three (3) entries which are due by 11:59 PM Eastern Time on Tuesday October 7th.  Of course I as always expect you to keep your entries no worse then PG-13 in nature and that you follow all the normal rules of the forum when writing your caption for the above image. That being said I wish you all Good luck!

Kaldath’s Caption Contest #44 – Results

Last week I asked you all to give me your best dialogue for the following image:

SM and DP

After a bit of a delay in the judging here are my top five entries.


1. Spider-Man: What the hell is all of this?
Deadpool: Hey, I was created by Rob Liefeld.


Mr. Q

Deadpool: I call it the Liefeld look.
Spider-Man: I call it gaudy and unnecessary.



S: What’s with the belt-buckle that looks like my face?

D: It looks like you’re sticking your tongue out when you pee!



SM- Don’t you think this is overkill for a kid’s show appearance?
DP- Those 8 year olds can be a tough crowd.


Ubiquitous Pixel

Spider-man: Can’t tell if all this makes me feel heavier or if it’s the ego attached to it…

Deadpool: Defiantly a little a heavy since it flattened your spidey feet!


And our winner is ...................................................


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Caption Results and New Contest Delayed

Well machiners I need to apologize. today was a busy hectic day for me, so much so that I plum forgot it was Wednesday and that I needed to Judge last weeks Caption contest and put up a new one today. I will have that done tonight if possible, but more likely I won't be able to get to it until tomorrow afternoon. Once again I apologize for the delay.

Kaldath's Caption Contest #44

Once more into the breach we go my friends! It's "Caption Contest" time once more and as usually I turn to you fellow machiners to come up with your craziest, wittiest, and down right funniest dialogue for the following image!!

SM and DP


The normal rules apply, which are: You are limited to Three (3) entries which are due by 11:59 PM Eastern Time on Tuesday September 30th.  Of course I as always expect you to keep your entries no worse then PG-13 in nature and that you follow all the normal rules of the forum when writing your caption for the above image. That being said I wish you all Good luck!

Kaldath’s Caption Contest # 43 – Results

Last week I asked you all to give me you funniest dialogue for this image:

Clark Kent face


After reviewing the entries these are my top five from those submitted:


Superboy: What the heck is wrong with this chick…?


SB: (This artist sucks!)

PG: My EYES are HUGE and my NOSE is GONE!

Herr D
SB: What’s she obsessing about NOW?


SB: Is she okay?

PG: I’ve seen the future of our universe! 52 WHY!?!


PG- “Like OMG! That is sooo totally lame. Like gag me with a spoon!”

SB- “Which ’80s are we in again?”


and our winner is ..........................


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Kaldath's Caption Contest # 43

Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls! Gather round for it is once again time for our weekly caption contest. This week I want your funniest dialogue for the following image:

Clark Kent face


The usual rules apply, You are limited to Three (3) entries which are due by 11:59 PM Eastern Time on Tuesday September 23rd.  Of course I as always expect you to keep your entries no worse then PG-13 in nature and that you follow all the normal rules of the forum when writing your caption for the above image. That being said I wish you all Good luck!

Kaldath's Caption Contest #42 – Results

Greeting Folks, Sorry for the delay in judging this weeks caption contest, I had a busy day and just got home. So Lets get to it!

Last week I asked you to give me your best dialogue for the following image:

CB and DP 1

And As usually here are my top five entries:

Deadpool: Hey, we’re starring in a caption contest
Captain Britain: Caption… what?

Captain Britain: “As ridiculous as this is, it’s the only way to keep Deadpool from learning the true nature of our mission.”
Deadpool: “Too bad for him, I already read this issue like, six times.”

Someone Else
Captain Britain: What he doesn’t know is that I’m not really Captain Britain!
Deadpool: What HE doesn’t know is I can read his thought balloons.

Deadpool: Sooo C.B. now that I look the part can I make the moves on The Queen?
Captain Britain: Wow! Wolverine was right, you really are a bloody twit!

Deadpool: So what fashion school taught you to dress like that again?
Captain Britain: Elementary, my dear Deadpool. Elementary.

and the winner is ............................

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Kaldath's Caption Contest #42

It is once again time for our weekly Caption Contest, and as usual your challenge is to give me you best dialogue for both word bubble in this image:

CB and DP 1

The usual rules apply, You are limited to Three (3) entries which are due by 11:59 PM Eastern Time on Tuesday September 16th.  Of course I as always expect you to keep your entries no worse then PG-13 in nature and that you follow all the normal rules of the forum when writing your caption for the above image. That being said I wish you all Good luck!



Kaldath's Caption Contest #41 – Results

Last week I asked for your best dialogue for the following image:

shadow cat 1

Here are my top five entries:

RobM - “So who’s this Jabba the Hutt fellow, now, and what does he want with me?”
Skybandit - J. J. Abrams cast me as “Transporter Accident.”
JR19759 - Is this how you break the fourth wall Wade?
Phatchick - OK, guys, the coast is clear. We’re sneaking into Gaurdians.
MadJack - So, that`s what`s on the other side of that stargate …
and the winner is ...................................

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