Author Archives: Hammerknight

Character Contest Winner’s Poll

Here is what we've been waiting for, the poll to decide who will be the winner for the month of December. The winner of the month will win a prize from dblade. Good luck to all four. Polls will close Friday January 4th at midnight.

[polldaddy poll="6801023"]

Character Contest #H04 “Exoskeleton” Winner


page 1 page 2page 3page 4page 5Winner #4

Good job to everyone. Congrats Kellkin.

Quick Note

This is a quick note to put out a few tidbits of information.

1. Moderator approval; I try to get the comment approved as fast as I can but sometimes a few things in real life slows things up (Sleep) so please be patient with me they will be approved.

2. Copyright material; please avoid saying that your characters are based on or looks like a copyrighted character. This will keep Jeff and the rest of us out of trouble.

3. Characters that are enter in a contest should be available for me to pull up and view for the complete week. I judge on Sundays and Mondays and if I can not pull up your character it will not be entered in the contest. This starts now, because this is the second week in a row that this has happen and I tried like crazy last week to give a person a chance but they did not reply, so as of today I will no longer waste time tracking down characters.

4. Negative Critique; please save your negative comments to Open Critique Day, don't post them in contests and challenges. Everyone has a chance to win. Plus use your critique to help a person, not to hurt them. In other words, say it nice or don't say it at all.

I would like to add that my wife, Isia, has been doing a lot to help me with the blogs and I would like to thank her for it.

Character Contest #H05 “Musketeers”

This week's contest to to create your own team of Musketeers, three or four which ever you like.


Have fun no limits this week.


Quick and Easy Challenge H#02 Winner


A lot of great entries this week, but I can only pick 1 page 2page 3page 4Winner

Great job Renxin.

Weekend Open Critique #H4

The Weekend Open Critique is now open. A request was made to have Open Critique on the weekend for the people that work during the week. This will also allow me to doing the contest judging on Sundays so I can get them ready to post on Mondays. So enlighten us with the wonders of your art and we will make you wonder with our enlighten critique. Say what you may, but say it in a nice way.

Quick and Easy Challenge H#02

This challenge will be head and shoulder above the rest. That is Head Gear and Shoulders to go above and beyond. This week you can only use items from the "Head Gear" and "Shoulders"(left or right). The challenge is to build the best space fighter craft.











So have fun, no limit this week.

Winner will be posted Sunday afternoon/evening.

Kid’s Korner #1


Welcome to Kid's Korner, a place for  you and your kids to get together and have fun with HM.  So pull up your chairs and take the challenge. I few years ago I designed "Art Heads."














Here is a base character so that you can have the right sizes to use. You are allowed to change items to make male or female characters, but the sizes need to stay the same. You can add clothing and accessories.

So for your challenge this week, "Wizards, Witches, and Warlocks", yes that is right, show me the magic.

Rules for posting your characters are the same as any other contest or challenge. No limit. So have fun with your kids. I will post the winners on Monday, so you can have all weekend to work on your characters. Still no prizes for challenges, but for this one you get to spend times with your kids and that is better then any prize.

P.S. Open Critique is being moved to Thursdays and Sundays to allow for people that work during the week to share in the fun.

Strike a Pose Challenge #1

For this challenge I will post a pose and it is up to you to dress it. The pose has to stay the same from the neck down. You can change the face and head shape. Add to it what you want to for clothing, hair, etc. For the first pose in the challenge I am using one of ams's action poses. A big thank you goes out to ams for allowing me to use his poses.

Female Action Pose by ams

Remember at this time there are still no prizes for challenges.

Character Contest #H03 Winner

This week's contest was to design a 70's type character. Everyone did a great job with these. It was a hard decision to pick a winner. Below are the characters that were submitted. Some characters were not listed because we could not access them with the link provided. We picked out our top 5 favorites, although they were ALL good. The top 5 are labeled in no particular order. I hope you enjoyed this challenge as much as I did. Congrats to all who entered for a job well done, and Congrats to the winner.

Ultimately, we picked ams' "Hai Karate." This character pretty much screams 70's because, let's face it, who didn't have/want a set of nunchucks? Congratulations ams, and to everyone else, keep the characters coming.