Author Archives: Hammerknight

Character Contest #H09 ā€œHorror Movieā€ Winner

There were a lot of awesome designs this week. The winner this week is Kellkin. Sorry for the short and sweet but I've been busy.


Quick and Easy Challenge #7 ā€œWild Cardā€ Winner

Here it is, a little late but it's here. Keith_Kanin-RoyalFlush_zpsfa0f1228 Everyone did a great job this week.

The winner this week is Keith Kanin.

It has been a busy few day, along with my wife and I having colds, so this has to be short and sweet.


Weekend Open Critique Day #H10

It's time again for a weekend OCD. Let us see if we can help you.

Character Contest #H10 “Old West Villains”

This weeks contest takes us back in time to America's old west. Gunslingers and Indian fighters, stage coaches, and the pony express. Your challenge is to create the villain of an old west story. The bad guy that wanted to kill every good guy and still his woman. The guy that every man with a badge had to fight. I'm going to put a limit of three entries per person this week. Have fun and good

Quick and Easy Challenge #7 ā€œWild Cardā€

In today's challenge you can create anything you want, but it must be done as a playing card. That's right a playing card(not any other type of card) the good old cards you would use in a poker game. Good Luck.

Share Day #H4

For today's share day I would like to set a topic. What Comic Book Hero did you want to be when you were a kid and why?

There was more than just one for me.Ā  Three easily come to mind, Batman, Green Arrow, and SGT. Rock.

1st.- Batman, what kid didn't want to be Batman? Here was this guy that had the money to buy and do anything that he wanted to, but he decided to fight crime instead. I wouldn't say we were dirt poor, but we were pretty dang close, so seeing someone with money wanting to help out was really cool. All of his weapons were not that too far fetched, and as a kid you can believe I tried to make a lot of them. He had the coolest car and other vehicles out there, heck I still would love to take a ride in the Bat Mobile. Then you had the pretty girls that hung around him. What little boy didn't have a crush on Bat Girl or Catwoman?

2nd.- Green Arrow, a lot of the same reasons I liked Batman for are the same for Green Arrow. But, he had a bow! Anytime I had a chance to make and shoot a bow you can sure enough bet I was doing so. One of my best presents ever as a kid was my J.C. Penny's practice bow that my mom gave me. And I can say that she never regreted it one bit, it got me outside and out of her hair. Yes I was very safe using it to. I even tried to make some of GA's trick arrows, most of which didn't work for me like they did for him.

3rd.- SGT. Rock, he was a great soldier fighting for his country, this was something that I knew I could grow up to be. The very first SGT. Rock cover I saw, wow I had to get that book. Here he was surrounded by the enemy and all he had to fight them with was an ammo belt from a machine gun, and he was kicking butt. When I was of age I did join the military and I made my way up in rank. I was proud to be able to serve my country, and I am still proud of my service and my country.

Okay, enough from me lets hear from you.

Open Critique Day #H10

HMers' Assemble! Come forth and show us your art. Take down the evil doers by asking for help with any troubles you are having. Take giant leaps and bounds over the obstacles that are holding up your art work. With comments comes great critiques. (Sorry Stan Lee moment there) Bring it on, show us what you have and we will tell you what we think.

word balloon POW



Wednesday Night Special Anime/Manga Challenge #3 ā€œVampireā€ Poll

Here is your chanceĀ  to vote for the best Character.

[polldaddy poll="6863903"]

Character Contest #H08 ā€œAtlantis Revealedā€ Winner

There were a lot of great entries this week. Seeing what other people think about a subject like Atlantis is very cool. Everyone looks through a different window in life, it is hard to picture what others see, until you you are able to see the picture they have in their minds. And I believe that HM allows us to do just that. I narrowed it down to the top six this week. Here they are in no particular order.

Atlantian_zps4ee71201 Kellkin

Kellkin- Is becoming one of the fast rising stars here in HM. This is a wonderful design. Great colors for the character, they make her standout. Very nicely designed background.




Jr19759-This is a very strong character. A very well put together design.




Djuby- What can I say, your character made me hungry for some crab legs. lolĀ  Great job with the legs and the transition from the legs to the body.




Headlessgeneral- Characters like this make me wonder about the designs you could come up with if you had a head. Great work. He looks like he is ready to take on anything that would come his way.




Scatman- Wow, she is great, one of the better tail designs I've seen on HM.




Scatman- You are making a habit of having more than one of your characters hit the top list. Great colors and design.



The winner for this week is Scatman. Great work.












I would like to thank my wife for helping me judge these contest. Everyone's characters were great. I would love to have the time to set down and do a write up on each character, but at this time I do not have the time. Just because your character was not included in the top list doesn't mean that I did not like it.





Character Contest #H09 “Horror Movie”

This week you need to design the main character of your very own Horror Movie. Scare us with the scariest character out there. You have to make us want to go out and get a loan so we can see the movie.





How to have you character disqualified:

#1-Not naming the file correctly. Have your name first and then your character's name (just like the picture included shows), in the file's name.

#2-Unable to right click and save. If the site you have your character on will not allow me to right click and save your character, I will not enter it in the contest.

Please follow these rules there are to many wonderful characters that may lose out.