Author Archives: Hammerknight

Share Day #H6

Time to share. What is your favorite Super Hero/Villain costume ever? Tell us what you like the most about it. Tell us why you believe it is the best.

I would have to say that the old blue and gray Batman costume with the black on yellow symbol would be mine. The yellow belt was alright too, but I must say that I do like the military style of belt better,  because it is more realistic then the little tubes. I just don't think you could fit everything in those tubes, even if the stuff is designed to be compact. In the military, as a carpenter, and as a prison guard, I had to try to fit everything I needed into belts and it is not all that easy. The blue and gray costume said more about Batman to me, it did not give him the darker soul that the black one does. Yes he wants to scare the bad guys, but he also need to let the people he is helping know that he is there to help them and not hurt them. I believe that in the movie "Year One" some of that is covered. I also think he had a tighter grip on his life in the blue and gray costume. The black one takes away that grip and doesn't let him touch base with reality.

So let's hear what you have to say.

Open Critique Day #H13

Here it is, time again for OCD. Let us see what you have been working on, and we will be happy to give you our opinions.

Character Contest #H10 “Old West Villains” Winner

Great job on all the entries this week. This week's winner jumped way out of the box.  dJuby did a wonderful job with a side view character. Congrats dJuby.

djuby bloody mary











P.S. Colds are kicking our butts here at the house. I'm hoping to get back to more in depth post here before long.

Character Contest #H11 “Game’s On”

The Game is on this week. Design a hero that is based on a sport. Knock me out of the ball park with your designs. Limit three entries per person this week.bat smack



Quick and Easy Challenge #8 “Saddle Up” Winner

The winner this week is Calvary_Red. It made me laugh when I saw it, and brought back childhood memories. Great job. I would like to thank everyone for entering this week.

Calvary_Red Win

Weekend Open Critique Day #H12

Here we are again. Today is a day to share with us your art. Post it and we will be happy to help you out by making suggestions.

Quick and Easy Challenge #8 “Saddle Up”

Today's challenge is to take a companion and design a saddle for it. No rider needed all we have to see is the saddle on the companion. Have fun. Limit one entry per

Character Design Contest Winners for January 2013 Poll

For the month of January there are five winners. Contest #9 started on January 28th, this means more then half of the contest time was in January. (Believe it or not February will have four winners.) So take some time and vote for the best character. Poll will be open thru Febuary 15 until midnight. Good luck everyone. The winner will win a prize from our prize giver DBlade, the Mighty and Wise. (I have to suck up a little to get the prizes for you. lol)[polldaddy poll="6888138"]

Share Day #H5

Today will be an open share day, so almost anything goes. Let's here what you have to say.

Open Critique Day #H11

Here it is again, time to let us see what you have been working on.