Author Archives: AFDStudios

Fists are American poison?

(From "Cat-Man Comics" volume 2, number 5, 1941.)

30 Characters Challenge #5: Cap'n Blight

Caption Challenge 133: On the Internet, no one can hear you scream

It's time for another new Caption Challenge! This week you're tasked with coming up with the best replacement dialog for this comics panel:

I'll pick out some as my personal favorites to highlight in a post next Monday, and then I'll choose one of those to bear the standard as the "Featured Creator of the Week" atop the right column.

All entries must be left as a comment (or comments) to this post. Keep ‘em clean (appropriate for a late-night broadcast TV show), but most importantly, keep ‘em funny!

No limit to entries, but please, self-edit and only put up ones you genuinely think are good!

(Original image from

Scary Character Challenge Results

Many thanks to everyone who took on the "Scary" character challenge last week. We had some great entries and I encourage you to check out the comments of the original post to see them all.

I went through and picked out some of my favorites to share with you here:

I was pretty selective this time, so all of these are really great in my opinion. Picking just one is particularly difficult, which surprises me because, frankly, horror stuff isn't really my thing. But especially among djuby, Marquis Samedi, dblade, Thundersong, nha247 & jr19759 (both of which I think might have been entered before?) and Iscarioto, I had a tough time picking just one overall favorite to highlight.

It might be because my first few "30 Character" submissions have leaned towards the Steampunk end of things, but I find myself ultimately selecting djuby's way cool "Steam Ripper". Both in concept and execution I think it's stellar:

Sincere thanks again to everyone who entered for sharing your creativity and time with us!

The Secret Origins of Names

Clown Pop Quiz Results

Thanks to everyone who took up the last Pop Quiz, which challenged you to come up with a cool clown. Unfortunately the entries by Kellkin and Shadowmancer weren't named properly and won't count. But, here they all are:

There are some great ones in there, but I'm going with Harlequin's on this one.

Thanks again, everyone!

30 Characters Challenge #4: Tommy Two-Top and Tripod

"30 Characters in 30 Days Challenge" number 4, Tommy Two-Top and Tripod:

30 Characters Challenge #3: Madame Brouillard

Day 3 of the "30 Characters in 30 Days Challenge", Madame Brouillard:

Pop Quiz: Clowning Around

Quit clowning around and get busy!

I thought after Halloween we could use a little cheering up, so your one-day challenge this week is:

Make an awesome clown in HeroMachine 3!

Happy clown, funny clown, scary clown, evil clown, you name it, just make it great. You can do just a face, just a head, just the clown, or a whole scene, whatever you like.

You only get one entry -- that's right, just one! So make it your best. Most of the other rules are the same as for a regular challenge, but instead of a whole week I'll announce my favorites some time tomorrow. Here's how to make an entry:

(Click to embiggen.)

I'll pick one entry as my personal favorite, which will get to be featured in the side bar to the right for ultimate glory! As a bonus you're allowed to say you won the Internet for a few days.

Good luck!

Meals are a lot less fun when you can communicate with them telepathically