Re: The Reactor Core (The Atomic Punk’s Archive)

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The Atomic Punk

Thanks for the feedback, Kaylin. I have gone through the tutorials and studied various examples of Zypping. It is a really neat effect that adds a lot of dimension and pizzazz. Many HMers that have mastered the technique with incredible results.
Alas, not me.

48 – The Circus is in Town!

I’m not a big fan of the circus. Clowns are creepy. These are some of my laziest designs given my lack of interest in the subject. So I am going to post just a couple of entries.

First is a circus performer, an acrobat. The original is from HeroMachine 2.5; the second is an HM 3 re-design. Not too thrilled with the HM3 version. He’s supposed to be standing on a ball. The ball is flat. Here is where a bit of Zypping would create the 3D effect that could have saved this picture.

Circus Performer HM 2.5

HM 3 Beta
