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Black Griffin
Howdy Howdy Howdy, I’m still around I’ve just been wrapping up school things and helping a friend modify a computer game into a multiplayer game centered around a school of magic, whose name I’m desperately tip-toeing around since I’m not sure of the copyright laws.
anyway, you guys want to see my latest act of heromachinieness, not me babbling.
The Terrific Two-some of Crotch Rocket and Banana Hammock.These two are members of the Third Hero Squad, a group of heroes so bad that they didn’t even make the Junior Varsity team but instead were put into the ‘Special’ team.
Crotch Rocket has the unfortunate power of being able to shoot fire out of his groin area with pelvic thrusts. a very awkward power for many…situations.
Banana Hammock was a great hero when he started out, First Hero Squad golden boy and all that. after a night of partying and one to many blows to the head by some super-villain or another he was demoted to the Third Hero Squad…why? he developed a strange personality defect that made him completely obsessed with all things Banana.
and No the Terrific Two-some aren’t a couple…at least…not that anyone can prove.