Re: dblade’s Whiz Bang Item Dispenser

Home Forums The HeroMachine Art Gallery dblade's Whiz Bang Item Dispenser Re: dblade’s Whiz Bang Item Dispenser



I’m not sure if I get a prize for coming in at a tie, but in case I do here’s my request:

ItemRight -> Miscellaneous -> Swaddled Infant:

Color 1 – blanket, color 2 – Infant skin.

I had to make a baby from scratch before and it wasn’t easy. To keep it easy, let’s make that baby bald because it’s easier to add hair than take it off. Face-wise, they all look like big-nosed aliens in the early days, so generic is better.

I also hope this isn’t too close to the ban on “companions,” because this is something people would have to hold. If it is, let me know and I’ll pick something else.