Re: Anarchangel’s Archive

Home Forums The HeroMachine Art Gallery Anarchangel’s Archive Re: Anarchangel’s Archive



I’ve been experimenting with a character/characters that I may have remade on the old forums almost as much as I remade American dream but never made it to this thread until now. The “twins”, Sugar & Sin.


Callie West’s struggle with her inner demon’s is a little more real than most peoples. Her inner demon is her “sister” Kayla. This dark mirror image of Callie constantly whispers in her ear, trying to convince her to commit all manner of evil deeds. What’s worse though is that Kayla isn’t just limited to being a voice in Callie’s head. She can take control of Callie’s body and actually bring her own physical form into this world, swapping places with Callie in the process. But then the tables are turned and Callie takes it upon herself to urge Kayla to perform good deeds. Not that either is required to do as the other says of course. Callie and Kayla are constantly bickering with one another, despite the fact that only one of them has a physical form at a time.

No one is entirely sure if there really are two different people inhabiting Callie’s body or if she’s just an extremely troubled meta-human trying to make sense of her body’s transformations by inventing the personality of Kayla. One thing is clear though, Kayla has the potential to be extremely dangerous and it is only the good natured Callie who can keep her from unleashing her own brand of hell.
